August 7, 2016 – Treasures from the Shadow

Rev. Sheila Gautreaux, L.U.T.
“Treasures From The Shadow”

From Debbie Ford, one of my teachers:
“The shadow contains all the parts of ourselves that we try to hide, deny or suppress… Most of us expend huge amounts of energy …to hide our bad qualities from those around us – even from ourselves.
The result of turning our backs on our dark side? A life that slips by only half lived. Dreams … never realized…lay buried… Until we make peace with our shadow we will continue to be at war with ourselves…What we resist persists …Until we take back our power and forgive ourselves for being human we will attract people who push our buttons… All we have to do is look at how the outer world treats us. If we’re not getting the respect, love and appreciation we desire from the outer world, it’s more than likely we aren’t giving these things to ourselves… The whole world is a mirror of our own consciousness, and when we make peace with the disowned aspects of ourselves, we make peace with the world.”

We are on the threshold of a quantum shift in consciousness. What comes up to be revealed comes up to be healed. 90% of our shadow is formed between the ages of 7 to 10 from what we heard or thought we heard. “Don’t be so selfish.” “That other kid is always so kind. He shares his toys.” We hear the difference and want to be unselfish and so we give our selfs away. There is resentment underneath. We are whole; there are times to give to others and times to give to self. The law of the universe is giving and receiving. This means loving our shadows. It gives us balance. It is not selfish but self-full. There is good buried within.

A young fellow told me he was 8 when he was introduced to violence. His life became violence and drugs until he got his teenage girlfriend pregnant. Then he knew he had to bring peace into his life. He found balance becoming a pro in martial arts. Another person this morning said she wakes up with her shadow every morning and pretty much goes through the day in it. It is a method of protection, but becomes so uncomfortable we project it on others. So remember, when you’re pointing you finger at someone, the other 3 fingers are pointing back at you. We have to own it, recognize it’s part of us. As we take ownership of what is expressed it disappears. In the 23rd psalm the Death in the Valley is that stuff. It does not want to be denied. It seeks recognition. But we can heal.

The steps for healing are IAAAFLC (not the Aflac duck; refer to the handout attached). I is for inventory of the stuff we’ve buried. A is assessment, where it came from; how it started. The next A is acceptance; then A for appreciate it, bring self care in. F for forgive. Forgive it, forgive yourself, your parents, siblings. They did the best that they could at the time. L: love. I can’t expect you to love me if I don’t. C is compassion for your shadow, your self, for the expression of it in today’s world. They’re doing the best they can with what they have. If they knew better they’d do better.

We are close to 1% of the world population being at the higher level (the critical mass). We are created in the image and likeness of that which created the world! We can do it!

I love and accept myself just the way I am in all my Power and Magnificence! I love and accept myself just the way I am in all my Power and Magnificence! I love and accept myself just the way I am in all my Power and Magnificence!


August 7, 2016 – Treasures from the Shadow

Rev. Sheila Gautreaux, L.U.T.
“Treasures from the Shadow”

From Debbie Ford, one of my teachers:
“The shadow contains all the parts of ourselves that we try to hide, deny or suppress… Most of us expend huge amounts of energy …to hide our bad qualities from those around us – even from ourselves.

The result of turning our backs on our dark side? A life that slips by only half lived. Dreams … never realized…lay buried… Until we make peace with our shadow we will continue to be at war with ourselves…What we resist persists …Until we take back our power and forgive ourselves for being human we will attract people who push our buttons… All we have to do is look at how the outer world treats us. If we’re not getting the respect, love and appreciation we desire from the outer world, it’s more than likely we aren’t giving these things to ourselves… The whole world is a mirror of our own consciousness, and when we make peace with the disowned aspects of ourselves, we make peace with the world.”

We are on the threshold of a quantum shift in consciousness. What comes up to be revealed comes up to be healed. 90% of our shadow is formed between the ages of 7 to 10 from what we heard or thought we heard. “Don’t be so selfish.” “That other kid is always so kind. He shares his toys.” We hear the difference and want to be unselfish and so we give our selfs away. There is resentment underneath. We are whole; there are times to give to others and times to give to self. The law of the universe is giving and receiving. This means loving our shadows. It gives us balance. It is not selfish but self-full. There is good buried within.

A young fellow told me he was 8 when he was introduced to violence. His life became violence and drugs until he got his teenage girlfriend pregnant. Then he knew he had to bring peace into his life. He found balance becoming a pro in martial arts. Another person this morning said she wakes up with her shadow every morning and pretty much goes through the day in it. It is a method of protection, but becomes so uncomfortable we project it on others. So remember, when you’re pointing you finger at someone, the other 3 fingers are pointing back at you. We have to own it, recognize it’s part of us. As we take ownership of what is expressed it disappears. In the 23rd psalm the Death in the Valley is that stuff. It does not want to be denied. It seeks recognition. But we can heal.

The steps for healing are IAAAFLC (not the Aflac duck; refer to the handout attached). I is for inventory of the stuff we’ve buried. A is assessment, where it came from; how it started. The next A is acceptance; then A for appreciate it, bring self care in. F for forgive. Forgive it, forgive yourself, your parents, siblings. They did the best that they could at the time. L: love. I can’t expect you to love me if I don’t. C is compassion for your shadow, your self, for the expression of it in today’s world. They’re doing the best they can with what they have. If they knew better they’d do better.

We are close to 1% of the world population being at the higher level (the critical mass). We are created in the image and likeness of that which created the world! We can do it!

I love and accept myself just the way I am in all my Power and Magnificence! I love and accept myself just the way I am in all my Power and Magnificence! I love and accept myself just the way I am in all my Power and Magnificence!

July 31, 2016 – The Wisdom of the Heart

07/31/16 Rev. Denese Shellink
“The Wisdom of the Heart”

I’m not always clear on what I should do, but I do pay attention and I listen to my heart. I’m reading “The Power of The Heart” by Baptist de Pape. He recounts how he had prepared for a career in law and was offered a position with a prestigious firm. But when it came time to sign the contract he couldn’t do it. He had a “broken open” heart experience where his heart told him not to sign. The heart is the portal to the divine. When God says, “Hello! You’re not moving in the path best for you,” it can be very painful before the joy comes through.

Did you know the heart produces the hormone oxytocin? It magnifies the love/connection we long for. We are here to love and be a non-anxious presence. We are here at Unity to awaken to who we came here to be. I don’t just want to learn about God, I want to KNOW God.

Baptist de Pape came out of his devastating change when he, fortunately, saw Eckhart Tolle and Oprah Winfrey’s series on The New Earth. At one level our world is in turmoil. We are at a paradigm shift of consciousness, hospicing the old and birthing the new. We live in both. We live in the place of unity, seeing the Christ in one another, and then we go out in the world, and we say, “Who are these people?”

Paradigm one has an air of fear, distrust, “I’m right; you’re wrong,” separation, miscommunication, win/lose. There’s the anxiousness: “you’ve done something to me.” We can believe it or rise above and shift our consciousness.
Paradigm two is one of cooperaton, of “enough”, of generosity, love, trust, acceptance. No one is against me. The entire universe is here for me. It is one of infinite possibilities. Abundance is here and now. What someone else thinks of me is none of my business. Yes!

The two paradigms are colliding. There’s upset. Our job is to hold the space between them. “Out beyond right and wrong I will meet you there.” (Rumi) That’s where we want to dance, where we honor all and everyone gets to come to the table. Learn to be that non-anxious presence. Heal. Embrace the human and express the spiritual. Know your shadow! If we can embrace what it is we can create a world for all. Then your gift comes easy.

Colonel Sanders retired when he was 65. His first monthly Social Security check was only $105! That’s when I believe his heart opened. He asked himself what was his gift, what could he do to have more? He knew that he made great chicken. He began by selling it to his neighbors and you know he soon made millions.

There’s a story about a pair of twins in the womb. They laugh and play and feel it’s great to be alive. “How great is our mother’s love that she shares her life with us!” “Maybe there’s life after birth.” They saw that others had been there before them, but none returned to tell if there was life after birth. Neither had actually seen their mom. Had they made her up? But at birth they cried for joy because she exceeded their dreams!

Be the presence of peace and create the new Earth. Thank you God for this day of awakening and remembering why we came, for this day of convergency of the 2 paradigms. Thank you for our incarnation. Thank you that our divine is expressing. Thank you God! So it is.


July 24, 2016 – What Am I Contributing Now?

07/24/16 Rev. David McArthur
“What Am I Contributing Now?”

Doc Childre has said he believes the soul and the true self are aspects of our being that vibrate at a higher frequency or consciousness than our everyday awareness, until our everyday self merges with it. My perception is that humanity’s purpose is to raise that vibration. What are you contributing to this upleveling? What is our part?

Every time you feel an uplevel, a harmony, you feel good, don’t you? But often we feel we’re in an uncomfortable place. It’s an inner compass. How do we transform that discomfort into wholeness? We do have programs, but in just ordinary time we’re just hanging out, feeling blah, whatever. Wouldn’t it be different if we made that ordinary time an extraordinary contribution?

Make this difference by stepping into 2 frequencies/feelings/energies: ease and appreciation. I find they flow together in an amazing way. When we’re resting in ease/appreciation, our hearts are open and the spiritual consciousness flows through us. It’s a core, foundational energy of the soul when harmony, divine order, is felt as natural. It’s simple, easy, to get there. Appreciation is one of the easiest ones to get to—there’s so much to appreciate!

Kathryn and I were backpacking in Wyoming when suddenly there were snowcapped mountains in front of us and at our feet this beautiful mountain meadow full of flowers. It was a moment when my head forgot to do anything. What ease and appreciation in that beauty! It was just “Wow!” A moment to see the world differently. Day in and day out we can choose, “I am easing into appreciation.” Spirit is moving through us. We’ve opened that door. We’ve invited it in.

I spoke last week of Evelyn who was orphaned at 16. She had been a 4.0 student, joined all the clubs and looked forward to going to a prestigious university. After her mother died she dropped out of the clubs, neglected her studies. She went to the local college. It was easier. Her older sister, who had become her guardian, insisted she enter the Miss Teen America pageant, and it was easier to go than to argue with her sister. But the says she felt a different energy there. Although she was eliminated in the first round, she and her sister stayed. She says she appreciated the girls’ poise. She remembered when she had felt that confidence. I believe the pressure was off and she entered into a state of ease. Spirit showed her how far her depression had taken her. She had been depressed for years. But this time she ‘got it’.

When we’re just hanging out in ease, Spirit shows up. One day, from our cabin in Montana I was gazing at the incredible beauty. I was not thinking about the legal practice I just started, or about my application to teach environmental law at the college. I was in ease. And I got the idea I should apply to Unity ministerial school—without any good reason why I should. In ease, you have a time when Spirit says, “Now that I have your attention…!”

Jesus told us in Matthew 11:28, “All you who are weary and burdened… Take my yoke upon you and …you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy and my burden is light.” That’s the experience of ease.

Say with me, I am easing into appreciation. I am easing into appreciation. I am easing into appreciation. Isn’t that a beautiful place to hang out? Journey each day easing into appreciation!


July 24, 2016 – What Am I Contributing Now?

07/24/16 Rev. David McArthur
“What Am I Contributing Now?”

Doc Childre has said he believes the soul and the true self are aspects of our being that vibrate at a higher frequency or consciousness than our everyday awareness, until our everyday self merges with it. My perception is that humanity’s purpose is to raise that vibration. What are you contributing to this upleveling? What is our part?

Every time you feel an uplevel, a harmony, you feel good, don’t you? But often we feel we’re in an uncomfortable place. It’s an inner compass. How do we transform that discomfort into wholeness? We do have programs, but in just ordinary time we’re just hanging out, feeling blah, whatever. Wouldn’t it be different if we made that ordinary time an extraordinary contribution?

Make this difference by stepping into 2 frequencies/feelings/energies: ease and appreciation. I find they flow together in an amazing way. When we’re resting in ease/appreciation, our hearts are open and the spiritual consciousness flows through us. It’s a core, foundational energy of the soul when harmony, divine order, is felt as natural. It’s simple, easy, to get there. Appreciation is one of the easiest ones to get to—there’s so much to appreciate!

Kathryn and I were backpacking in Wyoming when suddenly there were snowcapped mountains in front of us and at our feet this beautiful mountain meadow full of flowers. It was a moment when my head forgot to do anything. What ease and appreciation in that beauty! It was just “Wow!” A moment to see the world differently. Day in and day out we can choose, “I am easing into appreciation.” Spirit is moving through us. We’ve opened that door. We’ve invited it in.

I spoke last week of Evelyn who was orphaned at 16. She had been a 4.0 student, joined all the clubs and looked forward to going to a prestigious university. After her mother died she dropped out of the clubs, neglected her studies. She went to the local college. It was easier. Her older sister, who had become her guardian, insisted she enter the Miss Teen America pageant, and it was easier to go than to argue with her sister. But the says she felt a different energy there. Although she was eliminated in the first round, she and her sister stayed. She says she appreciated the girls’ poise. She remembered when she had felt that confidence. I believe the pressure was off and she entered into a state of ease. Spirit showed her how far her depression had taken her. She had been depressed for years. But this time she ‘got it’.

When we’re just hanging out in ease, Spirit shows up. One day, from our cabin in Montana I was gazing at the incredible beauty. I was not thinking about the legal practice I just started, or about my application to teach environmental law at the college. I was in ease. And I got the idea I should apply to Unity ministerial school—without any good reason why I should. In ease, you have a time when Spirit says, “Now that I have your attention…!”
Jesus told us in Matthew 11:28, “All you who are weary and burdened… Take my yoke upon you and …you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy and my burden is light.” That’s the experience of ease.

Say with me, I am easing into appreciation. I am easing into appreciation. I am easing into appreciation. Isn’t that a beautiful place to hang out? Journey each day easing into appreciation!

July 10, 2016 – Times Of Turmoil Need Love

07/10/16 Rev. David McArthur
“Times Of Turmoil Need Love”

We witness violence to others. We feel pain. We wonder how much is ours and how to respond. We’re all spiritual beings hanging out in this physical thing. So we look to our spirituality to see how to read this week’s events.

Day after day, year after year, the actions of millions of people have been calling to our desire to wake up. As we struggle to learn this personally it moves out of our unconsciousness into our consciousness. Love brings up patterns of our collective unconsciousness for us so that we can choose. “Stuff” shows up in our unconsciousness that is not consistent with the love we seek to have as human beings. What do we do with that?

What transforms it is love. But I was disturbed because my first response was anger and hate. Our mind polarizes things with “I’m for this and against them”, even though there is only “us”. There are many things to work out: questions and ideas. Within us we place our power in other places. It’s painful to see but gives us choices of what we have in our lives. Embrace that with love. It brings forth wisdom and guides us to healthy boundaries without rejecting the soul which was struggling but expressing in a way that is not ok. If you have been abused you’ve come to a point where you loved yourself enough to say no, to set a boundary. When you set boundaries with wisdom there is growth. When boundaries are set by your reactions it reinforces the abuse. We choose our manifestation.

We’re afraid love makes us vulnerable. We think to love is to accept all of a person without setting boundaries, that if we love enough we’ll heal them. Even Jesus said it was not he who healed the woman who touched the hem of his garment, but he put the healing on her, that it was she, her faith, that healed her. (He was in support of her reaching her wholeness.)

A family I know had a son who had become a drug dealer. They had to say, “We love you but we cannot have that destruction in our world.” They could love but couldn’t heal him; he had to make that change himself. He died violently.

Evelyn’s parents emigrated to America and she was first generation Chinese-American in an environment totally foreign to them. Her father was an alcoholic, and so she lived a life of turmoil. When she was sixteen, her mother passed away and so she was, in effect, an orphan. “What carried me through was my insistence that my mother loved me, and in my mind I was trying to fulfill my mother’s final wish, that I live my soul’s purpose.” It carried her through her biggest failures. As she turned to her mother’s love, she was turning towards that divine love that comes from within the being.

Spiritual power is INFLUENCE, not control over another or over the world. When we choose love we change the consciousness of ourselves and of the whole, so what was unlike love heals. Choose love. I choose love. I choose love. I choose love. The choice is love. Love is the answer. I choose love. It brings transformation for all!

July 10, 2016 – Times Of Turmoil Need Love

07/10/16 Rev. David McArthur
“Times Of Turmoil Need Love”

We witness violence to others. We feel pain. We wonder how much is ours and how to respond. We’re all spiritual beings hanging out in this physical thing. So we look to our spirituality to see how to read this week’s events.

Day after day, year after year, the actions of millions of people have been calling to our desire to wake up. As we struggle to learn this personally it moves out of our unconsciousness into our consciousness. Love brings up patterns of our collective unconsciousness for us so that we can choose. “Stuff” shows up in our unconsciousness that is not consistent with the love we seek to have as human beings. What do we do with that?

What transforms it is love. But I was disturbed because my first response was anger and hate. Our mind polarizes things with “I’m for this and against them”, even though there is only “us”. There are many things to work out: questions and ideas. Within us we place our power in other places. It’s painful to see but gives us choices of what we have in our lives. Embrace that with love. It brings forth wisdom and guides us to healthy boundaries without rejecting the soul which was struggling but expressing in a way that is not ok. If you have been abused you’ve come to a point where you loved yourself enough to say no, to set a boundary. When you set boundaries with wisdom there is growth. When boundaries are set by your reactions it reinforces the abuse. We choose our manifestation.

We’re afraid love makes us vulnerable. We think to love is to accept all of a person without setting boundaries, that if we love enough we’ll heal them. Even Jesus said it was not he who healed the woman who touched the hem of his garment, but he put the healing on her, that it was she, her faith, that healed her. (He was in support of her reaching her wholeness.)

A family I know had a son who had become a drug dealer. They had to say, “We love you but we cannot have that destruction in our world.” They could love but couldn’t heal him; he had to make that change himself. He died violently.

Evelyn’s parents emigrated to America and she was first generation Chinese-American in an environment totally foreign to them. Her father was an alcoholic, and so she lived a life of turmoil. When she was sixteen, her mother passed away and so she was, in effect, an orphan. “What carried me through was my insistence that my mother loved me, and in my mind I was trying to fulfill my mother’s final wish, that I live my soul’s purpose.” It carried her through her biggest failures. As she turned to her mother’s love, she was turning towards that divine love that comes from within the being.

Spiritual power is INFLUENCE, not control over another or over the world. When we choose love we change the consciousness of ourselves and of the whole, so what was unlike love heals. Choose love. I choose love. I choose love. I choose love. The choice is love. Love is the answer. I choose love. It brings transformation for all!


June 12, 2016 – The Power of SHE

Rev. Sheila Gautreaux, L.U.T.
“The Power Of SHE

Quantum physicists talk about the male and female energy of planetary and particle movement. God, which is the universe, is a perfect balance of male and female energy. The time is right to focus on merging the divine feminine with the divine masculine in our lives and in the world to see a shift in war and violence. The masculine energy is out of balance. When it is out there by itself, there is force and then push-back. The key to all this in our world is for the masculine energy to find balance with the divine feminine.

The Biblical story of Deborah tells of the only woman to be a judge, prophet, and general of Israel. Deborah means “bee”, spiritual discrimination, activity. She was the first woman head of state. On guidance from God, she told a general, Barack (means executive aspect of active will) how to defeat one of Israel’s enemies. He responded, “I will only go if you go with me.” This is the first place in the Bible where the divine masculine and the divine feminine come together to overcome. When the mind (the masculine) and the heart (the feminine) come together, we are power—not “we have power” but we ARE power! When we have power, it can be taken away, but when we ARE power it can’t be taken.

How will it affect our innocents, our water, our food, when the masculine cooperates in a scenario that takes all of them into consideration? Would not the balance of the masculine (mind) with the feminine (heart) defeat our enemies within and without because we bring harmony to our decisions?

How do we teach our young women about force? We have taught our daughters power is something to HAVE, not to BE. But within, they have masculine and feminine, and when they align that, they ARE power. And we are called to teach our little boys compassion, nurture, gentleness. We must stop telling them, “Boys don’t do that.” And we must stop telling our little girls, “Girls don’t do that.” It is our responsibility to share this with our children. We must redesign our school curriculums for this. And we must revamp our sports programs to reflect these values, personified by the late Muhammad Ali. We can, when about to make a decision, ask ourselves to seek balance with our masculine and feminine energies and seek a decision for the highest good of all.

Now we are asking men what they think, and women what they feel. What if we ask men what they feel and women what they think? Will it help? We’ve got to change our language, and how we speak to little boys and girls. Ask yourself, “Where am I out of balance? What can I do to bring myself into balance?”

When mind and heart are one, I AM POWER! When mind and heart are one, I AM POWER! When mind and heart are one, I AM POWER!

June 12, 2016 – The Power of SHE

Rev. Sheila Gautreaux, L.U.T.
“The Power of SHE”

Quantum physicists talk about the male and female energy of planetary and particle movement. God, which is the universe, is a perfect balance of male and female energy. The time is right to focus on merging the divine feminine with the divine masculine in our lives and in the world to see a shift in war and violence. The masculine energy is out of balance. When it is out there by itself, there is force and then push-back. The key to all this in our world is for the masculine energy to find balance with the divine feminine.

The Biblical story of Deborah tells of the only woman to be a judge, prophet, and general of Israel. Deborah means “bee”, spiritual discrimination, activity. She was the first woman head of state. On guidance from God, she told a general, Barack (means executive aspect of active will) how to defeat one of Israel’s enemies. He responded, “I will only go if you go with me.” This is the first place in the Bible where the divine masculine and the divine feminine come together to overcome. When the mind (the masculine) and the heart (the feminine) come together, we are power—not “we have power” but we ARE power! When we have power, it can be taken away, but when we ARE power it can’t be taken.

How will it affect our innocents, our water, our food, when the masculine cooperates in a scenario that takes all of them into consideration? Would not the balance of the masculine (mind) with the feminine (heart) defeat our enemies within and without because we bring harmony to our decisions?
How do we teach our young women about force? We have taught our daughters power is something to HAVE, not to BE. But within, they have masculine and feminine, and when they align that, they ARE power. And we are called to teach our little boys compassion, nurture, gentleness. We must stop telling them, “Boys don’t do that.” And we must stop telling our little girls, “Girls don’t do that.” It is our responsibility to share this with our children. We must redesign our school curriculums for this. And we must revamp our sports programs to reflect these values, personified by the late Muhammad Ali. We can, when about to make a decision, ask ourselves to seek balance with our masculine and feminine energies and seek a decision for the highest good of all.

Now we are asking men what they think, and women what they feel. What if we ask men what they feel and women what they think? Will it help? We’ve got to change our language, and how we speak to little boys and girls. Ask yourself, “Where am I out of balance? What can I do to bring myself into balance?”

When mind and heart are one, I AM POWER! When mind and heart are one, I AM POWER! When mind and heart are one, I AM POWER!


February 14, 2016 – A Valentine From Your Spirit

Rev. David McArthur
A Valentine From Your Spirit

Happy Valentine’s Day! A whole day to do exactly what we’re supposed to do everyday! Today the best Valentine you’ll get is from your spiritual self.

Any spiritual process starts with self awareness. So get comfortable and start with being aware of your body, your mind. Nothing is right or wrong here, just be aware. We’re inviting our spiritual self to show up. Now be aware of your feeling self. On a scale of -5 (bad) to +5 (feeling great), just see where you are now—it’s not good or bad. Just be aware.

Now remember a time you felt deep love for someone. Just focus on that. Experience the feeling of that love. Let it grow in you. Let it fill you. Keep that feeling as you check in with yourself on the -5 to +5 scale. What number do you have now? Did it go up? There’s a reason relative to the core understanding, “God is love”. What we did was enter into our connection to the divine presence that we have. When Spirit flows in it lifts us. It lifts our sense of wholeness. We feel better because we are connected to that infinite love. That’s your valentine!

Are you ready for a super valentine? Remember a situation this week when you felt uncomfortable. We feel less connected, separate from divine love then. Do self awareness again, -5 to +5. What is the feeling there?

We’re always connected to Spirit but we connect more deeply and powerfully when we become aware. Put your hand on your heart. Now go again to your feeling of love from a moment ago. Remember that feeling. Enjoy that feeling. That feeling is right here right now. Feel your love; it’s a beautiful thing. Enjoy it, that connection with that part of you where the divine nature is a part of your being.

Now sincerely ask, “What would you have me do in that situation?” That presence—the spiritual power, the light, the intelligence—flows through you and directs your response and your thoughts. Go again into the experience of self awareness. Ask, “What am I feeling around that situation (-5 to +5) now?”

It’s not that “God loves” like grandpa loving the kids; it’s that God IS love. Charles Fillmore said it’s the “unifying, harmonizing power”. This amazing spiritual self we have is wise! Just practice it. God is love. God is love. God is love.

When we’re uncomfortable, once that love is there, God is there. That amazing intelligence! Have an amazing, beautiful, love-filled Valentine’s Day!