March 6, 2016 – Be Here Now

Freddie Weber
Be Here Now

I wanted to be still so God can love me, to be still and relax and let God take over. But I can’t sit still! It’s hard to honor the still small voice in my mind! 60,000 thoughts or more a day on a loop: Where do I have to go today? What do I have to wear today? What about my hair today? Me, me, me, me, me! –and what’s for dinner?

Be here now? What is “be”? What is “here”? –with so many thoughts! What is “past”? What is “future”? –and what’s for dinner? What is God? Who am I? Who are you? So many voices, so many choices in my brain!

God loves us whether we’re still or not. I give it all to you God. I surrender. I will notice silence. No more thought. No more fear. For just a moment I was here. I understand now how to pray, nothing in my head, no thought today. I knew nothing of the silence or still small voice inside. Nothing will make you happy until you know that still small voice. I had no distance from my thoughts. I WAS my thoughts and lived my life according to my head.

So I learned to meditate. I meditated to get a Broadway show! But God didn’t care why. And something lifted. My day felt better. I got to watch stuff going on in my mind. I looked at the icky “I’m no good” stuff, at so many negative depressing things. After a while it became funny. I saw that I thought things like “people who wear glasses are smart, so I should stay away or they’d find out I was stupid.” I wanted to be enlightened, so I didn’t want any thoughts at all.

I studied with Eckhart Tolle. He loved the human of us. He said, “You’re going to have thoughts. Allow them. You don’t have to believe them or buy it. Allow.” So I began to notice without judging. Eckhart Tolle had said to just be aware. Don’t judge. Just allow—it is just a thought!

One day I was surprised to notice I did love! I cared! Something had opened up, like my heart. I felt such real compassion. I hadn’t even known it was possible. It was no longer about me, me. It was about the world! When you’re doing “your work” what comes up is the real you! When I asked God what was “my work” I heard “I don’t know.” It’s really a moment to moment thing. A smile, what you wear. Look into their eyes for just two seconds without judgment. Eckhart Tolle said God can come through and bless them. They don’t know and you don’t know what you did. God comes through. A real smile. Something so small done with your heart—that’s why you’re here today! My mom used to say, “Don’t just sit there, do something.” Now I say, “Don’t just do something, sit there!”

March 6, 2016 – Be Here Now

Freddie Weber
Be Here Now

I wanted to be still so God can love me, to be still and relax and let God take over. But I can’t sit still! It’s hard to honor the still small voice in my mind! 60,000 thoughts or more a day on a loop: Where do I have to go today? What do I have to wear today? What about my hair today? Me, me, me, me, me! –and what’s for dinner?

Be here now? What is “be”? What is “here”? –with so many thoughts! What is “past”? What is “future”? –and what’s for dinner? What is God? Who am I? Who are you? So many voices, so many choices in my brain!

God loves us whether we’re still or not. I give it all to you God. I surrender. I will notice silence. No more thought. No more fear. For just a moment I was here. I understand now how to pray, nothing in my head, no thought today. I knew nothing of the silence or still small voice inside. Nothing will make you happy until you know that still small voice. I had no distance from my thoughts. I WAS my thoughts and lived my life according to my head.

So I learned to meditate. I meditated to get a Broadway show! But God didn’t care why. And something lifted. My day felt better. I got to watch stuff going on in my mind. I looked at the icky “I’m no good” stuff, at so many negative depressing things. After a while it became funny. I saw that I thought things like “people who wear glasses are smart, so I should stay away or they’d find out I was stupid.” I wanted to be enlightened, so I didn’t want any thoughts at all.

I studied with Eckhart Tolle. He loved the human of us. He said, “You’re going to have thoughts. Allow them. You don’t have to believe them or buy it. Allow.” So I began to notice without judging. Eckhart Tolle had said to just be aware. Don’t judge. Just allow—it is just a thought!

One day I was surprised to notice I did love! I cared! Something had opened up, like my heart. I felt such real compassion. I hadn’t even known it was possible. It was no longer about me, me. It was about the world! When you’re doing “your work” what comes up is the real you! When I asked God what was “my work” I heard “I don’t know.” It’s really a moment to moment thing. A smile, what you wear. Look into their eyes for just two seconds without judgment. Eckhart Tolle said God can come through and bless them. They don’t know and you don’t know what you did. God comes through. A real smile. Something so small done with your heart—that’s why you’re here today! My mom used to say, “Don’t just sit there, do something.” Now I say, “Don’t just do something, sit there!”


February 14, 2016 – A Valentine From Your Spirit

Rev. David McArthur
A Valentine From Your Spirit

Happy Valentine’s Day! A whole day to do exactly what we’re supposed to do everyday! Today the best Valentine you’ll get is from your spiritual self.

Any spiritual process starts with self awareness. So get comfortable and start with being aware of your body, your mind. Nothing is right or wrong here, just be aware. We’re inviting our spiritual self to show up. Now be aware of your feeling self. On a scale of -5 (bad) to +5 (feeling great), just see where you are now—it’s not good or bad. Just be aware.

Now remember a time you felt deep love for someone. Just focus on that. Experience the feeling of that love. Let it grow in you. Let it fill you. Keep that feeling as you check in with yourself on the -5 to +5 scale. What number do you have now? Did it go up? There’s a reason relative to the core understanding, “God is love”. What we did was enter into our connection to the divine presence that we have. When Spirit flows in it lifts us. It lifts our sense of wholeness. We feel better because we are connected to that infinite love. That’s your valentine!

Are you ready for a super valentine? Remember a situation this week when you felt uncomfortable. We feel less connected, separate from divine love then. Do self awareness again, -5 to +5. What is the feeling there?

We’re always connected to Spirit but we connect more deeply and powerfully when we become aware. Put your hand on your heart. Now go again to your feeling of love from a moment ago. Remember that feeling. Enjoy that feeling. That feeling is right here right now. Feel your love; it’s a beautiful thing. Enjoy it, that connection with that part of you where the divine nature is a part of your being.

Now sincerely ask, “What would you have me do in that situation?” That presence—the spiritual power, the light, the intelligence—flows through you and directs your response and your thoughts. Go again into the experience of self awareness. Ask, “What am I feeling around that situation (-5 to +5) now?”

It’s not that “God loves” like grandpa loving the kids; it’s that God IS love. Charles Fillmore said it’s the “unifying, harmonizing power”. This amazing spiritual self we have is wise! Just practice it. God is love. God is love. God is love.

When we’re uncomfortable, once that love is there, God is there. That amazing intelligence! Have an amazing, beautiful, love-filled Valentine’s Day!

February 14, 2016 – A Valentine From Your Spirit

Rev. David McArthur
A Valentine From Your Spirit

Happy Valentine’s Day! A whole day to do exactly what we’re supposed to do everyday! Today the best Valentine you’ll get is from your spiritual self.

Any spiritual process starts with self awareness. So get comfortable and start with being aware of your body, your mind. Nothing is right or wrong here, just be aware. We’re inviting our spiritual self to show up. Now be aware of your feeling self. On a scale of -5 (bad) to +5 (feeling great), just see where you are now—it’s not good or bad. Just be aware.

Now remember a time you felt deep love for someone. Just focus on that. Experience the feeling of that love. Let it grow in you. Let it fill you. Keep that feeling as you check in with yourself on the -5 to +5 scale. What number do you have now? Did it go up? There’s a reason relative to the core understanding, “God is love”. What we did was enter into our connection to the divine presence that we have. When Spirit flows in it lifts us. It lifts our sense of wholeness. We feel better because we are connected to that infinite love. That’s your valentine!

Are you ready for a super valentine? Remember a situation this week when you felt uncomfortable. We feel less connected, separate from divine love then. Do self awareness again, -5 to +5. What is the feeling there?

We’re always connected to Spirit but we connect more deeply and powerfully when we become aware. Put your hand on your heart. Now go again to your feeling of love from a moment ago. Remember that feeling. Enjoy that feeling. That feeling is right here right now. Feel your love; it’s a beautiful thing. Enjoy it, that connection with that part of you where the divine nature is a part of your being.

Now sincerely ask, “What would you have me do in that situation?” That presence—the spiritual power, the light, the intelligence—flows through you and directs your response and your thoughts. Go again into the experience of self awareness. Ask, “What am I feeling around that situation (-5 to +5) now?”

It’s not that “God loves” like grandpa loving the kids; it’s that God IS love. Charles Fillmore said it’s the “unifying, harmonizing power”. This amazing spiritual self we have is wise! Just practice it. God is love. God is love. God is love.

When we’re uncomfortable, once that love is there, God is there. That amazing intelligence! Have an amazing, beautiful, love-filled Valentine’s Day!


October 18, 2015 – Not My Circus, Not My Monkeys

10/18/15  Cindy Farris, L.U.T.
Not My Circus, Not My Monkeys

This one friend always says, “It’s not your circus! They’re not your monkeys!” Do you know what that means? Have you ever taken on more than you had to? Have you ever felt like you were the only one who could fix it? —the only one who was doing it right? Are you a control freak? Are you “capable”? Do you get hooked into things you wouldn’t normally do?

I do. I am partners in a yarn shop. 11 women in a co-op. Now there’s a circus! A few weeks ago we moved the shop. It had been decided it would be closed on Tuesday and Wednesday for the move. Unbeknownst to me, a couple of the “sergeants” decided to start moving on Sunday. I usually work there on Mondays, so on Monday when I texted “When should I come in?” the reply was “Don’t come in. Stay home.” My ego was a little miffed, but I got a lot of work done at home. Over the next few days I did go in for a few hours. There were plenty of Ringmasters and I was not needed. It was a circus, but it wasn’t mine. I got to see what it looks like when I’m in controlling mode. The sergeants mirrored it back to me.

Do you see lots of things that aren’t being done well? “If they just did them my way I’m sure things would go better”. There are clues which can tell you if it’s your circus or not. Ask, “Does this situation really involve me?” Most of us have gotten involved when it was not our business. And at what cost? —our time and money, energy and health? Can I really bring something to a table I wasn’t asked to sit at? This is the butt-out part.

When we butt in, we could be taking someone off their path. We have to be mindful, “Do I have some responsibility here?” If the answer is no, butt out. Am I doing my actual work or taking over someone else’s job? Am I butting in because of my ego or lack of self worth? Am I doing something so I feel more fulfilled, to show I am capable? I could be in places where I am truly filled with joy on my path. It is ultimately God’s will to be done. At times I have to be the monkey with my hands over my mouth, or my eyes, or over my ears.

Tuesday through Thursday I teach science at a charter school. I am a master teacher, and I am Ringmaster in my classroom. That’s what I was hired for and I am good at it. I like it. It is my circus. Most of my students are boys and often the coach will come by and call all the guys to the baseball field. This school was founded and is paid for by a major league baseball player. When my students leave, I am no longer responsible for them. They are not my monkeys. I am free. I know when it’s my circus when I have empowered my monkeys to soar!

October 18, 2015 – Not My Circus, Not My Monkeys

10/18/15  Rev. Cindy Farris, L.U.T.
Not My Circus, Not My Monkeys

This one friend always says, “It’s not your circus! They’re not your monkeys!” Do you know what that means? Have you ever taken on more than you had to? Have you ever felt like you were the only one who could fix it? —the only one who was doing it right? Are you a control freak? Are you “capable”? Do you get hooked into things you wouldn’t normally do?

I do. I am partners in a yarn shop. 11 women in a co-op. Now there’s a circus! A few weeks ago we moved the shop. It had been decided it would be closed on Tuesday and Wednesday for the move. Unbeknownst to me, a couple of the “sergeants” decided to start moving on Sunday. I usually work there on Mondays, so on Monday when I texted “When should I come in?” the reply was “Don’t come in. Stay home.” My ego was a little miffed, but I got a lot of work done at home. Over the next few days I did go in for a few hours. There were plenty of Ringmasters and I was not needed. It was a circus, but it wasn’t mine. I got to see what it looks like when I’m in controlling mode. The sergeants mirrored it back to me.

Do you see lots of things that aren’t being done well? “If they just did them my way I’m sure things would go better”. There are clues which can tell you if it’s your circus or not. Ask, “Does this situation really involve me?” Most of us have gotten involved when it was not our business. And at what cost? —our time and money, energy and health? Can I really bring something to a table I wasn’t asked to sit at? This is the butt-out part.

When we butt in, we could be taking someone off their path. We have to be mindful, “Do I have some responsibility here?” If the answer is no, butt out. Am I doing my actual work or taking over someone else’s job? Am I butting in because of my ego or lack of self worth? Am I doing something so I feel more fulfilled, to show I am capable? I could be in places where I am truly filled with joy on my path. It is ultimately God’s will to be done. At times I have to be the monkey with my hands over my mouth, or my eyes, or over my ears.

Tuesday through Thursday I teach science at a charter school. I am a master teacher, and I am Ringmaster in my classroom. That’s what I was hired for and I am good at it. I like it. It is my circus. Most of my students are boys and often the coach will come by and call all the guys to the baseball field. This school was founded and is paid for by a major league baseball player. When my students leave, I am no longer responsible for them. They are not my monkeys. I am free. I know when it’s my circus when I have empowered my monkeys to soar!


September 27, 2015 – Serving From Our Hearts

09/27/15  Rev. David McArthur
Serving From Our Hearts

There are really only four spiritual practices. The first is love—that state of consciousness. 2nd is prayer—every religion has a way to pray. The 3rd practice is meditation, in which we transcend the mind. But they all come together in the 4th practice: service. Service is not just completing a list of tasks. It’s focusing on the feeling of the awareness of the divine, and leaving “I” and “mine” for the “one” of us all. For example, Jesus came to the home of two sisters, Mary and Martha. The women represent two parts of our feelings, one with a list of tasks, Martha, and the other, Mary, who sat at Jesus’ feet. Martha complained to him that Mary was doing nothing while she, Martha, was doing everything. Jesus answered that with her focus on the awareness of the divine, Mary had chosen well and that nothing could take that away from her.

In San Francisco, Cary had gotten $200 out of an ATM in the Tenderloin, a poor seedy part of the city when a gust of wind blew his cash and cards and ID all about. A young boy and girl brought back the plastic insert with his photos. Somebody brought him his Medicare card. Others returned more cards and twenties from the ATM. He returned to his hotel room and emptied his pockets on the bed. Everything had been returned to him! Every dollar! Those people had been in service in those moments, responding with compassion to one in a difficult moment. It is a natural part of us. It’s the gift of being willing to be an instrument—a way to respond and touch others.

We always receive so much more than we give! Toby was a college freshman who joined a group that distributed food to a retirement home. He met a ninety-two year old man, Loki, who taught Toby about whittling and even the sacred art of tying flies. Christmas came and Toby took him a present, but Loki had passed the night before having left Toby a letter. Loki explained that his body was tired but his spirit was soaring, because it was time for him to rejoin his beloved Esther, who had passed years before. He told Toby that he had become one of the most important people in his whole life. He said, “You were a good friend… I love you Toby.” Toby said this was life-changing. He went from being a party guy to a young man who knew he could make a difference. Addressing students, Albert Schweitzer once said, “the only ones among you who will be really happy are those who have sought and found how to serve.”

It’s been said, “love one another and help others to rise to higher levels simply by pouring out love. It lifts others to those higher levels.” Move from receiving to experiencing the awareness of the divine presence in others. It’s simple. It takes us from being “Martha” to being “Mary”. Affirm I behold God’s light in you! I behold God’s light in you! I behold God’s light in you! It opens that beautiful light within you! Enjoy doing it!


May 10, 2015 – The Forgotten Woman

05/10/15 Rev. Sheila Gautreaux, L.U.T.
The Forgotten Woman

I remember that Moses’ mother put him in a basket in the reeds of the Nile because the pharaoh had dreamed he’d lose his throne to someone just born, so he ordered the slaughter of all newborns. I thought about all those mothers who lost their firstborn, and how they have been forgotten. I thought of all types of forgotten women. The first is our Mother God, the Divine Feminine. God was always “Father” until I got to Unity. Being raised that masculine was better than feminine meant as a girl I couldn’t be powerful or win at monopoly. I learned that I had to dumb down. I was told to let the boys win most of the time.

Later when I came to Unity, I studied “Mother, Father, God”. I read in the Bible where “God created them male and female.” We are all created both male and female because the two sets of characteristics are necessary. For example, in healing, masculine seeks out healing modalities and administers them. Female sets up systems of care, nurturing, and support, and both together create wholeness, healing, balance.

It is essential to wholeness that the Divine Masculine and the Divine Feminine work together to create balance for our lives and our world. The way to do this is to align with her. There is another forgotten woman: Mother Earth. We have not cared or nurtured or sustained her. To bring wholeness and balance, align with the feminine Earth.

Then there is the forgotten feminine aspect of our men. When they’re small, they are told not to play with a doll, “don’t cry”, “be a man.” That which makes them whole and nurturing to their women, we take from them. We need them to align with the Divine Feminine.

And in women, the forgotten woman is our lost selves, the aspects of ourselves that we put away to gain money and power. Masculine-ized to function in the world, we put our Divine Feminine away. When the masculine and feminine work together it is maximum power!

So what is our role? To be aware as we move through our lives and function in the workplace and raise our children, to balance masculine and feminine in ourselves. When we can align masculine and feminine in equal power, what a wonderful world!

The process is to go to your heart. Let kindness, tenderness, gentleness, and love wash over you like a warm bath. “Mother, please come. Let the light within shine like the sun. Let my heart expand to hold everyone. Mother please come.” For the next 30 days (the “3” represents triad, synthesis, the trinity, completeness. The “0”: eternity, infinity, oneness, wholeness) join us as we hold this for each other together, calling forth the Divine Mother. Thank you!


May 10, 2015 – The Forgotten Woman

05/10/15 Rev. Sheila Gautreaux, L.U.T.
The Forgotten Woman

I remember that Moses’ mother put him in a basket in the reeds of the Nile because the pharaoh had dreamed he’d lose his throne to someone just born, so he ordered the slaughter of all newborns. I thought about all those mothers who lost their firstborn, and how they have been forgotten. I thought of all types of forgotten women. The first is our Mother God, the Divine Feminine. God was always “Father” until I got to Unity. Being raised that masculine was better than feminine meant as a girl I couldn’t be powerful or win at monopoly. I learned that I had to dumb down. I was told to let the boys win most of the time.

Later when I came to Unity, I studied “Mother, Father, God”. I read in the Bible where “God created them male and female.” We are all created both male and female because the two sets of characteristics are necessary. For example, in healing, masculine seeks out healing modalities and administers them. Female sets up systems of care, nurturing, and support, and both together create wholeness, healing, balance.

It is essential to wholeness that the Divine Masculine and the Divine Feminine work together to create balance for our lives and our world. The way to do this is to align with her. There is another forgotten woman: Mother Earth. We have not cared or nurtured or sustained her. To bring wholeness and balance, align with the feminine Earth.

Then there is the forgotten feminine aspect of our men. When they’re small, they are told not to play with a doll, “don’t cry”, “be a man.” That which makes them whole and nurturing to their women, we take from them. We need them to align with the Divine Feminine.

And in women, the forgotten woman is our lost selves, the aspects of ourselves that we put away to gain money and power. Masculine-ized to function in the world, we put our Divine Feminine away. When the masculine and feminine work together it is maximum power!

So what is our role? To be aware as we move through our lives and function in the workplace and raise our children, to balance masculine and feminine in ourselves. When we can align masculine and feminine in equal power, what a wonderful world!

The process is to go to your heart. Let kindness, tenderness, gentleness, and love wash over you like a warm bath. “Mother, please come. Let the light within shine like the sun. Let my heart expand to hold everyone. Mother please come.” For the next 30 days (the “3” represents triad, synthesis, the trinity, completeness. The “0”: eternity, infinity, oneness, wholeness) join us as we hold this for each other together, calling forth the Divine Mother. Thank you!

March 29, 2015 – Being Completely Connected

03/29/15 Rita Marie Johnson
Being Completely Connected

I was exhausted from overwork and desperate for peace. One night I remembered “coherence” and that it was how to move into peace. I fell asleep and dreamt that the phone rang. I picked it up, “Hello”? “This is God.” “Okayyy…” “You’ve been trying to do too much. Just work on you Rasur Foundation and everything will be all right.” So I resigned from the University and other work. I see now it lead straight to the success of the Foundation and all the way to my new book that I am releasing here today!

I usually didn’t pray until I got desperate about something. I wasn’t connected. My inner phone was off the hook. I led a life of connect—disconnect. Connect—disconnect. You see, my feelings had been taking me away from being connected. But I learned to open, to go under my feelings and find my needs which produced the feelings, and it was coherence that would get me to insight and answers.

And then I got a shock—lymphoma! It was now really time for me to learn to pray. I turned to Myrtle Fillmore’s story. She would take a picture of Jesus as her point of focus. She would talk out loud. She probably told Him she was stuck, that she was discouraged and confused. “I don’t know what I’m doing to block divine healing.” So I did what I imagine Myrtle had done, and I also used the three steps of non-violent communication as prayer. First you name your feelings. There is scientific evidence that this reduces the amygdala’s reactions. Then name your needs. This activates our empathy and we become more compassionate. Thirdly, move into coherence in your heart. The positive aspects, or “good mood” of coherence then enable insight to come to you. My insight was “Look among your virtues.” That didn’t make sense. A virtue blocking me? Oh, I realized, I always thought it was a virtue to keep my feelings to myself. So I won’t swallow them anymore. That’s what is making me sick.

Myrtle had applied it every day and she was healed. So I’d do it every day, not just when I needed it the most. For the first time I had a rich rewarding prayer life. For example, with my lymphoma, I couldn’t fund raise for Rasur. So I named my feelings and needs. That takes the “charge” off. (I have them; they don’t have me.) This time I got “Stand in the glory of the gift you have to give.” What? Oh..if I embody what I teach (to pray every day) then my finances and needs will be met. And they were!

I’d been focused on all that stuff “out there”. We must have a rich prayer life to have any changes in the world. This is the first time I have shared my prayer life. We are divinely designed to become completely connected. Say, I am completely connected through prayer. I am completely connected through prayer. I am completely connected through prayer.
