July 10, 2016 – Times Of Turmoil Need Love

07/10/16 Rev. David McArthur
“Times Of Turmoil Need Love”

We witness violence to others. We feel pain. We wonder how much is ours and how to respond. We’re all spiritual beings hanging out in this physical thing. So we look to our spirituality to see how to read this week’s events.

Day after day, year after year, the actions of millions of people have been calling to our desire to wake up. As we struggle to learn this personally it moves out of our unconsciousness into our consciousness. Love brings up patterns of our collective unconsciousness for us so that we can choose. “Stuff” shows up in our unconsciousness that is not consistent with the love we seek to have as human beings. What do we do with that?

What transforms it is love. But I was disturbed because my first response was anger and hate. Our mind polarizes things with “I’m for this and against them”, even though there is only “us”. There are many things to work out: questions and ideas. Within us we place our power in other places. It’s painful to see but gives us choices of what we have in our lives. Embrace that with love. It brings forth wisdom and guides us to healthy boundaries without rejecting the soul which was struggling but expressing in a way that is not ok. If you have been abused you’ve come to a point where you loved yourself enough to say no, to set a boundary. When you set boundaries with wisdom there is growth. When boundaries are set by your reactions it reinforces the abuse. We choose our manifestation.

We’re afraid love makes us vulnerable. We think to love is to accept all of a person without setting boundaries, that if we love enough we’ll heal them. Even Jesus said it was not he who healed the woman who touched the hem of his garment, but he put the healing on her, that it was she, her faith, that healed her. (He was in support of her reaching her wholeness.)

A family I know had a son who had become a drug dealer. They had to say, “We love you but we cannot have that destruction in our world.” They could love but couldn’t heal him; he had to make that change himself. He died violently.

Evelyn’s parents emigrated to America and she was first generation Chinese-American in an environment totally foreign to them. Her father was an alcoholic, and so she lived a life of turmoil. When she was sixteen, her mother passed away and so she was, in effect, an orphan. “What carried me through was my insistence that my mother loved me, and in my mind I was trying to fulfill my mother’s final wish, that I live my soul’s purpose.” It carried her through her biggest failures. As she turned to her mother’s love, she was turning towards that divine love that comes from within the being.

Spiritual power is INFLUENCE, not control over another or over the world. When we choose love we change the consciousness of ourselves and of the whole, so what was unlike love heals. Choose love. I choose love. I choose love. I choose love. The choice is love. Love is the answer. I choose love. It brings transformation for all!

July 10, 2016 – Times Of Turmoil Need Love

07/10/16 Rev. David McArthur
“Times Of Turmoil Need Love”

We witness violence to others. We feel pain. We wonder how much is ours and how to respond. We’re all spiritual beings hanging out in this physical thing. So we look to our spirituality to see how to read this week’s events.

Day after day, year after year, the actions of millions of people have been calling to our desire to wake up. As we struggle to learn this personally it moves out of our unconsciousness into our consciousness. Love brings up patterns of our collective unconsciousness for us so that we can choose. “Stuff” shows up in our unconsciousness that is not consistent with the love we seek to have as human beings. What do we do with that?

What transforms it is love. But I was disturbed because my first response was anger and hate. Our mind polarizes things with “I’m for this and against them”, even though there is only “us”. There are many things to work out: questions and ideas. Within us we place our power in other places. It’s painful to see but gives us choices of what we have in our lives. Embrace that with love. It brings forth wisdom and guides us to healthy boundaries without rejecting the soul which was struggling but expressing in a way that is not ok. If you have been abused you’ve come to a point where you loved yourself enough to say no, to set a boundary. When you set boundaries with wisdom there is growth. When boundaries are set by your reactions it reinforces the abuse. We choose our manifestation.

We’re afraid love makes us vulnerable. We think to love is to accept all of a person without setting boundaries, that if we love enough we’ll heal them. Even Jesus said it was not he who healed the woman who touched the hem of his garment, but he put the healing on her, that it was she, her faith, that healed her. (He was in support of her reaching her wholeness.)

A family I know had a son who had become a drug dealer. They had to say, “We love you but we cannot have that destruction in our world.” They could love but couldn’t heal him; he had to make that change himself. He died violently.

Evelyn’s parents emigrated to America and she was first generation Chinese-American in an environment totally foreign to them. Her father was an alcoholic, and so she lived a life of turmoil. When she was sixteen, her mother passed away and so she was, in effect, an orphan. “What carried me through was my insistence that my mother loved me, and in my mind I was trying to fulfill my mother’s final wish, that I live my soul’s purpose.” It carried her through her biggest failures. As she turned to her mother’s love, she was turning towards that divine love that comes from within the being.

Spiritual power is INFLUENCE, not control over another or over the world. When we choose love we change the consciousness of ourselves and of the whole, so what was unlike love heals. Choose love. I choose love. I choose love. I choose love. The choice is love. Love is the answer. I choose love. It brings transformation for all!


July 3, 2016 – Celebrating Our Interdependence

Rev. Sheila Gautreaux, L.U.T.
“Celebrating Our Interdependence”
One Nation/One World Under God

Fourth of July! The day we celebrate our independence. But have we strayed from the path of our INTERdependence with God? We say, “I can take care of myself.” “I don’t need anyone else.” “I am beholden to nobody.” It worked in the Revolution when we needed to separate from oppression. But it could not have been done without the interdependence of the colonists. Look at our world today. It’s a reflection of “I don’t need nobody.”

I was very independent and proud of it. One morning I awakened without half my eyesight. I learned to become more independent by learning to be interdependent with others. As a nation we don’t know how to be interdependent with others.

Jesus said, “Where two or… more gather in my name, there I am …” meaning there is a groundwork of interdependence. Interdependence is a heart-sharing of co-operative effort to complete what we want to do. When we come together in his “name” (the manner/nature of God) with joined hearts, the divine energy comes in. It carries us through in a way that is good for everyone. It’s not too late to turn this ship around. The choices we make at this point determine whether we turn around or are dead in the water. Our thoughts, the way we hold ourselves and speak of each other goes out and we get something like ISIS.

Go inside. Is there a straggly word used casually? These choices go out and invite in the “locusts that eat our crop”. When we choose interdependence, joining together our hearts and ideas, creating community, the divine energy will restore that which was lost. I’m talking about consciously speaking, thinking, actively choosing interdependence.

In an interdependent family there are no electronic devices at the dinner table. They gather together to learn what is going on with each other, supporting whoever needs it.

If we rise above the negativity we draw to us the people of the world without seeing race, height, size, shape, we are free.

If I look at you as God sees you I will recognize we are one and I am free. Today I celebrate my Interdependence and I am truly FREE! Today I celebrate my Interdependence and I am truly FREE! Today I celebrate my Interdependence and I am truly FREE!

This week as you bar-b-cue, join your friends, watch the fireworks, take Interdependence Day with you all week, and every day. “No man is an island. No one stands alone. Each one’s joy is joy to me…”


July 3, 2016 – Celebrating Our Interdependence

Rev. Sheila Gautreaux, L.U.T.
“Celebrating Our Interdependence”
One Nation/One World Under God

Fourth of July! The day we celebrate our independence. But have we strayed from the path of our INTERdependence with God? We say, “I can take care of myself.” “I don’t need anyone else.” “I am beholden to nobody.” It worked in the Revolution when we needed to separate from oppression. But it could not have been done without the interdependence of the colonists. Look at our world today. It’s a reflection of “I don’t need nobody.”

I was very independent and proud of it. One morning I awakened without half my eyesight. I learned to become more independent by learning to be interdependent with others. As a nation we don’t know how to be interdependent with others.

Jesus said, “Where two or… more gather in my name, there I am …” meaning there is a groundwork of interdependence. Interdependence is a heart-sharing of co-operative effort to complete what we want to do. When we come together in his “name” (the manner/nature of God) with joined hearts, the divine energy comes in. It carries us through in a way that is good for everyone. It’s not too late to turn this ship around. The choices we make at this point determine whether we turn around or are dead in the water. Our thoughts, the way we hold ourselves and speak of each other goes out and we get something like ISIS.

Go inside. Is there a straggly word used casually? These choices go out and invite in the “locusts that eat our crop”. When we choose interdependence, joining together our hearts and ideas, creating community, the divine energy will restore that which was lost. I’m talking about consciously speaking, thinking, actively choosing interdependence.

In an interdependent family there are no electronic devices at the dinner table. They gather together to learn what is going on with each other, supporting whoever needs it.

If we rise above the negativity we draw to us the people of the world without seeing race, height, size, shape, we are free.

If I look at you as God sees you I will recognize we are one and I am free. Today I celebrate my Interdependence and I am truly FREE! Today I celebrate my Interdependence and I am truly FREE! Today I celebrate my Interdependence and I am truly FREE!

This week as you bar-b-cue, join your friends, watch the fireworks, take Interdependence Day with you all week, and every day. “No man is an island. No one stands alone. Each one’s joy is joy to me…”

June 12, 2016 – The Power of SHE

Rev. Sheila Gautreaux, L.U.T.
“The Power Of SHE

Quantum physicists talk about the male and female energy of planetary and particle movement. God, which is the universe, is a perfect balance of male and female energy. The time is right to focus on merging the divine feminine with the divine masculine in our lives and in the world to see a shift in war and violence. The masculine energy is out of balance. When it is out there by itself, there is force and then push-back. The key to all this in our world is for the masculine energy to find balance with the divine feminine.

The Biblical story of Deborah tells of the only woman to be a judge, prophet, and general of Israel. Deborah means “bee”, spiritual discrimination, activity. She was the first woman head of state. On guidance from God, she told a general, Barack (means executive aspect of active will) how to defeat one of Israel’s enemies. He responded, “I will only go if you go with me.” This is the first place in the Bible where the divine masculine and the divine feminine come together to overcome. When the mind (the masculine) and the heart (the feminine) come together, we are power—not “we have power” but we ARE power! When we have power, it can be taken away, but when we ARE power it can’t be taken.

How will it affect our innocents, our water, our food, when the masculine cooperates in a scenario that takes all of them into consideration? Would not the balance of the masculine (mind) with the feminine (heart) defeat our enemies within and without because we bring harmony to our decisions?

How do we teach our young women about force? We have taught our daughters power is something to HAVE, not to BE. But within, they have masculine and feminine, and when they align that, they ARE power. And we are called to teach our little boys compassion, nurture, gentleness. We must stop telling them, “Boys don’t do that.” And we must stop telling our little girls, “Girls don’t do that.” It is our responsibility to share this with our children. We must redesign our school curriculums for this. And we must revamp our sports programs to reflect these values, personified by the late Muhammad Ali. We can, when about to make a decision, ask ourselves to seek balance with our masculine and feminine energies and seek a decision for the highest good of all.

Now we are asking men what they think, and women what they feel. What if we ask men what they feel and women what they think? Will it help? We’ve got to change our language, and how we speak to little boys and girls. Ask yourself, “Where am I out of balance? What can I do to bring myself into balance?”

When mind and heart are one, I AM POWER! When mind and heart are one, I AM POWER! When mind and heart are one, I AM POWER!

June 12, 2016 – The Power of SHE

Rev. Sheila Gautreaux, L.U.T.
“The Power of SHE”

Quantum physicists talk about the male and female energy of planetary and particle movement. God, which is the universe, is a perfect balance of male and female energy. The time is right to focus on merging the divine feminine with the divine masculine in our lives and in the world to see a shift in war and violence. The masculine energy is out of balance. When it is out there by itself, there is force and then push-back. The key to all this in our world is for the masculine energy to find balance with the divine feminine.

The Biblical story of Deborah tells of the only woman to be a judge, prophet, and general of Israel. Deborah means “bee”, spiritual discrimination, activity. She was the first woman head of state. On guidance from God, she told a general, Barack (means executive aspect of active will) how to defeat one of Israel’s enemies. He responded, “I will only go if you go with me.” This is the first place in the Bible where the divine masculine and the divine feminine come together to overcome. When the mind (the masculine) and the heart (the feminine) come together, we are power—not “we have power” but we ARE power! When we have power, it can be taken away, but when we ARE power it can’t be taken.

How will it affect our innocents, our water, our food, when the masculine cooperates in a scenario that takes all of them into consideration? Would not the balance of the masculine (mind) with the feminine (heart) defeat our enemies within and without because we bring harmony to our decisions?
How do we teach our young women about force? We have taught our daughters power is something to HAVE, not to BE. But within, they have masculine and feminine, and when they align that, they ARE power. And we are called to teach our little boys compassion, nurture, gentleness. We must stop telling them, “Boys don’t do that.” And we must stop telling our little girls, “Girls don’t do that.” It is our responsibility to share this with our children. We must redesign our school curriculums for this. And we must revamp our sports programs to reflect these values, personified by the late Muhammad Ali. We can, when about to make a decision, ask ourselves to seek balance with our masculine and feminine energies and seek a decision for the highest good of all.

Now we are asking men what they think, and women what they feel. What if we ask men what they feel and women what they think? Will it help? We’ve got to change our language, and how we speak to little boys and girls. Ask yourself, “Where am I out of balance? What can I do to bring myself into balance?”

When mind and heart are one, I AM POWER! When mind and heart are one, I AM POWER! When mind and heart are one, I AM POWER!


May 15, 2016 – Science of the Heart

Dr. Rollin McCraty
“Science of the Heart”

Our research at the HeartMath Institute has found there is intuition of the head and of the heart, but that of the heart is by far the strongest. It responds first and then messages the brain which then leads to the body’s response, like the hair rising on the back of the neck, for example. It appears the heart has access to a field of information outside of time and space. That’s the terminology I used in publishing this information for my scientific peers. At the Institute of HeartMath we call it our large. But between us, if it’s something else outside of time and space, it is what you call the higher self, spiritual self, Spirit, soul, God. In the scientific exploration of the heart we have found awareness we are spiritual beings as well as physical.

We now know that we are connected in a way that is not just metaphorical. In exploring this capacity, we find we all have an ability to transfer information among us. There is electromagnetic energy which transmits information very much like your cell phone. The heart opens us to this and the heart deepens our capacity for it. It is the major player in this bio-electric field.

I’m told several people facing major challenges right here in your congregation have said they feel the prayers said for their healing. This is more than an intuitive connection. When we send intentions of healing and health to another, depending on our vibrational pitch, and the more we are attuned, the more powerfully the intention travels from the higher self through the heart. It literally lifts our consciousness and we become more aligned and have more power to change things in our world globally.

In science we measure things, like the magnetic energy of the Earth. We have placed 8 magnetometers around the world. We have found resonant frequencies just like those in the heart. We have found that when these frequencies are higher, so too are those of people. We adults perform better. It’s just the opposite for the young. They tend to do more stupid things and get hurt more. So we are all truly connected! It is becoming clear; it is real; it is measurable.

We collected data on about 800 people showing we are sync’d up around the world. These people fell into 3 groups. Some were connected with certain resonant frequencies of the planet. A second group with other planet frequencies. The third group was not connected. They were disconnected. It’s not good. Their energy is incoherent.

We are close to proving we are affecting this energy globally. This will lift global consciousness! The carrier wave has been measured. Being together as a group, especially if you like or love each other, as you do here, amplifies the signal and helps feed the global field. You are feeding the field constantly. So the question then is, “What are you feeding the field?” How much today was love and compassion, and how much was frustration and anger? What is your ratio?
