June 15, 2014 – Love to the Millionth Power

Patricia Grabow with Rev. David McArthur
Love to the Millionth Power 

Some of us get to look beyond the experience we call death. Patricia was killed in an auto accident in 1980 in London. In that near-death experience, “I experienced Love to the Millionth Power. You cannot put words to it. It is something beyond any imagining. I was love and it was me. It was everything I ever wanted in life. Then I found myself in a hospital bed with a tremendous gravity pushing me down.” She then had to return home to Seattle alone. “I was suicidal and barely made it through the night. At that point I’d try anything that might help.” It was suggested she try meditation and automatic writing. It did help and she found she also was getting guidance. “It is guidance that is here and present with all of us. So I just did what my guidance said. I had nothing else to hold onto.”

This is about getting beyond the body to your consciousness as a spiritual being, to the reality that is greater than this one. It is pure love. It is the nature of that reality. It is an awareness of Divine Intelligence that is there for us all. And it’s ok that we aren’t always aware of that reality because it is so much more than this one and so difficult to have to return to this (3D) reality.

“Over the next 30 to 100 years, we’ll move from a fear-based, sin-based paradigm, to a paradigm based on love. It is a huge shift within the heart to adjust to these changes, to the understanding that everything comes from within the heart. Dr. Eben Alexander, neurosurgeon and near-death survivor says consciousness does not reside in the brain; the brain is a filter of consciousness. There is no death! It is so important that we remove ourselves from that paradigm.” There is a presence—a presence in the present. There is only love in the present time. Love to the millionth power! That’s it!

To really make that transition, let the heart do it. You’ll find two things: First, imagine what this can do in the world. People can do so many things just because they are afraid of dying. Second, the solutions to the problems we have are in love in the present time. Solutions are found in love. They are not found in fear or pain or sorrow, but in love—that state of consciousness that connects us all. Just continue to do what you are doing. This [UWC] is such an important place! Make the commitment this week to look at love in the present time. Stop. Be aware of the life you are experiencing in the moment, the love that is there in you.


June 15, 2014 – Love to the Millionth Power

6/15/14 Patricia Grabow with Rev. David McArthur
Love to the Millionth Power 

Some of us get to look beyond the experience we call death. Patricia was killed in an auto accident in 1980 in London. In that near-death experience, “I experienced Love to the Millionth Power. You cannot put words to it. It is something beyond any imagining. I was love and it was me. It was everything I ever wanted in life. Then I found myself in a hospital bed with a tremendous gravity pushing me down.” She then had to return home to Seattle alone. “I was suicidal and barely made it through the night. At that point I’d try anything that might help.” It was suggested she try meditation and automatic writing. It did help and she found she also was getting guidance. “It is guidance that is here and present with all of us. So I just did what my guidance said. I had nothing else to hold onto.”

This is about getting beyond the body to your consciousness as a spiritual being, to the reality that is greater than this one. It is pure love. It is the nature of that reality. It is an awareness of Divine Intelligence that is there for us all. And it’s ok that we aren’t always aware of that reality because it is so much more than this one and so difficult to have to return to this (3D) reality.

“Over the next 30 to 100 years, we’ll move from a fear-based, sin-based paradigm, to a paradigm based on love. It is a huge shift within the heart to adjust to these changes, to the understanding that everything comes from within the heart. Dr. Eben Alexander, neurosurgeon and near-death survivor says consciousness does not reside in the brain; the brain is a filter of consciousness. There is no death! It is so important that we remove ourselves from that paradigm.” There is a presence—a presence in the present. There is only love in the present time. Love to the millionth power! That’s it!

To really make that transition, let the heart do it. You’ll find two things: First, imagine what this can do in the world. People can do so many things just because they are afraid of dying. Second, the solutions to the problems we have are in love in the present time. Solutions are found in love. They are not found in fear or pain or sorrow, but in love—that state of consciousness that connects us all. Just continue to do what you are doing. This [UWC] is such an important place! Make the commitment this week to look at love in the present time. Stop. Be aware of the life you are experiencing in the moment, the love that is there in you.


July 28, 2013 – The Light and Love at the Core of Your Being

7/28/13 Rev. David McArthur
The Light and Love at the Core of Your Being

Dr. Peter Russell, PHD in physics, is looking into how the universe really is and the way we actually perceive things. How does our consciousness do it? Reaching a state of pure consciousness by meditating, he “transcended thinking… It was different from waking, sleeping, or dreaming.” He explained that perception is like light moving through film to project out our reality, and when he meditated, he was turning his attention to the light of the projector. But then he knew his was the same light which shines in every sentient being.

In the Upanishads it is said, “Those wise ones, seeing the consciousness is the same in all, is to see it is one; we are one.” From the Koran, “God is the light of heaven and earth. The light that arises into the experience of the mind is where we touch the divine.” Jesus said, “You are the light of the world”. It is from the Christ consciousness that we experience the light, the source. Dr. Russell said unconditional love is always there at our core, that pure consciousness is pure love. “I, in my true essence, am love.” It is the truth of your being.

Dr. Eben Alexander, a Harvard educated neurosurgeon, in his Proof of Heaven, wrote that even though all the electronic sensors showed his neocortex was not functioning, that he was fully conscious throughout his near-death experience, and the he knew instinctively that everything he experienced was true. He relayed the beauty and meaning of his experience this way, “You are loved and cherished, dearly, forever. You have nothing to fear. There is nothing you can do that is wrong.” Say, I am loved and cherished, dearly, forever. Dr. Alexander went on to say that modern physics tells us the universe is a unity in which every particle is weaved with all. There is no separation. He said both Einstein and Jesus spoke of it in their different ways.

These scientists and teachings confirm there is a place where there is power to transform whatever situation we might find ourselves in—where there is the power to transform the self. To do it, journey within, and take attention away from the situation. Move your attention to that place of power. You are loved and cherished, dearly, forever. Say I am loved and cherished, dearly, forever, (no matter how badly I screw up; no matter how everyone around me screws up). It is true, because love is who you are!