October 21, 2012 – Journey Into Oneness

10/21/12 Rev. David McArthur

Journey Into Oneness

We have heard so many times “we are one”. But we really are one. It doesn’t look that way. It appears that you are separate from me. Emilie Cady said, “Man, who is at first living in the selfish animal part of himself, will grow up …to the divine or spiritual understanding wherein he knows that he is one with the Father…” The Father is the part of the divine that loves and cares for us, and is within us, yet is infinite.

If we are one, then you are one with that other political candidate, and more troubling, all those people you just don’t get who support that candidate. When watching the debate, I first felt condescension for them. It was an experience of separation, viewing them as less than. It was uncomfortable. I thought maybe I should try something different. I stepped back and I saw that all the people really cared. A sense of connection took place. I stepp ed farther back and saw all the country experiencing a polarization which hurt, and I felt compassion. How difficult it is to work with those hugely complex issues! And I saw that the polarity blocks clarity, and our fears are surfacing. When we fail to see that the One Power cares for us all, we instead empower our fears. We see ourselves as separate and different. We fail to see our oneness unfolding in the most important vote, which is for care.

This world can’t see beyond its opposites, or see our oneness. That comes from within us. Jean Houston: “I was no longer just Jean Houston, age 6. I had awakened to a consciousness that spanned centuries. Everything was important. It was as if I knew everything, was connected to everything. I was an infinite being.” She said, “It’s your true self.” Alfred Lord Tennyson told that from boyhood he frequently had a “waking trance” in which it was as if individuality was gone and he was part of the “boundless pure being”. Vedanta teaches “Thou art that. All you see you are. Thou art one with the Universal Being. Every soul is your soul. Every body is your body. The Universe is my body.” We journey to consciously touch and know that.

This beautiful connection teaches us our oneness. We sense the presence, the power, the oneness. We touch that beautiful wisdom moving through life, and see that God is good all the time! God is good all the time! All the time God is good! Practice this chance to vote for love!


October 21, 2012 – Journey Into Oneness

10/21/12 Rev. David McArthur

We have heard so many times “we are one”. But we really are one. It doesn’t look that way. It appears that you are separate from me. Emilie Cady said, “Man, who is at first living in the selfish animal part of himself, will grow up …to the divine or spiritual understanding wherein he knows that he is one with the Father…” The Father is the part of the divine that loves and cares for us, and is within us, yet is infinite.

If we are one, then you are one with that other political candidate, and more troubling, all those people you just don’t get who support that candidate. When watching the debate, I first felt condescension for them. It was an experience of separation, viewing them as less than. It was uncomfortable. I thought maybe I should try something different. I stepped back and I saw that all the people really cared. A sense of connection took place. I stepp ed farther back and saw all the country experiencing a polarization which hurt, and I felt compassion. How difficult it is to work with those hugely complex issues! And I saw that the polarity blocks clarity, and our fears are surfacing. When we fail to see that the One Power cares for us all, we instead empower our fears. We see ourselves as separate and different. We fail to see our oneness unfolding in the most important vote, which is for care.

This world can’t see beyond its opposites, or see our oneness. That comes from within us. Jean Houston: “I was no longer just Jean Houston, age 6. I had awakened to a consciousness that spanned centuries. Everything was important. It was as if I knew everything, was connected to everything. I was an infinite being.” She said, “It’s your true self.” Alfred Lord Tennyson told that from boyhood he frequently had a “waking trance” in which it was as if individuality was gone and he was part of the “boundless pure being”. Vedanta teaches “Thou art that. All you see you are. Thou art one with the Universal Being. Every soul is your soul. Every body is your body. The Universe is my body.” We journey to consciously touch and know that.

This beautiful connection teaches us our oneness. We sense the presence, the power, the oneness. We touch that beautiful wisdom moving through life, and see that God is good all the time! God is good all the time! All the time God is good! Practice this chance to vote for love!

October 14, 2012 – You Don’t Need Fixing–Only Alignment

10/14/12 Rev. David McArthur

You Don’t Need Fixing-Only Alignment

“Why do you look at the speck of sawdust in your brother’s eye and pay no attention to the plank in your own eye?” You hypocrite! But looking to fix others only brings you back to fixing yourself. Most of you are self help addicts. But “you will wake up and know you don’t need fixin’.” An alignment is all that’s needed. “It’s a time shift into silk and a field environment of love.”

A business woman confessed, “I am the queen of roadrage!” She went on to say that every morning when she pulled out onto the highway to go to work, she felt every car was out to get her. By the time she got to work she was already exhausted and out of sorts, and everyone knew it. But now she was telling of a discovery she had made. Appreciation. She had a whole new attitude from appreciating things. On the drive to work now, she appreciated the road and the scenery on the way. When she got to work, she appreciated she had work. She had committed to an experience of appreciation. It’s alignment. Use appreciation for alignment day after day. “It’s a time shift into silk and a field environment of love.” It comes from all the great teachers. “But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well.” It’s not fix it, it’s alignment.

Love one another. Appreciation is a part of love. Peace is also a part of love, and finding that spiritual center is alignment. It is all that’s needed. Lao-tzu, from the Tao Te Ching: “She who is centered in the Tao can go where she wishes, without danger. She perceives the universal harmony, even amid great pain.” It is not ignoring the great pain which we touch in life, but “…she has found peace in her heart, centered in the Tao.”

Like the small child who takes you by the finger and brings you into her world, connect with someone who loves you. It’s always there! You are a beloved child of God! And the One who loves you is within. Reach in and take a hold of it! It’s always there. It cannot not be there.
You will wake up and know you don’t need “fixin’”. Not now, not ever. The great thing is neither does anyone else! Phew! That makes it easier. There is an alignment—that’s all that’s needed! Bless you!


October 14, 2012 – You Don’t Need Fixing – Only Alignment

10/14/12 Rev. David McArthur

“Why do you look at the speck of sawdust in your brother’s eye and pay no attention to the plank in your own eye?” You hypocrite! But looking to fix others only brings you back to fixing yourself. Most of you are self help addicts. But “you will wake up and know you don’t need fixin’.” An alignment is all that’s needed. “It’s a time shift into silk and a field environment of love.”

A business woman confessed, “I am the queen of roadrage!” She went on to say that every morning when she pulled out onto the highway to go to work, she felt every car was out to get her. By the time she got to work she was already exhausted and out of sorts, and everyone knew it. But now she was telling of a discovery she had made. Appreciation. She had a whole new attitude from appreciating things. On the drive to work now, she appreciated the road and the scenery on the way. When she got to work, she appreciated she had work. She had committed to an experience of appreciation. It’s alignment. Use appreciation for alignment day after day. “It’s a time shift into silk and a field environment of love.” It comes from all the great teachers. “But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well.” It’s not fix it, it’s alignment.

Love one another. Appreciation is a part of love. Peace is also a part of love, and finding that spiritual center is alignment. It is all that’s needed. Lao-tzu, from the Tao Te Ching: “She who is centered in the Tao can go where she wishes, without danger. She perceives the universal harmony, even amid great pain.” It is not ignoring the great pain which we touch in life, but “…she has found peace in her heart, centered in the Tao.”

Like the small child who takes you by the finger and brings you into her world, connect with someone who loves you. It’s always there! You are a beloved child of God! And the One who loves you is within. Reach in and take a hold of it! It’s always there. It cannot not be there.
You will wake up and know you don’t need “fixin’”. Not now, not ever. The great thing is neither does anyone else! Phew! That makes it easier. There is an alignment—that’s all that’s needed! Bless you!

October 7, 2012 – Cut It Loose

10/07/12 Rev. Sheila Gautreaux

Cut It Loose

Have you ever held onto a dead end job, or a marriage which had run its course? A fig tree that did not bear any figs was cursed by Jesus. It withered and died right in front of Him and the disciples. He told them they could do what He did if they were aligned with their power. They could tell a mountain to move and it would be moved.

Metaphorically, the fig tree represents the human essence, the mind energy, which manifests our lives. The mountain, the seemingly insurmountable things in our lives which consume our resources without producing. How can we let these things go, fearing we’ll have nothing after that? Realize when something is not producing it is standing in the way of your own good. It’s an opportunity to say, “Hey God, where are You? I want to see You. I want to know You.” Awaken to who you are, to the power you are.

When do we cut a job loose? When we are more and more miserable. When we can’t remember the last time we felt any joy in it. When we resent going to it. A marriage? When you have done all you can. When you have done all the therapy and praying to come together. Cut it loose. The flight attendants are told when the smoke is too thick, when the water is too deep, when the fire is too near—get out and save yourself.

There is fear of letting go. “I don’t know. I can’t do it. I’m not worthy”. There is fear of being left alone. But you can’t be alone! We are together in our Mother|Father God. Know it’s going to be wonderful. You are a child of the universe and it conspires for you to get what you need and desire. What created you is standing ready to give you all you need to be what you were created to be!
First, open your mind to see what prevents you from cutting it loose—fear—doubt—a core belief? Then open your hand to receive, a finger at a time if you need to. A closed hand gives the universe no opportunity. It is conspiring to fill the void. Then bless this “mountain”; send it on its way to reach its highest good. And forgive it. It served you, it served your soul.

That job—cut it loose. That dead end relationship—cut it loose. That house you are holding onto which does not bring joy—cut it loose! That fig tree that no longer serves—cut it loose!


October 7, 2012 – Cut It Loose

10/07/12 Rev. Sheila Gautreaux

Have you ever held onto a dead end job, or a marriage which had run its course? A fig tree that did not bear any figs was cursed by Jesus. It withered and died right in front of Him and the disciples. He told them they could do what He did if they were aligned with their power. They could tell a mountain to move and it would be moved.

Metaphorically, the fig tree represents the human essence, the mind energy, which manifests our lives. The mountain, the seemingly insurmountable things in our lives which consume our resources without producing. How can we let these things go, fearing we’ll have nothing after that? Realize when something is not producing it is standing in the way of your own good. It’s an opportunity to say, “Hey God, where are You? I want to see You. I want to know You.” Awaken to who you are, to the power you are.

When do we cut a job loose? When we are more and more miserable. When we can’t remember the last time we felt any joy in it. When we resent going to it. A marriage? When you have done all you can. When you have done all the therapy and praying to come together. Cut it loose. The flight attendants are told when the smoke is too thick, when the water is too deep, when the fire is too near—get out and save yourself.

There is fear of letting go. “I don’t know. I can’t do it. I’m not worthy”. There is fear of being left alone. But you can’t be alone! We are together in our Mother|Father God. Know it’s going to be wonderful. You are a child of the universe and it conspires for you to get what you need and desire. What created you is standing ready to give you all you need to be what you were created to be!
First, open your mind to see what prevents you from cutting it loose—fear—doubt—a core belief? Then open your hand to receive, a finger at a time if you need to. A closed hand gives the universe no opportunity. It is conspiring to fill the void. Then bless this “mountain”; send it on its way to reach its highest good. And forgive it. It served you, it served your soul.

That job—cut it loose. That dead end relationship—cut it loose. That house you are holding onto which does not bring joy—cut it loose! That fig tree that no longer serves—cut it loose!  

September 30, 2012 – Love in Action: Commitment to Love

9/30/12 Rev. David McArthur

In a monastery in a beautiful valley, the monks were growing older. The abbot was concerned about the monastery surviving. His friend the rabbi couldn’t think of any way to help, but told the abbot, “I dreamt one of your monks was the messiah.” The abbot shared this with the monks. Silently, each wondered which brother it might be, or even if it might not be himself. So each one resolved to do better. As if a special wind had blown through the monastery, activity increased. The monks’ efforts to serve others and the surrounding community increased. Once again men from the community became interested in joining the order.
What a difference it makes when we see the beautiful divine presence in each other and within ourselves!

Another community saw how their old buildings no longer served them. After seeking guidance they decided to renew their place. There had just been enough money to meet existing needs, but different members pledged to do more. Then in their country a great recession hit, and fear gripped everyone. Some in the community lost their jobs, some lost their houses. They again prayed. “Should we go forward?” A curious answer came back that yes, they should go forward. They knew the real source of their abundance. In the face of the fear, they each committed to give from their resources. They built a beautiful center for themselves and all who hear of it. And the times got better for all. It had to start somewhere.

The change came from how they began to see each other—how they saw the divine in each other—and, what’s even harder, seeing the divine within themselves. It is easy to see who that was, as today we are celebrating our second year in our new buildings. The commitment we made was to honor the divine love that we are. Say to each other, “I commit to honor the love you are.” “I commit to being Divine Love in action.”

You cannot choose to be divine love—it is what you are! You cannot get away from it. But you can commit to putting divine love into action. That is what is the power! The wholeness! The wisdom! The abundance! You are!

September 30, 2012 – Love in Action: Commitment to Love

9/30/12 Rev. David McArthur

Love in Action: Commitment to Love

In a monastery in a beautiful valley, the monks were growing older. The abbot was concerned about the monastery surviving. His friend the rabbi couldn’t think of any way to help, but told the abbot, “I dreamt one of your monks was the messiah.” The abbot shared this with the monks. Silently, each wondered which brother it might be, or even if it might not be himself. So each one resolved to do better. As if a special wind had blown through the monastery, activity increased. The monks’ efforts to serve others and the surrounding community increased. Once again men from the community became interested in joining the order.

What a difference it makes when we see the beautiful divine presence in each other and within ourselves!

Another community saw how their old buildings no longer served them. After seeking guidance they decided to renew their place. There had just been enough money to meet existing needs, but different members pledged to do more. Then in their country a great recession hit, and fear gripped everyone. Some in the community lost their jobs, some lost their houses. They again prayed. “Should we go forward?” A curious answer came back that yes, they should go forward. They knew the real source of their abundance. In the face of the fear, they each committed to give from their resources. They built a beautiful center for themselves and all who hear of it. And the times got better for all. It had to start somewhere.

The change came from how they began to see each other—how they saw the divine in each other—and, what’s even harder, seeing the divine within themselves. It is easy to see who that was, as today we are celebrating our second year in our new buildings. The commitment we made was to honor the divine love that we are. Say to each other, “I commit to honor the love you are.” “I commit to being Divine Love in action.”
You cannot choose to be divine love—it is what you are! You cannot get away from it. But you can commit to putting divine love into action. That is what is the power! The wholeness! The wisdom! The abundance! You are!


September 23, 2012 – Ho’o Pono Pono: The Four Steps

9/23/12 Rev. David McArthur

Ho’o Pono Pono: The Four Steps

Dr. Hew Len, in Hawaii, healed so many patients that the ward was closed in just three years. He did this without therapy. He did it by working on himself, using Ho’o pono pono.

We believe what is out there is a reflection of what we have within. If it is in your world it is a part of you. If you don’t like what you see, you can clean it out. You have the power to change it.

The divine always expresses to us in wholeness and harmony. You cannot hold back the divine wholeness within you, the perfection which is you. So when something shows up, use these four steps. However, while thinking them might make a difference, it will not transform you. To transform, instead of saying “I love you”, feel it. Thinking is nice, but doing the loving is transformative.

1st is “I love you.” FEEL it, if you want transformation. Your love goes to that part of yourself that is out-picturing the disharmony. The part of you which is divine love goes to it, too, and has all the power. It is waiting for you to ask.

2nd is “I’m sorry.” FEEL free to let go. If you remain in your head, your head will give you all the reasons “they” were wrong. Reasons don’t matter here. Have the willingness to let go. “I didn’t mean to create disharmony.” This is repentance.

3rd is “Please forgive me.” FEEL the deep desire for freedom. The disharmony has no place in your life anymore. Ask the divine presence to remove it, to free you fully.

4th is “Thank you” and it is easy. We FEEL fully the appreciation for, and complete acceptance of, what is given.
God will heal anything in your heart. She will remove any limits, if you want to feel better.

A NASA rocket was hopelessly off course. It had no self guidance system, and one of the scientists knew they had no control. She went to prayer. She had done some Ho’o pono pono work before, so she called Dr. Len in Hawaii who does the “unseen” work. With his guidance, she told the rocket, “I love you”. They worked the four steps of Ho’o pono pono, and the rocket self-corrected!

What are you one with? Ask yourself. —That amazing power!

“Thank you!”


September 23, 2012 – Ho’o pono pono: The Four Steps

9/23/12 Rev. David McArthur

Dr. Hew Len, in Hawaii, healed so many patients that the ward was closed in just three years. He did this without therapy. He did it by working on himself, using Ho’o pono pono.

We believe what is out there is a reflection of what we have within. If it is in your world it is a part of you. If you don’t like what you see, you can clean it out. You have the power to change it.

The divine always expresses to us in wholeness and harmony. You cannot hold back the divine wholeness within you, the perfection which is you. So when something shows up, use these four steps. However, while thinking them might make a difference, it will not transform you. To transform, instead of saying “I love you”, feel it. Thinking is nice, but doing the loving is transformative.

1st is “I love you.” FEEL it, if you want transformation. Your love goes to that part of yourself that is out-picturing the disharmony. The part of you which is divine love goes to it, too, and has all the power. It is waiting for you to ask.

2nd is “I’m sorry.” FEEL free to let go. If you remain in your head, your head will give you all the reasons “they” were wrong. Reasons don’t matter here. Have the willingness to let go. “I didn’t mean to create disharmony.” This is repentance.

3rd is “Please forgive me.” FEEL the deep desire for freedom. The disharmony has no place in your life anymore. Ask the divine presence to remove it, to free you fully.

4th is “Thank you” and it is easy. We FEEL fully the appreciation for, and complete acceptance of, what is given.
God will heal anything in your heart. She will remove any limits, if you want to feel better.

A NASA rocket was hopelessly off course. It had no self guidance system, and one of the scientists knew they had no control. She went to prayer. She had done some Ho’o pono pono work before, so she called Dr. Len in Hawaii who does the “unseen” work. With his guidance, she told the rocket, “I love you”. They worked the four steps of Ho’o pono pono, and the rocket self-corrected!

What are you one with? Ask yourself. —That amazing power!

“Thank you!”