October 20, 2013 – The Evolutionary Impulse

10/20/13 Rev. Robert Brumet
Let Go of the Past, and Stand Up to Who You Really Are

Your own heart beat is the same impulse which created the universe 14 billion years ago. Until about 100,000 years ago it was simply a biological impulse, evolving the animal forms. Then consciousness was born as the cutting edge of evolution. Now we are at another time of transition, but we have over developed knowledge and under developed wisdom; over developed power and under developed love. Some would say the greatest threat to human existence is human existence.

We have not created balance. We have taken over the course of our evolution but have done so blindly. The human mind which has created our survival has become our master. We rely on our human intelligence for our (mis)understanding of reality. We have evolved from instinct to intellect. We need to move to intuition. We have become addicted to our way and it’s all we know. We are afraid to move on.

From Nikos Kazantzakis, author of Zorba the Greek: “Blowing through the heaven and earth, and in our hearts and the heart of every living thing, is a gigantic breath–a great Cry–which we call God. Plant life wished to continue its motionless sleep next to stagnant waters, but …the Cry, without pity, kept shaking its roots and shouting, “Away, let go of the earth, Walk!”…Animals appeared–worms–making themselves at home in water and mud. “We’re just fine here,” they said… But the terrible Cry hammered itself pitilessly into their loins. “Leave the mud, stand up, give birth to your betters!”… And lo! after thousands of eons, man emerged, trembling on his still unsolid legs… He has been fighting, again for thousands of eons, to draw himself, like a sword, out of his animalistic scabbard. He is also fighting–this is his new struggle–to draw himself out of his human scabbard. Man calls in despair, “Where can I go? I have reached the pinnacle, beyond is the abyss.” And the Cry answers, “I am beyond. Stand up!”

It is important to let go of the past and stand up into who we really are. We can’t make it happen but we can be willing. And so it is! God bless you!

October 20, 2013 – The Evolutionary Impulse

10/20/13 Rev. Robert Brumet
Let Go of the Past, and Stand Up to Who You Really Are

Your own heart beat is the same impulse which created the universe 14 billion years ago. Until about 100,000 years ago it was simply a biological impulse, evolving the animal forms. Then consciousness was born as the cutting edge of evolution. Now we are at another time of transition, but we have over developed knowledge and under developed wisdom; over developed power and under developed love. Some would say the greatest threat to human existence is human existence.

We have not created balance. We have taken over the course of our evolution but have done so blindly. The human mind which has created our survival has become our master. We rely on our human intelligence for our (mis)understanding of reality. We have evolved from instinct to intellect. We need to move to intuition. We have become addicted to our way and it’s all we know. We are afraid to move on.

From Nikos Kazantzakis, author of Zorba the Greek: “Blowing through the heaven and earth, and in our hearts and the heart of every living thing, is a gigantic breath–a great Cry–which we call God. Plant life wished to continue its motionless sleep next to stagnant waters, but …the Cry, without pity, kept shaking its roots and shouting, “Away, let go of the earth, Walk!”…Animals appeared–worms–making themselves at home in water and mud. “We’re just fine here,” they said… But the terrible Cry hammered itself pitilessly into their loins. “Leave the mud, stand up, give birth to your betters!”… And lo! after thousands of eons, man emerged, trembling on his still unsolid legs… He has been fighting, again for thousands of eons, to draw himself, like a sword, out of his animalistic scabbard. He is also fighting–this is his new struggle–to draw himself out of his human scabbard. Man calls in despair, “Where can I go? I have reached the pinnacle, beyond is the abyss.” And the Cry answers, “I am beyond. Stand up!”

It is important to let go of the past and stand up into who we really are. We can’t make it happen but we can be willing. And so it is! God bless you!


October 6, 2013 – Healing the Country’s Consciousness

10/6/13 Rev. David McArthur
Healing the Country’s Consciousness

Our scientific understanding of intuition is growing. In work on the electromagnetic field of the heart, 4 subjects were wired up. 3 sent expressions of love (appreciation, care, and compassion) to the 4th, who had no clue about heart coherence. Yet his coherence response was very high. He even found it more difficult than usual to get into incoherence and feelings of discord and separation.

Jesus taught, “Love one another.” Were His teachings actually instructions on the work of transforming human kind? His instructions that we are beginning to learn not only lift us each up individually, but change the very fabric of humankind. Love heals the collective unconscious.

When I saw all the violence on the news, I went into judgment. It does feel good to know when I am right. But I had to ask, “What is the contribution we make to that experience of violence? What is needing healing?” Physical violence is an expression of pain, and thus a call for healing. Emotional violence is a call for healing emotional pain. Where we use our control of finances to hurt others financially is financial violence. In Congress, it is an out-picturing of the government’s consciousness, and since it is our government, of our consciousness.

I choose to send love when I see violence. It is our work. We can’t play the blame game anymore. Here we have made a conscious commitment to change violence in the world. Every Sunday we attune ourselves to love and radiate it out to others because it is part of our work. The experience of financial violence is our opportunity to heal the pain deep in our society experienced as financial loss.

What energy of love would heal that? The energy of unconditional love. Feel it go out from your heart. I noticed, however, I didn’t feel it for “them”, but I could feel it for any number of special people in my life. So I just let myself feel unconditional love for a loved one and then I can send that out to anyone! “I enfold you in unconditional love!” Send it to our congressmen, regardless of party, “I enfold you in unconditional love!” —to those doing financial violence in our society, and to those afraid in their own homes of financial violence. “I enfold you in unconditional love!” Send it to members of your own family, too. There is a world seeking to heal. You are here because you are a part of the Presence. You are unconditional love!

October 6, 2013 – Healing the Country’s Consciousness

10/6/13 Rev. David McArthur
Healing the Country’s Consciousness

Our scientific understanding of intuition is growing. In work on the electromagnetic field of the heart, 4 subjects were wired up. 3 sent expressions of love (appreciation, care, and compassion) to the 4th, who had no clue about heart coherence. Yet his coherence response was very high. He even found it more difficult than usual to get into incoherence and feelings of discord and separation.
Jesus taught, “Love one another.” Were His teachings actually instructions on the work of transforming human kind? His instructions that we are beginning to learn not only lift us each up individually, but change the very fabric of humankind. Love heals the collective unconscious.
When I saw all the violence on the news, I went into judgment. It does feel good to know when I am right. But I had to ask, “What is the contribution we make to that experience of violence? What is needing healing?” Physical violence is an expression of pain, and thus a call for healing. Emotional violence is a call for healing emotional pain. Where we use our control of finances to hurt others financially is financial violence. In Congress, it is an out-picturing of the government’s consciousness, and since it is our government, of our consciousness.

I choose to send love when I see violence. It is our work. We can’t play the blame game anymore. Here we have made a conscious commitment to change violence in the world. Every Sunday we attune ourselves to love and radiate it out to others because it is part of our work. The experience of financial violence is our opportunity to heal the pain deep in our society experienced as financial loss.

What energy of love would heal that? The energy of unconditional love. Feel it go out from your heart. I noticed, however, I didn’t feel it for “them”, but I could feel it for any number of special people in my life. So I just let myself feel unconditional love for a loved one and then I can send that out to anyone! “I enfold you in unconditional love!” Send it to our congressmen, regardless of party, “I enfold you in unconditional love!” —to those doing financial violence in our society, and to those afraid in their own homes of financial violence. “I enfold you in unconditional love!” Send it to members of your own family, too. There is a world seeking to heal. You are here because you are a part of the Presence. You are unconditional love!


July 28, 2013 – The Light and Love at the Core of Your Being

7/28/13 Rev. David McArthur
The Light and Love at the Core of Your Being

Dr. Peter Russell, PHD in physics, is looking into how the universe really is and the way we actually perceive things. How does our consciousness do it? Reaching a state of pure consciousness by meditating, he “transcended thinking… It was different from waking, sleeping, or dreaming.” He explained that perception is like light moving through film to project out our reality, and when he meditated, he was turning his attention to the light of the projector. But then he knew his was the same light which shines in every sentient being.

In the Upanishads it is said, “Those wise ones, seeing the consciousness is the same in all, is to see it is one; we are one.” From the Koran, “God is the light of heaven and earth. The light that arises into the experience of the mind is where we touch the divine.” Jesus said, “You are the light of the world”. It is from the Christ consciousness that we experience the light, the source. Dr. Russell said unconditional love is always there at our core, that pure consciousness is pure love. “I, in my true essence, am love.” It is the truth of your being.

Dr. Eben Alexander, a Harvard educated neurosurgeon, in his Proof of Heaven, wrote that even though all the electronic sensors showed his neocortex was not functioning, that he was fully conscious throughout his near-death experience, and the he knew instinctively that everything he experienced was true. He relayed the beauty and meaning of his experience this way, “You are loved and cherished, dearly, forever. You have nothing to fear. There is nothing you can do that is wrong.” Say, I am loved and cherished, dearly, forever. Dr. Alexander went on to say that modern physics tells us the universe is a unity in which every particle is weaved with all. There is no separation. He said both Einstein and Jesus spoke of it in their different ways.

These scientists and teachings confirm there is a place where there is power to transform whatever situation we might find ourselves in—where there is the power to transform the self. To do it, journey within, and take attention away from the situation. Move your attention to that place of power. You are loved and cherished, dearly, forever. Say I am loved and cherished, dearly, forever, (no matter how badly I screw up; no matter how everyone around me screws up). It is true, because love is who you are!


June 30, 2013 – I See The Love

6/30/13 Rev. David McArthur
I See The Love

Does the traditional god thought lift you to the next level of your spiritual journey? It does not support or nurture me. Yet, I still experience an amazing love.

An old mission church in remote New Mexico has a very plain room with a hole in the middle of the floor. Out of it I’ve seen people take the dirt and rub it on themselves, seeking healing which others have found there. The walls are lined with crutches and in the hallway outside there are many many pictures and letters about those healings.  In Rome I have seen magnificent churches. They illustrate so fully the primitive god thought that was so prevalent at the time, that God is way up there and we’re down here. In one, people were singing with great beauty and love, their voices expressing a complete and total love for God. How these people understood God is not how I do, but their love of God touched me at depth!

In the walled city of ancient Jerusalem I passed a woman dressed in religious robes. When she looked at me, she sent such a great flow of love that it took my breath away and stopped me in my tracks. She chose to know love and it grew in her, around her, and was her. We shared God together. I was powerfully blessed—even now! Whether she was Muslim, Jewish, or Christian, I was certain she was deeply devout in her perception of God, which was probably as alien from mine as you can get, yet I experienced the love of God!

(From the gospel of John), Jesus said, “Don’t you believe that I am in the Father, and that the Father is in me?” In New Mexico, I saw the people in the love of the Father and the love of the Father in them—a beautiful love, visceral, so real I could step in and feel it. The people brought it there. It was there for me and from me. When we felt the love of the singers in Rome, we felt the one unifying, harmonious power that keeps our universe in order. We were in that love and it was in us. It didn’t matter that they wouldn’t explain it that way. When I saw the woman in Jerusalem, she was in that love and it was in her. As my heart opened to receive it I was in that love.

Will we let ourselves experience that love, be one with it? I wish to be able to walk into any church and feel the love. Choose to see their love. Affirm with me, I am love; I behold the love in you. I am love; I behold the love in you. I am love; I behold the love in you. Can you do it in your family, where they do not understand your path, where words do not serve? Can you see their god thought and their love there? Can you see the world this way—where there is only love? There is only love!

June 30, 2013 – I See The Love

6/30/13 Rev. David McArthur
I See The Love

Does the traditional god thought lift you to the next level of your spiritual journey? It does not support or nurture me. Yet, I still experience an amazing love.

An old mission church in remote New Mexico has a very plain room with a hole in the middle of the floor. Out of it I’ve seen people take the dirt and rub it on themselves, seeking healing which others have found there. The walls are lined with crutches and in the hallway outside there are many many pictures and letters about those healings.  In Rome I have seen magnificent churches. They illustrate so fully the primitive god thought that was so prevalent at the time, that God is way up there and we’re down here. In one, people were singing with great beauty and love, their voices expressing a complete and total love for God. How these people understood God is not how I do, but their love of God touched me at depth!

In the walled city of ancient Jerusalem I passed a woman dressed in religious robes. When she looked at me, she sent such a great flow of love that it took my breath away and stopped me in my tracks. She chose to know love and it grew in her, around her, and was her. We shared God together. I was powerfully blessed—even now! Whether she was Muslim, Jewish, or Christian, I was certain she was deeply devout in her perception of God, which was probably as alien from mine as you can get, yet I experienced the love of God!

(From the gospel of John), Jesus said, “Don’t you believe that I am in the Father, and that the Father is in me?” In New Mexico, I saw the people in the love of the Father and the love of the Father in them—a beautiful love, visceral, so real I could step in and feel it. The people brought it there. It was there for me and from me. When we felt the love of the singers in Rome, we felt the one unifying, harmonious power that keeps our universe in order. We were in that love and it was in us. It didn’t matter that they wouldn’t explain it that way. When I saw the woman in Jerusalem, she was in that love and it was in her. As my heart opened to receive it I was in that love.

Will we let ourselves experience that love, be one with it? I wish to be able to walk into any church and feel the love. Choose to see their love. Affirm with me, I am love; I behold the love in you. I am love; I behold the love in you. I am love; I behold the love in you. Can you do it in your family, where they do not understand your path, where words do not serve? Can you see their god thought and their love there? Can you see the world this way—where there is only love? There is only love!


March 31, 2013 – Every Time I Love

3/31/13 Rev. David McArthur

Every Time I Love

5 days after 9/11, in an Egyptian coffee shop in Queens, New York City, Labib Salam and his friends were trying to understand it all when 4 young men entered and smashed everything. The police quickly caught all four, but Labib didn’t press charges. He said, “I understand their rage.” Labib and his friends began to clean up, and within an hour the four young men returned to help. In Labib’s compassion and forgiveness, we are reminded of the forgiving Jesus did from the cross. It is an amazing thing.

Resurrection is a little different. It’s an inside job. You can’t do it for someone else. When those four guys went back to Labib, they thanked him for not pressing charges. They grabbed brooms to help and soon were sharing coffee and conversation. Labib and the 4 left as friends the next morning. That’s resurrection!

Jesus’ resurrection was a demonstration of the things he had shown all along. You too have done all those things—feeding the crowds and supporting those needing healing. We do it sometimes “because we gotta”, but other times in a consciousness of wholeness and love. That’s different. Love transforms. It cannot not. Every time I love, love transforms. It does every single time. So you’ve been that demonstration! You are that life—that love. Every time I love, love transforms.

When we really screw up we usually blame others or just run away. The sense of connection is dead. Your compassion is dead. There is only you. But these guys touched the compassion of responsibility and brought back life.  Death is not the end. Those parts of us that are lifeless then are brought back to life. What makes the difference is the love. Every time I love, love transforms.

Sugar transforms the bitter cacao bean into chocolate, and the whole world loves it! Chocolate, as in the chocolate Easter egg, is a symbol if, every time you take a bite, you know love transforms. Make the commitment. Every time you take a bite of chocolate remember, Every time I love, love transforms. It is who you are—the beautiful child of God! And Every time you love, love transforms.

March 31, 2013 – Every Time I Love

3/31/13 Rev. David McArthur
Every Time I Love

Five days after 9/11, in an Egyptian coffee shop in Queens, New York City, Labib Salam and his friends were trying to understand it all when 4 young men entered and smashed everything. The police quickly caught all four, but Labib didn’t press charges. He said, “I understand their rage.” Labib and his friends began to clean up, and within an hour the four young men returned to help. In Labib’s compassion and forgiveness, we are reminded of the forgiving Jesus did from the cross. It is an amazing thing.

Resurrection is a little different. It’s an inside job. You can’t do it for someone else. When those four guys went back to Labib, they thanked him for not pressing charges. They grabbed brooms to help and soon were sharing coffee and conversation. Labib and the 4 left as friends the next morning. That’s resurrection!

Jesus’ resurrection was a demonstration of the things he had shown all along. You too have done all those things—feeding the crowds and supporting those needing healing. We do it sometimes “because we gotta”, but other times in a consciousness of wholeness and love. That’s different. Love transforms. It cannot not. Every time I love, love transforms. It does every single time. So you’ve been that demonstration! You are that life—that love. Every time I love, love transforms.

When we really screw up we usually blame others or just run away. The sense of connection is dead. Your compassion is dead. There is only you. But these guys touched the compassion of responsibility and brought back life.  Death is not the end. Those parts of us that are lifeless then are brought back to life. What makes the difference is the love. Every time I love, love transforms.

Sugar transforms the bitter cacao bean into chocolate, and the whole world loves it! Chocolate, as in the chocolate Easter egg, is a symbol if, every time you take a bite, you know love transforms. Make the commitment. Every time you take a bite of chocolate remember, Every time I love, love transforms. It is who you are—the beautiful child of God! And Every time you love, love transforms.


March 24, 2013 – How Full Is Your Glass?

3/24/13 Rev. David McArthur
How Full Is Your Glass?

A very large crowd spread their cloaks and palm branches on the road shouting “Hosanna!” as Jesus entered Jerusalem. Jesus was demonstrating the Spiritual power He had, and which he was inviting us into. There are times when everything comes together for us beautifully. Even the events that led up to Jesus standing before Pontius Pilate were seen by Jesus to be part of the process of infinite love which takes us where we are to go. He demonstrates this in his answer to Pilate, when Pilate told Him he had the power to free Him or send Him to his crucifixion. Jesus said, “You would have no power over me if it were not given you from above.” As we know, God is good all the time, but the ‘all the time’ is what gets us. When you are in a situation that is filled with only pain, it is not a demonstration of somebody doing this to you. It is a demonstration of love unfolding for your great good.

There is a famous Taoist story about a farmer who had a much admired horse to work his farm, but it ran away. The neighbors felt sorry for him. But he answered, “Who knows what is good and what is bad?” The horse returned, and two wild horses with him. The farmer said, “Who knows what is good and what is bad?” Then his son broke his leg breaking-in the wild horses. The farmer said, “Who knows what is good and what is bad?” When the army came through, they drafted all the young men except the farmer’s son, with his broken leg. The farmer said, “Who knows what is good and what is bad?”

We do get “beautiful Jerusalem” moments where it is easy to see the good. At times it is not so easy, but we can still see the goodness that is always there. Once you know this, it is an amazing gift of peace. Life doesn’t do things to us, but for us. We can take the risk of reaching out to touch others because we know it is there. Every experience is filled to overflowing with that good. Is your glass filled to overflowing? —your life? —your heart? —to overflowing? You have the ability to see it. It is always there. Yes, your life is filled to overflowing!

