July 5, 2015 – Freedom from Within

07/05/15 Rev. David McArthur
Freedom From Within

That freedom thing! Have you been celebrating? Freedom to choose our leaders, and freedom to disagree with them. Freedom to worship as we choose. They’re from without.
For the spiritual being there is another kind of freedom from within, which preserves the quality of our lives and what our lives are creating. Like 7 years ago when we were replacing our old building and there was a recession when everybody got afraid at once and the economic flow stopped. The lenders stopped lending out of fear. Fear took away freedom. But here, we chose to be free. God is our source. We can free ourselves from the fear of lack. 
Jesus said, “You will know the truth and the truth will set you free.” Charles Fillmore, in “Prosperity”, wrote, “Pour your living words of faith into the omnipresent substance, and you will be prospered though all the banks in the world close their doors.” God is our source, not banks. Because of that no one and nothing can withhold my good from me. We kept to this and our fear started to release. So a bank which had quit lending and which didn’t do church loans did for us. 
Of those who lost family in the church in North Carolina, many said to the gunman, “I forgive you.” “Hate won’t win.” “We have no room for hate.” “I pray God for mercy on your soul.” “May God bless you.” That’s freedom! It was not an easy choice, but in it they found freedom from hate and destruction. It’s one of the most powerful choices available to us. They made the choice of love and used it to go to forgiveness. Freedom from hate, from what we’ve all done, that’s freedom! 
I keep looking back at the experience of Viktor Frankl as he told it in “Man’s Search For Meaning”. Suffering the worst of man’s depravity in a Nazi concentration camp, he clung to his wife’s image in his mind until it grew more luminous than the rising sun. For the first time in his life he knew that love is man’s highest goal, that the salvation of man is through love and in love. He said he understood how even a man who has nothing left may still know bliss. This freedom from within that even the worst depravity cannot take away is in you. It is yours anytime you choose to love. 
If Viktor Frankl can do it where he was, then maybe I can do it. If those families in North Carolina can, we can too. That’s the real freedom. We have freedom to choose love. If I understand his journey, that is the only choice that matters. I am grateful for those that showed me how. I choose love; I am free. I choose love; I am free. I choose love; I am free. What a treasure to live in a country that holds that. What a way to be! Enjoy!

May 17, 2015 – The In Breath of God

05/17/15 Rev. David McArthur
The In Breath of God

We talked before about spiritually filling ourselves up and we can then give from the overflow. One way is the in breath of God. How do we let this beautiful Spirit fill us? Well, what touches us most is feeling the presence of God; the Presence as love fills us. It comes back to a simple experience, that God is Love.

From First John, “ Beloved, let us love one another, for love is from God, and whoever loves has been born of God… because God is love.” Not “God loves”, but “God is love.” In the Hindu writings, Krishna says, “Give all your love to me. Fill your mind with me; love me; serve me; worship me always. Seeking me in your heart, you will at last be united with me.” And Jesus said to love god with all your heart, your soul, your mind. That’s the work, the in breath.

Now how do we actually let that love be there and fill us? Love is an uplifting feeling but it’s so hard to get to when we are empty. It’s the last thing we think of, when we’ve tried everything else. When I want to feel good there is something that always makes me feel better—CHOCOLATE! You may not have known that chocolate is a doorway to God. Just touch the memory. The smell! The flavor! The feel! Just experience it. There never was anyone who said chocolate is awful. Who’d have thought that it’s so simple. That’s step one—feeling good. Get out of the “awful” feeling. Then you can touch some of those experiences where you actually feel love.

Recently on retreat, I found when I wanted to go from feeling good to the experience of love, I would go to the experience of my mother. I had a wonderful mother. Or you might recall your childhood best friend, or a grandchild. Feel their presence in your life. Then let them go, but continue to feel the love. Just breathe love. Breathe God. Breathe that connection with all of life—that love—the true nature of who we each really are!

One evening at the retreat the sunset was so beautiful, just reaching the point where it was breaking into all the colors. I went to the meditation room where I could see it across Monterey Bay. A nun there smiled and spoke, “My brother recently passed and I came up here to be with him, and I can feel your love for him.” And I could feel her love for him and I also felt his love for her. My heart opened. But then it was no longer about her or him. I could just be there in the love, breathing that love.

But your mind wants to come back in. It is so infinitely creative with all kinds of distractions. So just bring it back and affirm, “Love fills me now. I am love.” I went back to my opened heart. Love fills me now. I am love. That’s how we fill ourselves to overflowing: Love fills me now. I am love.

May 17, 2015 – The In Breath of God

05/17/15 Rev. David McArthur
The In Breath of God

We talked before about spiritually filling ourselves up and we can then give from the overflow. One way is the in breath of God. How do we let this beautiful Spirit fill us? Well, what touches us most is feeling the presence of God; the Presence as love fills us. It comes back to a simple experience, that God is Love.

From First John, “ Beloved, let us love one another, for love is from God, and whoever loves has been born of God… because God is love.” Not “God loves”, but “God is love.” In the Hindu writings, Krishna says, “Give all your love to me. Fill your mind with me; love me; serve me; worship me always. Seeking me in your heart, you will at last be united with me.” And Jesus said to love god with all your heart, your soul, your mind. That’s the work, the in breath.

Now how do we actually let that love be there and fill us? Love is an uplifting feeling but it’s so hard to get to when we are empty. It’s the last thing we think of, when we’ve tried everything else. When I want to feel good there is something that always makes me feel better—CHOCOLATE! You may not have known that chocolate is a doorway to God. Just touch the memory. The smell! The flavor! The feel! Just experience it. There never was anyone who said chocolate is awful. Who’d have thought that it’s so simple. That’s step one—feeling good. Get out of the “awful” feeling. Then you can touch some of those experiences where you actually feel love.

Recently on retreat, I found when I wanted to go from feeling good to the experience of love, I would go to the experience of my mother. I had a wonderful mother. Or you might recall your childhood best friend, or a grandchild. Feel their presence in your life. Then let them go, but continue to feel the love. Just breathe love. Breathe God. Breathe that connection with all of life—that love—the true nature of who we each really are!

One evening at the retreat the sunset was so beautiful, just reaching the point where it was breaking into all the colors. I went to the meditation room where I could see it across Monterey Bay. A nun there smiled and spoke, “My brother recently passed and I came up here to be with him, and I can feel your love for him.” And I could feel her love for him and I also felt his love for her. My heart opened. But then it was no longer about her or him. I could just be there in the love, breathing that love.

But your mind wants to come back in. It is so infinitely creative with all kinds of distractions. So just bring it back and affirm, “Love fills me now. I am love.” I went back to my opened heart. Love fills me now. I am love. That’s how we fill ourselves to overflowing: Love fills me now. I am love.


April 12, 2015 – Initiation In Love

04/12/15 Rev. David McArthur
Initiation In Love

Florence Scovel Schinn wrote that whatever your problem, it is a test through love. If you meet it with love, your problem is solved. If not, the problem continues. Your problem is your initiation in love.

The first sign we have a problem is criticism. We define someone or something as “not ok” and put energy into confirming that. Catherine Ponder says that when you run down others’ problems or affairs you open your consciousness to become run down. It’s fear that constricts us, and then less good in health and finances flows into our lives.

But even where we feel powerless, we do have power. In this community we know we have the power to hold the consciousness to transform. Then we all are strengthened.

A man was seriously depressed and wasn’t working. At the same time, the 19 year old son was on the verge of losing his college career, and the emotionally disturbed 13 year old’s anger was becoming increasingly violent. Their 12 year old sister’s teachers reported she was withdrawing from the world. Additionally, the mother had only one kidney, and it was diseased. Then the lady heard “Love has the power to overcome any problem.” Desperate, she committed to find out if it were true. She had no options. Every time she found herself being critical of someone, she would write in a notebook, “I behold you with the eyes of love and I glory in your perfection.” Every time. Thought after thought, day after day. Within six weeks her husband got out of bed, bathed and cut his hair and started work! He opened to a flow. The 19 year old got a job that covered his tuition! And in the last three weeks the 13 year old had not had a single violent episode. The girl’s teacher called to say she was now making friends. The woman’s kidney healed and she got a job!

With our fear we feed the negative energy. But we do have a choice. Charles Fillmore said, “The more we talk about love the more it comes into our experience… You may trust love to get you out of your difficulty.” It’s a universal truth and an application of Jesus’ teaching about loving your enemies. The Tao teaches to love the world as yourself. Then you can care for all things. It’s the basis of the Ho’o pono pono practice that “when I change, the world around me changes.”

I’m betting there’s someone in your life you feel is in need of your criticism. (And the most difficult one is yourself.) “I behold you with the eyes of love and I glory in your perfection.” “I behold you with the eyes of love and I glory in your perfection.” “I behold you with the eyes of love and I glory in your perfection.” It’s a sacred spiritual assignment because we have chosen to step into the initiation of love.

April 12, 2015 – Initiation In Love

04/12/15 Rev. David McArthur
Initiation In Love

Florence Scovel Schinn wrote that whatever your problem, it is a test through love. If you meet it with love, your problem is solved. If not, the problem continues. Your problem is your initiation in love.

The first sign we have a problem is criticism. We define someone or something as “not ok” and put energy into confirming that. Catherine Ponder says that when you run down others’ problems or affairs you open your consciousness to become run down. It’s fear that constricts us, and then less good in health and finances flows into our lives.
But even where we feel powerless, we do have power. In this community we know we have the power to hold the consciousness to transform. Then we all are strengthened.

A man was seriously depressed and wasn’t working. At the same time, the 19 year old son was on the verge of losing his college career, and the emotionally disturbed 13 year old’s anger was becoming increasingly violent. Their 12 year old sister’s teachers reported she was withdrawing from the world. Additionally, the mother had only one kidney, and it was diseased. Then the lady heard “Love has the power to overcome any problem.” Desperate, she committed to find out if it were true. She had no options. Every time she found herself being critical of someone, she would write in a notebook, “I behold you with the eyes of love and I glory in your perfection.” Every time. Thought after thought, day after day. Within six weeks her husband got out of bed, bathed and cut his hair and started work! He opened to a flow. The 19 year old got a job that covered his tuition! And in the last three weeks the 13 year old had not had a single violent episode. The girl’s teacher called to say she was now making friends. The woman’s kidney healed and she got a job!

With our fear we feed the negative energy. But we do have a choice. Charles Fillmore said, “The more we talk about love the more it comes into our experience… You may trust love to get you out of your difficulty.” It’s a universal truth and an application of Jesus’ teaching about loving your enemies. The Tao teaches to love the world as yourself. Then you can care for all things. It’s the basis of the Ho’o pono pono practice that “when I change, the world around me changes.”

I’m betting there’s someone in your life you feel is in need of your criticism. (And the most difficult one is yourself.) “I behold you with the eyes of love and I glory in your perfection.” “I behold you with the eyes of love and I glory in your perfection.” “I behold you with the eyes of love and I glory in your perfection.” It’s a sacred spiritual assignment because we have chosen to step into the initiation of love.


March 8, 2015 – Tithing — A Four-Letter Word…Love

03/08/15 Sheila Gautreaux, L.U.T.
Tithing – A Four-Letter Word…Love

My friend, Dot, joyfully told of the card and money she had prepared for her grandson Langston’s birthday. I could tell the card was filled with love. She was so excited. When you select a gift with such care you imagine how great the loved one will feel when they open it. Give like that when you tithe to wherever you receive your spiritual instruction, support, and enlightenment, your spiritual good. Give by joy. The energy of connection with the universe, when giving from joy, goes out into the universe and the universe is inspired to return it. When giving in joy you are also giving to yourself.
If 10% is fearful for you, you can start small and graduate to 10%. Why 10? 10 is the number of perfect balance, of the balance of masculine and feminine, of resplendent love. It is the divine number, and reduces to 1—indicating our oneness with the universe, that when we are aligned with the universe we are connected and there is no difference between us and God.

When I lost half my income I stopped tithing. Then I started losing track of money; I just couldn’t find it. My paying engagements started drying up. Then I fell and broke my wrist. What was going on? Then I remembered I had quit tithing. So I immediately wrote a check. In fear I had stopped tithing, but then when I did give I gave in love. To give only because you get is not in alignment with the law of giving and receiving. In a month or 6 weeks I was clearly in a better situation.

You can tithe not only money, but your time or service. Give somewhere, somehow, to someone. Are you giving in love to your family? To you community? To your job? Our goal is to give in love across the board, giving in love to our world. Seek to live a life of giving love. The steps are listed in the attached outline.

This week look at every place you go, and give in love. Be aware of how you are giving to our world. Even how you speak is giving. Find a way to give love even if it’s just a little bit, because love changes everything.

I give you love; I give you peace; I give you joy. May you find this every day in your life and relationships.


March 8, 2015 – Tithing — A Four-Letter Word…Love

03/08/15 Sheila Gautreaux, L.U.T.
Tithing – A Four-Letter Word…Love

My friend, Dot, joyfully told of the card and money she had prepared for her grandson Langston’s birthday. I could tell the card was filled with love. She was so excited. When you select a gift with such care you imagine how great the loved one will feel when they open it. Give like that when you tithe to wherever you receive your spiritual instruction, support, and enlightenment, your spiritual good. Give by joy. The energy of connection with the universe, when giving from joy, goes out into the universe and the universe is inspired to return it. When giving in joy you are also giving to yourself.

If 10% is fearful for you, you can start small and graduate to 10%. Why 10? 10 is the number of perfect balance, of the balance of masculine and feminine, of resplendent love. It is the divine number, and reduces to 1—indicating our oneness with the universe, that when we are aligned with the universe we are connected and there is no difference between us and God.

When I lost half my income I stopped tithing. Then I started losing track of money; I just couldn’t find it. My paying engagements started drying up. Then I fell and broke my wrist. What was going on? Then I remembered I had quit tithing. So I immediately wrote a check. In fear I had stopped tithing, but then when I did give I gave in love. To give only because you get is not in alignment with the law of giving and receiving. In a month or 6 weeks I was clearly in a better situation.

You can tithe not only money, but your time or service. Give somewhere, somehow, to someone. Are you giving in love to your family? To you community? To your job? Our goal is to give in love across the board, giving in love to our world. Seek to live a life of giving love. The steps are listed in the attached outline.

This week look at every place you go, and give in love. Be aware of how you are giving to our world. Even how you speak is giving. Find a way to give love even if it’s just a little bit, because love changes everything.

I give you love; I give you peace; I give you joy. May you find this every day in your life and relationships.

March 1, 2015 – Learning Prayer – Sending Love

03/01/15 Rev. David McArthur
Learning Prayer – Sending Love

As a child I really didn’t feel connection to anyone “up there”. As a young man I started meditating and my experience of the reality of prayer changed. Later, in the tragedy of losing my wife, I learned the power of prayer. I entered into forgiveness and found peace. Through the experience of prayer it was given to me.

I wanted to really know about prayer. Unity asked me to step into the spiritual being I already was, and to open and receive my good that was already there, not to ask someone else “outside” of me. This experience of prayer I still did not really understand. There’s a difference between knowledge and understanding.

Rev. Mary Wessel established the Unity ministries throughout Montana. I met her when she was 104 years old. She lived on the top floor of a home which overlooked a beautiful valley and mountains. When I stepped into the room Spirit opened my eyes and I saw vibrant ribbons of light flowing out through the window like highways and I knew what she was doing. She was in a ministry of prayer. And later, even with mountains between us, I knew those ribbons of light reached to me and many others. It is powerful and it makes a difference. It is the sacred experience of love supporting each other as we go through this Earth experience.

I invite you to bring someone into your awareness, into your heart, who needs support. Now send that love that you are feeling. Enfold that love over them. At this moment you know for that person they are loved. Tell them You are loved. You are loved. You are loved. Divine love through your heart enfolds them now. Feel that beautiful love. Know this transforming power creates, and that it enfolds them here, now.

I invite you to join us as a spiritual community to pray at noon (or whatever time; Spirit doesn’t get hung up on time) for every person that has asked for prayer support. Pause for a moment and let them know they are loved. What we discover then is that each of us is loved!


March 1, 2015 – Learning Prayer — Sending Love

03/01/15 Rev. David McArthur
Learning Prayer – Sending Love

As a child I really didn’t feel connection to anyone “up there”. As a young man I started meditating and my experience of the reality of prayer changed. Later, in the tragedy of losing my wife, I learned the power of prayer. I entered into forgiveness and found peace. Through the experience of prayer it was given to me.

I wanted to really know about prayer. Unity asked me to step into the spiritual being I already was, and to open and receive my good that was already there, not to ask someone else “outside” of me. This experience of prayer I still did not really understand. There’s a difference between knowledge and understanding.

Rev. Mary Wessel established the Unity ministries throughout Montana. I met her when she was 104 years old. She lived on the top floor of a home which overlooked a beautiful valley and mountains. When I stepped into the room Spirit opened my eyes and I saw vibrant ribbons of light flowing out through the window like highways and I knew what she was doing. She was in a ministry of prayer. And later, even with mountains between us, I knew those ribbons of light reached to me and many others. It is powerful and it makes a difference. It is the sacred experience of love supporting each other as we go through this Earth experience.

I invite you to bring someone into your awareness, into your heart, who needs support. Now send that love that you are feeling. Enfold that love over them. At this moment you know for that person they are loved. Tell them You are loved. You are loved. You are loved. Divine love through your heart enfolds them now. Feel that beautiful love. Know this transforming power creates, and that it enfolds them here, now.

I invite you to join us as a spiritual community to pray at noon (or whatever time; Spirit doesn’t get hung up on time) for every person that has asked for prayer support. Pause for a moment and let them know they are loved. What we discover then is that each of us is loved!

February 22, 2015 – Pinocchio – Through Fear to God

02/22/15 Rev. David McArthur
Pinocchio – Through Fear to God

Pinocchio begins with a glorious story of our creation myth. Geppetto (the Creator) makes Pinocchio. The Blue Fairy gives him life. A living puppet without strings, Pinocchio becomes famous, but ends up caged. (As we look to the outer for fulfillment, there are limitations.) To be free of the cage, Pinocchio had to quit lying to himself.

He went to Pleasure Island where there are no rules. Soon he and the other pleasure-seeking boys turn into donkeys, showing addiction to the Earth experience; it’s falling asleep into the density of the animal consciousness. It doesn’t work. But he listens to Jiminy Cricket, his consciousness, and gets off Pleasure Island by diving into the ocean (his consciousness).

He has to find Geppetto, his creator. (The focus is now on the divine.) Entering into his subconscious, the ocean, he finds Monstro the whale (the greatest fear). It isn’t easy for him to get into the whale. Here Jesus tells us how: “Ask, and it shall be given you; seek, and ye shall find; knock, and it shall be opened unto you. “ (Matthew 7:7)

My own personal journey into the “whale” will perhaps encourage some to enter into their fear. It began when my wife was murdered. I felt if God is a lie I wanted to know. So I entered into my fear. When the murderer’s family was interviewed I got to be a part of it, and I got to see how their Pleasure Island was taken from them, how the pain took it all. I did not see evil anywhere. I saw how our choices affect others. I saw that Geppetto, the Divine Presence/Law, was a gift with no strings. A gift of power and choice. Goodness was there.

Pinocchio burns the boat inside the whale (fire is a symbol of transformation) so that the whale would spit them out. The whale (the fear) is gone. In my journey into my whale, I asked if the love was real. I went back through every moment—the act, the choices, the pain, what was said, what happened to the family. Everywhere I touched there was love. Love so powerful it brought something even greater—a love which allowed choices, consciousness, actions. There was not anything else. No second power. An amazing gift of love to every single person there. It’s not just that God is good. That’s not enough. God is love all the time. And All the time God is love. No more whale. I could see the reality we live in, the most amazing choices. I could see we can place our attention on anything we want. And when we put it on this powerful love we see that God Is All Love All The Time.
