July 12, 2015 – The Perception Trap – The Projection Game

07/12/15 Rev. Sheila Gautreaux, L.U.T.
The Perception Trap –– The Projection Game
If your eyes are healthy [your perception is true], your whole body [your body of affairs, your life] will be full of light [illuminated, aware of truth].” (Matthew 6, 23-24). If our perception is unhealthy, it is darkness within. So we see events in the moment erroneously, and are triggered by past pain. That’s the Perception Trap. We then project the past pain into the present and into the future. That’s the Projection Game. Until we heal that core negative belief, we react from that belief, and it gains energy over time. We update our pain with the Perception Trap and the Projection Game.

We all have core negative beliefs that cause us to react in a way that has nothing to do with the situation, but with something that happened to us when we were young. That young man in South Carolina acted from a misperception; he felt he had to act to protect himself. But what he expected would happen didn’t. Instead people came together in love and compassion. “When… we see as God sees—that all is whole and perfect… we avoid recreating the pain and suffering of the past.” Elizabeth Sand Turner (Be Ye Transformed). That’s what we are being called to do in our world right now.

Anytime we get triggered there’s something else going on. The core negative beliefs come up because they are still there, not to hurt us, just calling for healing. These things come up FOR us; they do not happen TO us. We have to consciously hunt for them and heal them.

The world is calling on us to help it heal. We’re a microcosm of the macrocosm. If a large percentage of us are carrying core negative beliefs the world is going to reflect it. Take an inventory of your core negative beliefs. Write them down. Look at where they came from. Decide to forgive where it was imprinted in the first place and then forgive yourself for carrying it all this time.

Each time we face a situation without letting it trigger us we stand in our power. Keep “tilling that soil” of your consciousness to discover what is in there that is showing up out here in our world. When you see something on the news that makes you say, “Oh my God!” say instead, “That’s a part of me, too!” “That possibility lives within me too.” I See As God Sees And My Vision Is True! I See As God Sees And My Vision Is True! I See As God Sees And My Vision Is True! Lao Tzu said, “The caterpillar sees the end of the world. The rest of the world sees the butterfly.

July 12, 2015 – The Perception Trap – The Projection Game

07/12/15 Rev. Sheila Gautreaux, L.U.T.
The Perception Trap –– The Projection Game

If your eyes are healthy [your perception is true], your whole body [your body of affairs, your life] will be full of light [illuminated, aware of truth].” (Matthew 6, 23-24). If our perception is unhealthy, it is darkness within. So we see events in the moment erroneously, and are triggered by past pain. That’s the Perception Trap. We then project the past pain into the present and into the future. That’s the Projection Game. Until we heal that core negative belief, we react from that belief, and it gains energy over time. We update our pain with the Perception Trap and the Projection Game.

We all have core negative beliefs that cause us to react in a way that has nothing to do with the situation, but with something that happened to us when we were young. That young man in South Carolina acted from a misperception; he felt he had to act to protect himself. But what he expected would happen didn’t. Instead people came together in love and compassion. “When… we see as God sees—that all is whole and perfect… we avoid recreating the pain and suffering of the past.” Elizabeth Sand Turner (Be Ye Transformed). That’s what we are being called to do in our world right now.

Anytime we get triggered there’s something else going on. The core negative beliefs come up because they are still there, not to hurt us, just calling for healing. These things come up FOR us; they do not happen TO us. We have to consciously hunt for them and heal them.
The world is calling on us to help it heal. We’re a microcosm of the macrocosm. If a large percentage of us are carrying core negative beliefs the world is going to reflect it. Take an inventory of your core negative beliefs. Write them down. Look at where they came from. Decide to forgive where it was imprinted in the first place and then forgive yourself for carrying it all this time.

Each time we face a situation without letting it trigger us we stand in our power. Keep “tilling that soil” of your consciousness to discover what is in there that is showing up out here in our world. When you see something on the news that makes you say, “Oh my God!” say instead, “That’s a part of me, too!” “That possibility lives within me too.” I See As God Sees And My Vision Is True! I See As God Sees And My Vision Is True! I See As God Sees And My Vision Is True! Lao Tzu said, “The caterpillar sees the end of the world. The rest of the world sees the butterfly.


October 12, 2014 – From Fear to Wisdom

10/12/14 Rev. David McArthur
From Fear to Wisdom

We talked about letting go of the fear by saying I gently cherish God’s Presence in you. We have many chances to gently cherish God’s Presence in those who bring out our fear.

In the gospel of John, “God is love, and all who live in love live in God, and God lives in them… If we love each other, God lives in us… There is no fear in love. But perfect love drives out fear.” When seeing from the heart, there is intuitive, spiritual intelligence. It sees the Presence, the goodness, the love of God. There is no fear.

In Matthew, “For this people’s heart has become callous [we shut ourselves off from our heart with fear and hurt] and they hardly hear with their ears [we do not hear our guidance] and they do not see with their eyes [we do not see the presence of God]. Otherwise they might see with their eyes [see the beautiful abundance and caring which is the nature of the divine, and on a deeper level see the differences among us fall away]. If they turn I will heal them.”

Turn within, where the power, the wholeness, the wisdom, the Divine is. You’ve had that guidance that bears wisdom and direction again and again.

Lao Tzu said, “There is no greater illusion than fear, no greater wrong than preparing to defend yourself, no greater misfortune than having an enemy. Whoever can see through all fear will always be safe.” It’s amazing to have no fear. What a way to live!

We are beginning to know this. This is Breast Cancer Awareness month. The campaign has become a vision of wholeness and wellness. At first based on fear, the attitude changed, and that is what creates. They saw that this was something to be created on a higher level. Years ago a member of our community told me her doctors had given her a very short time to live. There was nothing more they could do. But she moved beyond her fear. She asked her internal guidance and got a clear message to go to another health care system, and now such an appreciation for God’s love and support flows through her! But first she got rid of the fear. So this week, focus on I gently cherish God’s Presence in me. Whether we’re afraid or not, it is there. It’s just sometimes it’s hard to hear it. We have open hearts that love is holding and unfolding. I am lovingly guided every moment. It is there. You are the presence and power of that wisdom. Fear is the illusion. We’re all here to transform the world and the whole world is set up to let us do it! So Have fun!


October 12, 2014 – From Fear to Wisdom

10/12/14 Rev. David McArthur
From Fear to Wisdom

We talked about letting go of the fear by saying I gently cherish God’s Presence in you. We have many chances to gently cherish God’s Presence in those who bring out our fear.

In the gospel of John, “God is love, and all who live in love live in God, and God lives in them… If we love each other, God lives in us… There is no fear in love. But perfect love drives out fear.” When seeing from the heart, there is intuitive, spiritual intelligence. It sees the Presence, the goodness, the love of God. There is no fear.

In Matthew, “For this people’s heart has become callous [we shut ourselves off from our heart with fear and hurt] and they hardly hear with their ears [we do not hear our guidance] and they do not see with their eyes [we do not see the presence of God]. Otherwise they might see with their eyes [see the beautiful abundance and caring which is the nature of the divine, and on a deeper level see the differences among us fall away]. If they turn I will heal them.”

Turn within, where the power, the wholeness, the wisdom, the Divine is. You’ve had that guidance that bears wisdom and direction again and again.

Lao Tzu said, “There is no greater illusion than fear, no greater wrong than preparing to defend yourself, no greater misfortune than having an enemy. Whoever can see through all fear will always be safe.” It’s amazing to have no fear. What a way to live!

We are beginning to know this. This is Breast Cancer Awareness month. The campaign has become a vision of wholeness and wellness. At first based on fear, the attitude changed, and that is what creates. They saw that this was something to be created on a higher level. Years ago a member of our community told me her doctors had given her a very short time to live. There was nothing more they could do. But she moved beyond her fear. She asked her internal guidance and got a clear message to go to another health care system, and now such an appreciation for God’s love and support flows through her! But first she got rid of the fear. So this week, focus on I gently cherish God’s Presence in me. Whether we’re afraid or not, it is there. It’s just sometimes it’s hard to hear it. We have open hearts that love is holding and unfolding. I am lovingly guided every moment. It is there. You are the presence and power of that wisdom. Fear is the illusion. We’re all here to transform the world and the whole world is set up to let us do it! So Have fun!

March 30, 2014 – The Heart’s Path to Freedom: 4. Heart Neutral

3/30/14 Rev. David McArthur
The Heart’s Path to Freedom: 4. Heart Neutral

We can create a state of consciousness for which some people have searched a long, long time. We are aware that we are in the world but not of it. We touch experiences and enjoy their richness but they do not control us. It takes focus and special energy in the heart, and the way to bring it forth is seen in HeartMath Cut-Thru. HeartMath is a secular way, but it shows the spiritual potential and maturity within us. The steps are 1, embrace your feelings, 2, activate the power by breathing love, 3, call forth the amazing wisdom within through spiritual understanding, divine objectivity.

Today is 4, Heart Neutral. Feelings come up, and that is wonderful, but they can control us. Heart Neutral is different. We can hold the feelings in our hearts but we don’t have to be controlled by them. The power of Spirit is always there to act on them. Heart Neutral can release levels in us we have no idea are there.

Lao Tzu: “The Tao is like a bellows: it is empty yet infinitely capable. The more you use it, the more it produces…” So too the heart. There is room to hold whatever you are feeling in your heart because in there there is infinite ability. “We join spokes together in a wheel, but it is the center hole that makes the wagon move… We work with being, but non-being is what we use.” Then we hold it in non-being, in neutral—the part we don’t see, we don’t understand, that flows through us.

How do you get to neutral when the feelings come up? There is head neutral and heart neutral. When the mind tries to choose it suppresses feelings. Our teens have a wonderful expression for this—“whatever!”—it’s head neutral, “I don’t care.” But Heart Neutral embraces the experience, it cares, yet it is unattached. Embrace the feelings. Affirm, “I hold the feelings in my heart in neutral.” They’re ok. I don’t need to give them power; I don’t need to withhold power. But they are part of my experience.

In India, Joanna was in neutral about a fly in her cup of tea, so did nothing. Then her awareness was lifted to another level when a monk carefully lifted it from her cup and told her the fly would be all right; she was opened to an entirely new appreciation for all life. What she had been missing!

A few days before Valentine’s day, Walt was driving Patricia over here. He ran a red light and got pulled over. When the officer walked up, he might write the ticket; he might not. After a short friendly talk, he let Walt off. In neutral there is a beautiful caring. Spirit works through it. With affirmation and encouragement, not suppressing or putting down, hold the feelings in that beautiful embrace of care, of neutral. “I hold the feelings in my heart in neutral.”

It’s like with a piece of chocolate—you enter a moment when your heart is full. When you taste it, there’s appreciation! Let it flow!


March 23, 2014 – The Heart’s Path to Freedom: 3. Understanding

Tsu3/23/14 Rev. David McArthur
The Heart’s Path to Freedom: 3. Understanding

On our journey to be free the first step is Embrace your feelings, especially the ones not in harmony, identified by that reactive pain. When they come up, there is healing to do. Then turn on the power of the heart by Breathing Love. Today step three, Spiritual Understanding. It’s divine objectivity. It’s in the heart because love is there, God is there, and there is intelligence and light.

I found myself filled with anxiety and a very strong feeling to get away from a conference that I really wanted to attend. Feelings are something we experience, but are not our nature. It was time I healed my feelings. So I took time to be alone. I turned on the power of my heart and spent five beautiful minutes breathing love. Then I asked for understanding. Within that love is the wisdom to truly see. When we look at ourselves through the head it is judgmental. The brain loves right and wrong. We feel guilt, fear, blame. That’s why we don’t like to look at ourselves. But I was in my heart, breathing love, opening to Spirit, to the heart’s deep understanding. It is enlightening, compassionate. Wholeness is it’s nature because Divine Presence is wholeness.

We know a secret: God is good all the time —even when it doesn’t feel like it. There are those who are healed just by the spiritual power when they open to compassion. A young missionary found she was increasingly unhappy, even depressed. She didn’t know she could just go in and turn on the power by breathing love. But she prayed, asking for help, a beautiful expression of self love. She opened to that until she could the feel love. She asked for understanding. She then understood it wasn’t her dream, but her parents’. She needed to go home and attend to her own needs. She was freed of her unhappiness.

The medicine wheel is a wonderful part of the Native American teaching. One of its four directions is Eagle. This young lady had the experience of Eagle, seeing from above. Emily Cady put it this way: “Understanding is a spiritual birth, a revelation of God within the heart of man.” It’s a greater vision from God through the power of the heart. The Taoist, Lao Tzu, said, “The master observes the world but trusts his inner vision…His heart is open as the sky.”

Affirm Breathing love, I open to understanding. In a quiet moment in your day, ask, “Were there recent times when pain or emotions not in harmony came up?” Then Breathe Love. That openness is the opening to the beautiful, powerful individual you are. It brings understanding to everything in our lives!


July 1, 2012 – Self Love Through Forgiveness

7/1/12 Rev. David McArthur

Self Love Through Forgiveness

July. Freedom. We only get freedom if we are willing to do self love. Otherwise we let a lot of things hang on and control us.

Lao Tzu, in the Tao Te Ching, wrote, “The Master stays behind; that is why she is ahead. She is detached from all things; that is why she is one with them. Because she has let go of herself, she is perfectly fulfilled.”

Anita Moorjani, as a girl at a Catholic school in Hong Kong and a Hindu of Indian heritage, was very much the outsider in her classes. Repeatedly the subject of cruel bullying throughout her school years, she recalled, as an adult dying of cancer, how so much of the time she had felt bad about herself. But she knew that being bound this way was not ok. In her near death experience she saw how this led to her deadly cancer. However, she also saw this wasn’t who she was at all—but that she was a magnificent spiritual being, and that should never be hidden. “I am a magnificent spiritual being!” Filled with this knowledge her body would not support the cancer, and on what was expected to be her deathbed, she became free of the cancer.

The way to spiritual freedom is forgiveness. We are trapped in perceptions of ourselves which are not true. Forgive yourselves and those “bullies” in your memories. They have journeyed with you long enough.

Steve Backman, trying to deal with his “bullies” by drinking, drove his car one night into one driven by Chris Loukas. With nearly every bone in his body broken, Chris Loukas hovered near death in a coma for six weeks, but eventually roused. Finally, unable to tolerate his anguish any longer, Steve braved the Loukas family and asked if he might see Chris. He begged Chris’ forgiveness, and Chris opened his arms and they hugged and wept. And they both were freed.

Enter into freedom through forgiveness—of others and of yourself. Love yourself enough to let go of all that stuff! Be free. Be who you really are—a magnificent spiritual being! It starts when you love yourself enough to let go of yourself. “Because she loves herself enough she is fulfilled.” “I choose to be free and live in my fulfillment.” When you make that choice it really gets fun!
