December 27, 2015 – Appreciation: Key To Letting Go

12/27/15  Rev. David McArthur
Appreciation: Key To Letting Go

At Thanksgiving we open our hearts with appreciation; with Christmas we go even deeper into our hearts. Then we step into New Years and say yes to the energy we have built up to bring something new in. But we have to let go of something old. It’s the Law of Closets and Bookcases. That’s the reason for the Burning Bowl ceremony.

Paul Simon wrote about letting go in “50 Ways To Leave Your Lover.” “You Just slip out the back, Jack…Just get yourself free… get yourself free.” Don’t you wish it worked that way? But this isn’t just a 3D world. “I am a spiritual being living in a spiritual world governed by spiritual law.” Real change comes from within.

This is when I go to my teacher, Jesus. In the story of the man blind from birth, the disciples (us learners) asked Jesus who sinned that the man was born blind, his parents or him? At this time Judaism was examining the laws of Karma and Reincarnation. It was taught that if you followed the rules as written, you were righteous and prospered in health, finances, and relationships. To have suffering meant you weren’t righteous; you weren’t in alignment with God. Jesus’ answer was that neither this soul nor his parents had sinned, but that people showing suffering did so as an invitation for all to awaken to the greater pattern within the being. (He never did say, “I have healed you’” He always said, “Your faith has healed you.”) He spat on the ground and took the mud (as if to say yes, we are in the 3D world) and by putting it into the blind man’s eyes meant the awareness of the spiritual gives us sight.

A woman I have known for a long time, Edwene Gaines, grew steadily in this knowledge. Her husband of a short time had walked out on her, saying he didn’t love her any more. Left alone, 6 months pregnant with little money in Hong Kong, her reaction was understandably anger, hatred and resentment.

It literally became a cancer inside her. Her doctor told her to write her will. Her spiritual advisor told her she had a choice: to forgive or to die. She found that the more she forgave the more her cancer subsided. She says that what her ex had done to her seemed to be the worst thing anyone could do. However, she is now truly grateful for it. “Without it I may never have learned the power of forgiveness.” She now can experience her own wholeness with others. There’s no victim in that.

How did she know she had accomplished forgiveness? Appreciation. With appreciation, we retain the learning but free ourselves. I appreciate the wisdom I have gained. I appreciate the wisdom I have gained. I appreciate the wisdom I have gained. That’s how we get free. That’s the experience of the spiritual being.

Receive it. Hold it. You are a conscious spiritual being. You have learned. You are wise. It is illumination. Your light shines!


December 27, 2015 – Appreciation: Key To Letting Go

12/27/15  Rev. David McArthur
Appreciation: Key To Letting Go

At Thanksgiving we open our hearts with appreciation; with Christmas we go even deeper into our hearts. Then we step into New Years and say yes to the energy we have built up to bring something new in. But we have to let go of something old. It’s the Law of Closets and Bookcases. That’s the reason for the Burning Bowl ceremony.

Paul Simon wrote about letting go in “50 Ways To Leave Your Lover.” “You Just slip out the back, Jack…Just get yourself free… get yourself free.” Don’t you wish it worked that way? But this isn’t just a 3D world. “I am a spiritual being living in a spiritual world governed by spiritual law.” Real change comes from within.

This is when I go to my teacher, Jesus. In the story of the man blind from birth, the disciples (us learners) asked Jesus who sinned that the man was born blind, his parents or him? At this time Judaism was examining the laws of Karma and Reincarnation. It was taught that if you followed the rules as written, you were righteous and prospered in health, finances, and relationships. To have suffering meant you weren’t righteous; you weren’t in alignment with God. Jesus’ answer was that neither this soul nor his parents had sinned, but that people showing suffering did so as an invitation for all to awaken to the greater pattern within the being. (He never did say, “I have healed you’” He always said, “Your faith has healed you.”) He spat on the ground and took the mud (as if to say yes, we are in the 3D world) and by putting it into the blind man’s eyes meant the awareness of the spiritual gives us sight.

A woman I have known for a long time, Edwene Gaines, grew steadily in this knowledge. Her husband of a short time had walked out on her, saying he didn’t love her any more. Left alone, 6 months pregnant with little money in Hong Kong, her reaction was understandably anger, hatred and resentment.

It literally became a cancer inside her. Her doctor told her to write her will. Her spiritual advisor told her she had a choice: to forgive or to die. She found that the more she forgave the more her cancer subsided. She says that what her ex had done to her seemed to be the worst thing anyone could do. However, she is now truly grateful for it. “Without it I may never have learned the power of forgiveness.” She now can experience her own wholeness with others. There’s no victim in that.

How did she know she had accomplished forgiveness? Appreciation. With appreciation, we retain the learning but free ourselves. I appreciate the wisdom I have gained. I appreciate the wisdom I have gained. I appreciate the wisdom I have gained. That’s how we get free. That’s the experience of the spiritual being.

Receive it. Hold it. You are a conscious spiritual being. You have learned. You are wise. It is illumination. Your light shines!

August 2, 2015 – Pray and Forgive

08/02/15 Rev. David McArthur
Pray and Forgive

Forgiveness is a part of the consciousness of the world. I want it to be a part of me. There are 2 parts in forgiving. We know how to heal the emotional hurt, although it’s not always easy. The other part is when we experience the hurt, the brain needs to blame the other person so it can protect us. The brain rejects and pushes back with resentment for that person. This is how we have evolved. It becomes a block in our spiritual growth, but we do not have to do this. We have wisdom. We do not have to carry the resentment the brain creates.

Mother Teresa: “When people ask me what advice I have for a struggling married couple, I say, ‘pray and forgive.’ For a young person in a violent home, I say, ‘pray and forgive.’ And for a single mother left with young children, I say, ‘pray and forgive.’”

I love the place where you pray for that other person. Edwene Gaines says forgiveness is a big part of opening to God prospering in our lives, but that also there’s another level of forgiveness prayer, which is blessing the other person. Once she was surprised to find she still had feelings against a former husband who had struggled with substance abuse. So she declared of this man, “I see you blessed and doing all you’ve ever dreamed of, peaceful and joyous on your way.” The very next week she got a letter from him (after years). He said he hadn’t appreciated her before, but now wanted to thank her, as she was part of his subsequent recovery and prosperity. He was now free from addiction and doing well. He included a check for $3000 that he had owed her but which she had given up hope of ever seeing.

A prayer that means a lot to me is to pray for peace and mercy. I don’ have time for justice. Let’s get into the wholeness of our spiritual being. I’m ready for karma to be over. I pray God’s grace, healing, and peace blesses you. I know when we harm each other it can be from the insensitivity we have in our “sleep” or from our pain. Whatever another goes through, I am for them to know God’s grace, healing, and peace. I pray God’s grace, healing, and peace blesses you. I pray God’s grace, healing, and peace blesses you. I pray God’s grace, healing, and peace blesses you.

And when we do it, guess what? God’s grace, healing and peace comes to us! God bless you!

August 2, 2015 – Pray and Forgive

08/02/15  Rev. David McArthur

Pray and Forgive

Forgiveness is a part of the consciousness of the world. I want it to be a part of me. There are 2 parts in forgiving. We know how to heal the emotional hurt, although it’s not always easy. The other part is when we experience the hurt, the brain needs to blame the other person so it can protect us. The brain rejects and pushes back with resentment for that person. This is how we have evolved. It becomes a block in our spiritual growth, but we do not have to do this. We have wisdom. We do not have to carry the resentment the brain creates.

Mother Teresa: “When people ask me what advice I have for a struggling married couple, I say, ‘pray and forgive.’ For a young person in a violent home, I say, ‘pray and forgive.’ And for a single mother left with young children, I say, ‘pray and forgive.’”

I love the place where you pray for that other person. Edwene Gaines says forgiveness is a big part of opening to God prospering in our lives, but that also there’s another level of forgiveness prayer, which is blessing the other person. Once she was surprised to find she still had feelings against a former husband who had struggled with substance abuse. So she declared of this man, “I see you blessed and doing all you’ve ever dreamed of, peaceful and joyous on your way.” The very next week she got a letter from him (after years). He said he hadn’t appreciated her before, but now wanted to thank her, as she was part of his subsequent recovery and prosperity. He was now free from addiction and doing well. He included a check for $3000 that he had owed her but which she had given up hope of ever seeing.

A prayer that means a lot to me is to pray for peace and mercy. I don’t have time for justice. Let’s get into the wholeness of our spiritual being. I’m ready for karma to be over. I pray God’s grace, healing, and peace blesses you. I know when we harm each other it can be from the insensitivity we have in our “sleep” or from our pain. Whatever another goes through, I am for them to know God’s grace, healing, and peace. I pray God’s grace, healing, and peace blesses you. I pray God’s grace, healing, and peace blesses you. I pray God’s grace, healing, and peace blesses you.

And when we do it, guess what? God’s grace, healing and peace comes to us! God bless you!


June 7, 2015 – Principles of Abundance Part 2: Co-Creator

06/07/15 Rev. David McArthur
Principles of Abundance Part 2: Co-Creator

Divine nature is pure love and gives us all. How do we open to let this flow take place? One important way is to say yes to our purpose. It constantly invites us to open to the flow. Another is opening to the desire to have things, like buying a house, which fulfills nurturing and spiritual needs.

Judeo-Christian religions focus on world affirmation. Judaism teaches if one is in alignment with the spiritual, the material comes. Jesus taught of the flow of material blessings—water to wine, the loaves and fishes, the gold coin from the fish’s mouth, etc. But he put a limitation on it. He told the wealthy young man to give his money to the poor and “follow me.” But the young man didn’t know that with God as our source, it all comes back. Jesus then told the parable that a rich man getting into heaven is as likely as a camel passing through the “eye of the needle” (a gate in the city wall of Jerusalem so narrow a camel could only pass through if its cargo were removed, something a rich man wouldn’t do). When we perceive through the brain, it wants what is “mine”. To take the goods off a camel to pass through shows non-attachment to material things, to see through love, through the heart.

It’s all right to have good stuff. It lets you be more flexible. Use spiritual energy to call into your life that which is good. “Ask and it will be given to you… For everyone who asks receives… Which of you, if your son asks for bread, will give him a stone? …If you…though…evil, know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more will your Father in heaven give good gifts to those who ask him!” Edwene Gaines says there is this assignment for spiritual beings to set clear attainable goals. Don’t make it a game of 20 questions. State clearly, three times a day, “I’d like ____.” And each time ask, “What do I need to change to be open to that happening?” Ooops—a change of consciousness is needed! Change the consciousness of “asking is selfish” or “having things for myself is not spiritual”. Or use the hologram technique from HeartMath. It’s a powerful way of filling your asking with love. It opens us to that flow. The only assignment really is to take care of yourself. So ask.

And in the end, what happens? We are guided to say yes to something, to recognize more and more, God is my source. There is an old Unity affirmation, God is my instant, constant, abundant supply! It makes it much easier to open to the flow.

A friend, in his meditation, was remembering a perfect day he had had when he was drawn to a book on a shelf. As he opened it out fell a piece of paper, a list he had written in college long before entitled “My Perfect Day”. He had just lived that day, everything on the list! We are co-creators. Allow yourself to have. We create the life before us, and as we do we grow less and less attached. God is my instant, constant, abundant supply! God is my instant, constant, abundant supply! God is my instant, constant, abundant supply! And as far as I can tell, when they show up, are they really about having fun?!


June 7, 2015 – Principles of Abundance Part 2: Co-Creator

06/07/15 Rev. David McArthur
Principles of Abundance Part 2: Co-Creator

Divine nature is pure love and gives us all. How do we open to let this flow take place? One important way is to say yes to our purpose. It constantly invites us to open to the flow. Another is opening to the desire to have things, like buying a house, which fulfills nurturing and spiritual needs.

Judeo-Christian religions focus on world affirmation. Judaism teaches if one is in alignment with the spiritual, the material comes. Jesus taught of the flow of material blessings—water to wine, the loaves and fishes, the gold coin from the fish’s mouth, etc. But he put a limitation on it. He told the wealthy young man to give his money to the poor and “follow me.” But the young man didn’t know that with God as our source, it all comes back. Jesus then told the parable that a rich man getting into heaven is as likely as a camel passing through the “eye of the needle” (a gate in the city wall of Jerusalem so narrow a camel could only pass through if its cargo were removed, something a rich man wouldn’t do). When we perceive through the brain, it wants what is “mine”. To take the goods off a camel to pass through shows non-attachment to material things, to see through love, through the heart.

It’s all right to have good stuff. It lets you be more flexible. Use spiritual energy to call into your life that which is good. “Ask and it will be given to you… For everyone who asks receives… Which of you, if your son asks for bread, will give him a stone? …If you…though…evil, know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more will your Father in heaven give good gifts to those who ask him!” Edwene Gaines says there is this assignment for spiritual beings to set clear attainable goals. Don’t make it a game of 20 questions. State clearly, three times a day, “I’d like ____.” And each time ask, “What do I need to change to be open to that happening?” Ooops—a change of consciousness is needed! Change the consciousness of “asking is selfish” or “having things for myself is not spiritual”. Or use the hologram technique from HeartMath. It’s a powerful way of filling your asking with love. It opens us to that flow. The only assignment really is to take care of yourself. So ask.

And in the end, what happens? We are guided to say yes to something, to recognize more and more, God is my source. There is an old Unity affirmation, God is my instant, constant, abundant supply! It makes it much easier to open to the flow.

A friend, in his meditation, was remembering a perfect day he had had when he was drawn to a book on a shelf. As he opened it out fell a piece of paper, a list he had written in college long before entitled “My Perfect Day”. He had just lived that day, everything on the list! We are co-creators. Allow yourself to have. We create the life before us, and as we do we grow less and less attached. God is my instant, constant, abundant supply! God is my instant, constant, abundant supply! God is my instant, constant, abundant supply! And as far as I can tell, when they show up, are they really about having fun?!