September 16, 2012 – Ho’o Pono Pono – I Love You

9/16/12 Rev. David McArthur

Ho’o Pono Pono / “I Love You”

I want to touch something new. When we pray we connect with the divine presence and hold in mind someone we care about. Then we want the universe to bring healing to them. But there is a teaching that what is out there is a reflection of what is within us, and we can get rid of it. So we have some control. We can do something.

Dr. Hew Len was counselor for the criminally insane at a Hawaiian hospital . The patients had committed the most violent, heinous crimes. But Dr. Len didn’t meet with the patients. He didn’t interview anybody. He practiced ho’o pono pono. It says all is within, so he worked on himself!  Several weeks passed and the customary daily violence in the ward lessened. Inmates began cooperating and forming into active, productive groups. With the exception of only two inmates, the entire ward of thirty patients was healed in three years and the ward was closed. “I had to take completely within myself the responsibility for what I was experiencing. I had to clear myself of toxic thoughts and replace them with love.”

Gandhi’s approach was slightly different. Observing the violence as India struggled for national freedom, he fasted to remove from within himself whatever might have contributed to the violence that he saw outside himself. He practiced a complete focus and dependence on the love of God. The violence stopped.

Is it all here, inside? You don’t need to understand. Spirit will bring meaning to you. Just hold the idea in your heart in neutral. When you see that which you want healed, the response is these words: “I love you.” Whether it is a reflection from the collective unconscious within, or a remembered pattern, the response is “I love you.” If you want to free someone in your world, say, “I love you.” To that within yourself, say “I love you.” To that Divine Presence, say, “I love you.”

What an amazing way to learn our oneness! —That you have the power within to transform the world around you. You have that power and I share it with you simply because “I love you!”


September 16, 2012 – Ho’o pono pono – I Love You

9/16/12 Rev. David McArthur

Ho’o pono pono / “I Love You”

I want to touch something new. When we pray we connect with the divine presence and hold in mind someone we care about. Then we want the universe to bring healing to them. But there is a teaching that what is out there is a reflection of what is within us, and we can get rid of it. So we have some control. We can do something.

Dr. Hew Len was counselor for the criminally insane at a Hawaiian hospital . The patients had committed the most violent, heinous crimes. But Dr. Len didn’t meet with the patients. He didn’t interview anybody. He practiced ho’o pono pono. It says all is within, so he worked on himself!  Several weeks passed and the customary daily violence in the ward lessened. Inmates began cooperating and forming into active, productive groups. With the exception of only two inmates, the entire ward of thirty patients was healed in three years and the ward was closed. “I had to take completely within myself the responsibility for what I was experiencing. I had to clear myself of toxic thoughts and replace them with love.”

Gandhi’s approach was slightly different. Observing the violence as India struggled for national freedom, he fasted to remove from within himself whatever might have contributed to the violence that he saw outside himself. He practiced a complete focus and dependence on the love of God. The violence stopped.

Is it all here, inside? You don’t need to understand. Spirit will bring meaning to you. Just hold the idea in your heart in neutral.

When you see that which you want healed, the response is these words: “I love you.” Whether it is a reflection from the collective unconscious within, or a remembered pattern, the response is “I love you.” If you want to free someone in your world, say, “I love you.” To that within yourself, say “I love you.” To that Divine Presence, say, “I love you.”
What an amazing way to learn our oneness! —That you have the power within to transform the world around you. You have that power and I share it with you simply because “I love you!”

September 9, 2012 – Spirit in Healing

9/9/12 Rev. David McArthur & Dr. Len Saputo

Spirit in Healing

We have the most effective bio-feedback instrument ever created. It tells us when it’s time to do some spiritual work. It’s called the body. Spiritual Life comes into the world, and into our experience, as the body.

Dr. Len Saputo supports us via the medical profession. “My work and your work, [David], is the same work.” Body attune-ment can be medical or spiritual. The body is not just different parts, but one thing—integrated mind, body, and spirit. We are spiritual beings on a physical path.

Two years ago Dr. Saputo had a hip replacement but developed a life-threatening case of cobalt poisoning. “I made peace with God because I was totally convinced I would die.” Dr. Saputo’s colleagues were convinced he had an infection, as the cobalt poisoning in this kind of situation was relatively unknown. But Dr. Saputo’s insight and guidance from within said it was something different. “God and I had a chat. I became humble; I knew dying was not my decision. But I had family and friends; I had knowledge to share. So I let go and told God, ‘Whatever it is You want, it’s ok.’” Where ever you go there are always advisers, but the decider is always within. “It was frightening to go against my colleagues. But my heart was telling me something different.” After the second hip replacement surgery, Dr.Saputo was told there was no infection. It had been the cobalt poisoning.

We need to evolve to a higher level of consciousness and ask, “How can I be of service; what can I give or share?” It’s a matter of Trust. Let go and let God do the work. He knows what he’s doing. All the worry in the world won’t solve anything. And when we accept our inner guidance there comes a feeling of peace. It’s part of knowing we are really connected—the overwhelming feeling of peace.

Another part of an experience like this, in which you are asked to let go and let God, is coming forward into the next level of service and purpose of life. It is saying, “yes”. You can revolve around all that’s going wrong in our world, or you can stop and evolve. Just do the first foot of your “1000 mile journey”. Without you doing it, it won’t happen. That will change the world, little by little. You might evolve a few friends, or a city! Do it together and we will have a better world!

That spiritual flow is you—you are the wisdom and power that is here to uplift the world. Say yes!


September 9, 2012 – Spirit in Healing

9/9/12 Rev. David McArthur & Dr. Len Saputo

We have the most effective bio-feedback instrument ever created. It tells us when it’s time to do some spiritual work. It’s called the body. Spiritual Life comes into the world, and into our experience, as the body.
Dr. Len Saputo supports us via the medical profession. “My work and your work, [David], is the same work.” Body attune-ment can be medical or spiritual. The body is not just different parts, but one thing—integrated mind, body, and spirit. We are spiritual beings on a physical path.

Two years ago Dr. Saputo had a hip replacement but developed a life-threatening case of cobalt poisoning. “I made peace with God because I was totally convinced I would die.” Dr. Saputo’s colleagues were convinced he had an infection, as the cobalt poisoning in this kind of situation was relatively unknown. But Dr. Saputo’s insight and guidance from within said it was something different. “God and I had a chat. I became humble; I knew dying was not my decision. But I had family and friends; I had knowledge to share. So I let go and told God, ‘Whatever it is You want, it’s ok.’” Where ever you go there are always advisers, but the decider is always within. “It was frightening to go against my colleagues. But my heart was telling me something different.” After the second hip replacement surgery, Dr.Saputo was told there was no infection. It had been the cobalt poisoning.

We need to evolve to a higher level of consciousness and ask, “How can I be of service; what can I give or share?” It’s a matter of Trust. Let go and let God do the work. He knows what he’s doing. All the worry in the world won’t solve anything. And when we accept our inner guidance there comes a feeling of peace. It’s part of knowing we are really connected—the overwhelming feeling of peace.

Another part of an experience like this, in which you are asked to let go and let God, is coming forward into the next level of service and purpose of life. It is saying, “yes”. You can revolve around all that’s going wrong in our world, or you can stop and evolve. Just do the first foot of your “1000 mile journey”. Without you doing it, it won’t happen. That will change the world, little by little. You might evolve a few friends, or a city! Do it together and we will have a better world!

That spiritual flow is you—you are the wisdom and power that is here to uplift the world. Say yes!

September 2, 2012 – Myrtle Fillmore on Healing

9/2/12 Rev. David McArthur

Myrtle Fillmore on Healing

As a spiritual being journeying through a human experience, we go through the experience of healing. The dream of a young school girl shows us the symbols of healing– “Stepping out of the forest she sees a beautiful stream with a sandy bottom, but no water is flowing. Along the sides there are bowls of water, so water is present but not flowing. Upstream there is a large rock outcropping, appearing to block the flow. Down stream there are more large stones. She asks, “Where is the water?” Water itself seems to answer her, welling up over the rocks upstream and filling the stream before her.”

The young girl was Myrtle Fillmore. When a grown woman she developed tuberculosis and was given less than 2 years to live. Interpreting her childhood dream, she explained that the flow of water was the flow of life inside her, and that the lack of flow was her experience of the TB. She then healed herself by taking the time everyday to go and be alone. She had a second empty chair there with her. She said it represented the presence of Jesus Christ, which she referred to as that consciousness of Jesus committed to the full awareness of the Christ, master over the physical world. Thus she was thereby taking complete responsibility for her physical well being.

Hear the love she brings to her body in this process as she directed these words to various parts of her body: (speak them aloud to bring in a powerful healing vibration)

My liver is full of vigor and energy.
My stomach is not weak or inefficient, but energetic and strong.
My abdomen is all a-thrill with the sweet, pure, wholesome energy of God.
My eyes express the sight of Spirit, drawing upon an unlimited source. They are young, clear, bright eyes shining the light of God right through them.
In my heart the pure love of Christ flows in and out by its beating.
The life centers in my body are free unlimited Spirit, centers of life and energy omnipresent.
I do not let any worried or anxious thoughts into my mind.
Jesus Christ is with me and helps me to think and speak only kind, loving, true words.

Remember you are free unlimited Spirit. What fun it is to tell your body to get well and get going!


September 2, 2012 – Myrtle Fillmore on Healing

9/2/12 Rev. David McArthur

As a spiritual being journeying through a human experience, we go through the experience of healing. The dream of a young school girl shows us the symbols of healing– “Stepping out of the forest she sees a beautiful stream with a sandy bottom, but no water is flowing. Along the sides there are bowls of water, so water is present but not flowing. Upstream there is a large rock outcropping, appearing to block the flow. Down stream there are more large stones. She asks, “Where is the water?” Water itself seems to answer her, welling up over the rocks upstream and filling the stream before her.”
The young girl was Myrtle Fillmore. When a grown woman she developed tuberculosis and was given less than 2 years to live. Interpreting her childhood dream, she explained that the flow of water was the flow of life inside her, and that the lack of flow was her experience of the TB. She then healed herself by taking the time everyday to go and be alone. She had a second empty chair there with her. She said it represented the presence of Jesus Christ, which she referred to as that consciousness of Jesus committed to the full awareness of the Christ, master over the physical world. Thus she was thereby taking complete responsibility for her physical well being.

Hear the love she brings to her body in this process as she directed these words to various parts of her body: (speak them aloud to bring in a powerful healing vibration)

My liver is full of vigor and energy.
My stomach is not weak or inefficient, but energetic and strong.
My abdomen is all a-thrill with the sweet, pure, wholesome energy of God.
My eyes express the sight of Spirit, drawing upon an unlimited source. They are young, clear, bright eyes shining the light of God right through them.
In my heart the pure love of Christ flows in and out by its beating.
The life centers in my body are free unlimited Spirit, centers of life and energy omnipresent.
I do not let any worried or anxious thoughts into my mind.
Jesus Christ is with me and helps me to think and speak only kind, loving, true words.

Remember you are free unlimited Spirit. What fun it is to tell your body to get well and get going!

August 26, 2012 – Love is the Most Powerful Prayer

8/26/12 Rev. David McArthur

Love is the Most Powerful Prayer

Whatever is within our awareness is part of our consciousness. This is not always comfortable now that we know we are one with the power that makes us. Remember the good old days when we could blame our problems on someone else? Now it’s, “What is this that shows up in my world?”
Byron and Marsha Smith were shocked when Byron’s MRI came back showing inoperable cancer. He was given a month or two to live. The following day was spent sharing their special memories of their love together. Then friends and relatives remembered them in prayer, including Marsha’s father who told them when he prayed he clearly got the feeling everything would be all right. By going from fear to love Byron and Marsha opened another possibility, a whole other level of power and energy which healed Byron—he was subsequently found to be cancer-free! With darkness gone, full potential was embraced.
Eastern philosophy says this world is transient illusion. The Bhagavad Gita says that for those who love Krishna, he will dwell in their hearts and destroy darkness born of ignorance with the shining lamp of knowledge. But isn’t there something missing, something more?
Jesus went further, saying, “Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind… And the second is like it: Love your neighbor as yourself.” He also said, “…as you did it to one of the least of these my brothers, you did it to me.” When you see someone else with a problem, it is part of your consciousness. So ask, “What is mine to do?” If Krishna is in the heart, who have you loved when you love your neighbor? It is the ultimate experience of understanding and love.
Whatever is going on now in your world where there is a limit—physical pain, poor relationships, financial difficulty—if you choose to love, the barriers will be removed. No matter who or what it is, just send your love. That is the greatest teaching. Then what is there is filled with light. You are divine light. That’s what you are. Call it Krishna, Jesus, or God, it is love. Affirm, “I am divine love. I am transforming my world.” We have work ahead, and it’s going to be fun!


August 26, 2012 – Love is the Most Powerful Prayer

8/26/12 Rev. David McArthur

Whatever is within our awareness is part of our consciousness. This is not always comfortable now that we know we are one with the power that makes us. Remember the good old days when we could blame our problems on someone else? Now it’s, “What is this that shows up in my world?”
Byron and Marsha Smith were shocked when Byron’s MRI came back showing inoperable cancer. He was given a month or two to live. The following day was spent sharing their special memories of their love together. Then friends and relatives remembered them in prayer, including Marsha’s father who told them when he prayed he clearly got the feeling everything would be all right. By going from fear to love Byron and Marsha opened another possibility, a whole other level of power and energy which healed Byron—he was subsequently found to be cancer-free! With darkness gone, full potential was embraced.
Eastern philosophy says this world is transient illusion. The Bhagavad Gita says that for those who love Krishna, he will dwell in their hearts and destroy darkness born of ignorance with the shining lamp of knowledge. But isn’t there something missing, something more?
Jesus went further, saying, “Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind… And the second is like it: Love your neighbor as yourself.” He also said, “…as you did it to one of the least of these my brothers, you did it to me.” When you see someone else with a problem, it is part of your consciousness. So ask, “What is mine to do?” If Krishna is in the heart, who have you loved when you love your neighbor? It is the ultimate experience of understanding and love.
Whatever is going on now in your world where there is a limit—physical pain, poor relationships, financial difficulty—if you choose to love, the barriers will be removed. No matter who or what it is, just send your love. That is the greatest teaching. Then what is there is filled with light. You are divine light. That’s what you are. Call it Krishna, Jesus, or God, it is love. Affirm, “I am divine love. I am transforming my world.” We have work ahead, and it’s going to be fun!

August 19, 2012 – Pooh & Eeyore on Prayer

8/19/12 Rev. David McArthur

On their way to see Eeyore, Pooh and Piglet stop at a warm place in the wood. “We’ll call this Pooh Corner.”  And using sticks piled up nearby, they build Eeyore a house, as they think he has none. At about the same time Eeyore knocks on Christopher Robin’s door. Even though he lived in the coldest, gloomiest part of the wood, he wanted to go home—but his house was gone! (Christopher Robin represents the Christ Spirit; the Hundred Acre Wood is His and He takes care of everything in it.) They meet Pooh and Piglet who want to show them the house they built for Eeyore. However, it soon becomes apparent to them that they had used the pile of sticks Eeyore had up until then called home. But look! See how nice this new home is! And Eeyore agrees that it is as warm and nice as they say. Is Eeyore in any of us? Do we build in an uncomfortable place just because we’re convinced it “had to be that way”? It might be the health thing, the relationship thing, or that chewing-on-yourself-inside thing.

The doctor told Mandy Hastings that even if her two year old son lives, he’ll be severely handicapped. “No,” she said, “he will be fine.” A gravestone had fallen over onto her boy’s head, and while she and her husband were waiting for lifeflight, she prayed. She says a peace swept over her and she heard, “Everything’s going to be fine. Matthew is in My hands.” Yes, she most likely began praying from fear, but she moved her attention off of the data pouring in (that her brain was using to figure out how bad things were). She moved from fear to that place of love and connection with divine presence and power. Look for that level that brings forth health and vitality. You don’t need to ask anymore for anything. It is there within you. You are that power, that force. The boy was home in two weeks, and is a happy, healthy teen today.

Take a glance at what you’re building. If it’s “not quite enough” or “just enough to get by” or “that’s just the way I am”—it is the Eeyore within you. Activate the greater potential within you through the experience of the love, the pure light of energy of the divine which you are. Build your house, and live, at “Pooh Corner”!

August 19, 2012 – Pooh & Eeyore on Prayer

8/19/12 Rev. David McArthur

Pooh & Eeyore on Prayer

On their way to see Eeyore, Pooh and Piglet stop at a warm place in the wood. “We’ll call this Pooh Corner.”  And using sticks piled up nearby, they build Eeyore a house, as they think he has none. At about the same time Eeyore knocks on Christopher Robin’s door. Even though he lived in the coldest, gloomiest part of the wood, he wanted to go home—but his house was gone! (Christopher Robin represents the Christ Spirit; the Hundred Acre Wood is His and He takes care of everything in it.) They meet Pooh and Piglet who want to show them the house they built for Eeyore. However, it soon becomes apparent to them that they had used the pile of sticks Eeyore had up until then called home. But look! See how nice this new home is! And Eeyore agrees that it is as warm and nice as they say. Is Eeyore in any of us? Do we build in an uncomfortable place just because we’re convinced it “had to be that way”? It might be the health thing, the relationship thing, or that chewing-on-yourself-inside thing.

The doctor told Mandy Hastings that even if her two year old son lives, he’ll be severely handicapped. “No,” she said, “he will be fine.” A gravestone had fallen over onto her boy’s head, and while she and her husband were waiting for lifeflight, she prayed. She says a peace swept over her and she heard, “Everything’s going to be fine. Matthew is in My hands.” Yes, she most likely began praying from fear, but she moved her attention off of the data pouring in (that her brain was using to figure out how bad things were). She moved from fear to that place of love and connection with divine presence and power. Look for that level that brings forth health and vitality. You don’t need to ask anymore for anything. It is there within you. You are that power, that force. The boy was home in two weeks, and is a happy, healthy teen today.

Take a glance at what you’re building. If it’s “not quite enough” or “just enough to get by” or “that’s just the way I am”—it is the Eeyore within you. Activate the greater potential within you through the experience of the love, the pure light of energy of the divine which you are. Build your house, and live, at “Pooh Corner”!
