May 8, 2011 – Unconditionally Loved

5/8/11  Reverend David McArthur

Happy Mother’s Day!  Seeing a mother’s love enfolding a child is seeing a sacred experience. “Mothers have magic; they make you feel better without medicine.” Mothers let that divine love express through them, stepping into that Divine Mother expressing. Our mothers very often were the ones to express most deeply that expression of God’s love – many in spite of their own limitations and pain. We can send that love out, acknowledging that tremendous love flows through them and us. We are in it together.

Through our mothers we experience the presence of God, answering that we are loved completely – we are not a sinful mess. You are loved completely just the way you are! How much more does God love you! Your Father Who is in heaven “has chosen gladly to give you the kingdom.” Just being held in your mother’s arms – it’s through our mother’s love that we learn to receive love, to let that love enfold us, to open and receive that love. Yes, you are your mother’s child. You are also a child of Spirit, loved completely and unconditionally just the way you are.

Affirm, “I am loved completely and unconditionally just the way I am.”

You can feel that shift to the “mother” energy – that connection and care that is “mother”. Our mothers are not physically present in our lives for many of us. Yet this love knows no bounds and continues to be that love. Our job is to open and let it in. Let it lift you and touch you! You are the child of God so you deserve it!

May 1, 2011 – The Passionate Pursuit of Perfection

5/1/11  Reverend Sheila Gautreaux, L.U.T.
“The Passionate Pursuit of Perfection”

Today we celebrate Ascension Sunday as the completion of the journey of Jesus that began on Good Friday. The crucifixion on the cross represents metaphysically the crossing out of error states of consciousness that bind us in our humanity. We then cross over to the kingdom of the heavens, our divine life. The tomb represents our going to deeper places to allow that which no longer serves us to die. The resurrection is birth into new consciousness where we resurrect who we were before the world even was – absolute perfection! Ascension, then, is rising into the realm of divine truth where we see truly – the entire process, the complete journey and choices the soul makes.

We are not victims but volunteers! The Passion (suffering) of Jesus showed us we first need to experience who we are not, so we can become aware of who we are. In suffering we are strengthening our Christ-muscles. Rise above conditions of pain and suffering. Take your eyes off of the condition. Put your eyes on the divine. Rise above – ascend – that you can see your way clear.

Jesus had to ascend, to go. He didn’t belong here. You don’t either. Your destination is perfection – perfecting who you truly are. He didn’t stay because when you are so focused on the Man, you can’t fathom the magnitude of the message. Just as the disciples did, we would look to Him for everything, instead of looking within ourselves.

He also had to leave for the Holy Spirit to come after Him, a comforter to guide us. The Holy Spirit is the divine feminine, the nurturing energy. The day of Pentecost is for us the day we open to the Holy Spirit and let the Holy Spirit do the singing. “You don’t do the singing. I do. All you have to do is show up and look cute.”

How do we do it? We can call on the Holy Spirit anytime we are in a crucifixion experience. She is reaching Her hand out, saying, “I am here for you.”

We do this by being willing
to remove judgments from our hearts
to see the face of God in every face
to see the perfection in every situation in our lives
to let go of resistance and let ourselves flow in every situation, accepting it “as is”
to choose the power of peace – give up retaliating or condemning
to forgive
to live in the now without judging or comparing to the past or the future
to let go of attachments to people, things, anything which holds us back

Affirm, “I am the Christ.” See each person around you and affirm, “You are the Christ.”
Amen and “awomen”!

April 17, 2011 – Manifest Your Abundant Destiny

4/17/11 Reverend Larry Wynn

“Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you. 
For everyone who asks receives; he who seeks finds; and to him who knocks, the door will be opened.” (Matthew 7, 7-8). Say, “That’s for me. It’s mine. I’m going to own it.” Our present reality can change. Q: How? A: Consciousness.

Our 20202 Vision will manifest by all holding collectively the consciousness that it is already done. Often the only limitation we have is in our own mind. Celebrate what is within and draw it forth to energize a heightened awareness.

First ask, opening the universe to possibility.
Next seek. We went looking for a new vision. “What is Spirit calling us to be?”
Then knock (many stop at dreaming). See how others do it. How can it be done?
Now the door is open. Will we step through into our vision?

Eric Butterworth, in Spiritual Economics, says there is no such thing as God’s will, or God’s timing. God doesn’t dish out favor(s). All favor is present now. Depth of consciousness is what we need. We sometimes see a gap from where we are to where we want to be. Depth of consciousness is how we bridge that gap. Spirit Itself does the work. It’s working all the time. You only choose positive or negative results. Henry Ford said “Whether you think you can or you think you can’t, you are right.” Have courage to act. One step. Another step. We are divine beings living in this physical life. It is wonderful to “know why I showed up now; and why I am showing up.”

We have been given a new lush garden, bigger. We have been given more. Are we stuck in our old limitations? Be willing to step into that space of our 2020 Vision.
What stories will be heard from Unity of Walnut Creek!!!

April 10, 2011 – Be Gentle With Yourself

4/10/11 Reverend David McArthur

We often spend time in self talk using words like “dumb” or “stupid”, “lazy”,”weak”. But is there anything that is not a part of the spiritual process? When something happens again and again where we clearly see what we are not doing, it’s part of something unfolding. Jesus represents that pattern within us all where we get to see where we are not yet living. It’s a greater truth, a pattern that takes us to the awakened being, the Christ consciousness.

The experience when Jesus went through his awakening is when John baptized him. Jesus came up from the water and saw Spirit come to him as a dove, and he heard, “This is my Son in Whom I am well pleased.” That was when Jesus really knew he was a child of God. He knew then He was of love and grace. Then He went out into the desert for purification, and was “ tempted by the devil”– that part of Himself that was still caught in the 3D sleep. He confronts that part of himself when His attention is drawn to His hunger, in the third dimension. But then He turns His attention back to the divine, the Spirit in Him, by rebuking “the devil”. Then He did His ego thing, looking at the wealth of the “city” that He could have, but again He refused. From the mountain top he sees His power (ego), but once again He turns to the spiritual. Then angels came and ministered to Him.

It’s a pattern. We get to see where we are not yet living– a greater truth. We get to see deeper within– parts not yet enlightened. It’s a journey, and being judgmental on yourself doesn’t work. Be gentle with yourself on the journey. Open to the gentle loving care of the divine. See where you aren’t yet. The fear– the unenlightened part. Turn to ask the help of the divine. Let in the gentleness. Let the angels minister to you. The angels bring that which takes us to the completion, to the place where once we were not.

We get asked to grow in consciousness. It is not always gentle. When the vision comes we can be judgmental on ourselves. Be gentle. The gentleness lets in the growth in consciousness. The head can explain in detail why not. It’s the gentleness in your heart which will lift you up. Are you willing to be gentle with yourself? Say, “I am willing to be gentle with myself.” “I am willing to be gentle with myself.”

And that which happens in you is a part of the consciousness that is awakening throughout the world. Let the angels minister to you. Open to the gentle loving care of the divine. That which happens in us can lift us all to the Awakened Being, the Christ consciousness.

April 3, 2011 – What Is Your Story?

4/3/11 Reverend David McArthur

We share our stories to connect and find out what’s going on. They change when we awaken to who we are – spiritual beings of power and purpose. You are not simply a victim of the 3D world. You have the power to call forth in life those things that are important to your heart. The way that Spirit tells you what is important is a call to your heart. The heart tells us what is important in our lives. Telling our stories is how we bring forth the power and potential into our lives. Create an affirmation to tell the story that is consistent with your heart. Say yes.

But it also takes expression – action. When you step into something new it asks you to stretch. Choosing to embrace the story on your heart asks you to change. You are free to create what you want – to turn it down or to go on. What’s the story on your heart where you affirm that you do not have the power, that the world controls you? How many times have you manifested that you’re almost, but not quite. If you grab hold of Infinite Power be ready to change and open to the power. Choose to tell a different story – the one in your heart – not the one of limitations.

God’s very nature is wholeness. You cannot have the manifestation of the part without the rest being in it. Yet you affirm limitation. What if the heart knows the wholeness of others, the wisdom and blessing in and of them? We create the world around us. Do we see problems, or do we see that we are in the midst of the greatest experience that mankind has ever had? That you’ve waited lifetimes to be here and birth this new consciousness of love and harmony? That you are one with Infinite Wisdom and choose to bring forth a world of love, harmony and wisdom? What do you want to call forth? What is on your heart? What we’re creating is so wonderful it’s worth all of us showing up! What’s your story?!!!

March 27, 2011 – Unfolding The Soul

3/27/11 Reverend David McArthur

On this journey of spiritual awakening, there are some special things we share. Like the gift of being aware of who you are, a beautiful child of God. And then to see the unfolding of a soul – it’s not just something for a minister. And then to appreciate the ordinary. It is ordinary that we are tremendously loved as children of God– loved without limitation or judgment. A simple but important idea – awareness of God moving in and through your life. It’s there. Not like a raisin in a bun, but like the ocean in a wave.

Affirm, “I am a beloved child of God.” If there is something that would make your connection with Spirit deeper, ask for it. Call it forth. It’s ok to have abundance. Affirm the divine love and presence in your life. Build the feeling of having your good. The feeling is important. Talk about what you have gained in the process even if it didn’t look like it manifested. The journey is of tremendous importance. It’s not about the stuff, it’s about the relationship, growing in the divine soul, no matter how we categorize it. It’s the experience of knowing the divine. As we believe and experience the goodness of God it’s ok to have abundance and let your talent and creativity show because you love yourself. It’s ok to love yourself enough to have something that’s special to you. It’s ok because you know that you are loved. And because you grow, you see that light grow in the people you know. It’s ok to empower what’s important in your life, and to recognize that in all the people of the Earth, and to see it in their lives. It is the most beautiful thing. Give thanks that you have gotten that most beautiful gift!

March 20, 2011 – Tsunami of Love

3/20/11 Reverend David McArthur

The past two weeks have brought unbelievable natural disasters in Japan and new political unrest in northern Africa. How are we to respond? What is this all about? Yes, we know we are in a time of accelerating change, so we are not really surprised. Edgar Cayce said these things would happen. If he knew it, then you knew it when you chose to enter into this life. You understood the times you were entering into –times of great change to the earth and governments and our financial systems. You didn’t come to be affected by the changes but to affect those changes by knowing and remembering who you are –spiritual beings living in a spiritual world governed by spiritual laws.

There is a second tsunami of emotion that spreads out from the disaster, one of fear, pain, helplessness, powerlessness. In the movie “What the Bleep” Dr. Masaru Emoto showed us how our thoughts affect the structure of water; that they do affect the physical world. Our job, then, is to respond with a tsunami ourselves– to effect healing of the Earth itself. Send prayer, love, and care. Your thought affects the physical world.

Q: How is it our consciousness affects the world? A: Directly. Go into loving support. We aren’t helping anybody when we “get down in pity” with them. We have the power to transform stress in others. You came to send a tsunami of love that sweeps through mankind, that touches the earth, the animals, all the people. Do you choose to? The “worst case scenario” is not a reality, but the fear of it is real. When it sweeps over others it is time for us to send a tsunami of love. Love casts out fear.

All this is about a new birth of consciousness for all mankind. When we relate to each other, there Unifying Intelligence flows through us. We know GOD IS GOOD ALL THE TIME. That goodness is right there. We send out the truth of the wholeness that this is all about. Whenever you see people inflicting pain and cruelty on others you know it’s time to go to your heart, whether you understand them or not. We are just us learning and growing. It’s time to be immersed in this tsunami of love. We came to help all to move into a state of awareness, the more the “I” of us awakens and the love moves through all of us. Our work is to send out that tsunami of love.

March 13, 2011 – Finding The Joy

3/13/11 Reverend Susan Galvan, Community Life Minister, Unity of Walnut Creek

We can think of ourselves as a plain, ordinary wooden cup, not trusting oneself to have the wisdom or the knowledge to form our own judgments. Then we come to realize there is more to life than just “sticking it out” until death. We begin a journey of self exploration, building a new sense of self– bigger, more durable, shinier. Feeling empowered, we develop a highly polished self, like a shiny silver cup. Then we sense there may be more, a deeper level beyond self. We ask, “How can we be of service? What is our purpose?” But are we waiting for a telegram from God with our job description? If we listen, the still small voice inside asks, “Why not find the joy this time?” But service is hard work and it takes a lot out of you. How can joy and service go together? Discover that it isn’t so much what you do but a shift in your awareness. With a sense of gratitude, service is joyful. The joy becomes exuberance, like a bubbling fountain. Life has transparency. It is not obstructed by “stuff”. It rings, it has resonance, like a crystal goblet. But a crystal goblet is more vulnerable than a wooden or silver cup. Your vulnerability is your willingness to be open to the service of the divine.

Unity of Walnut Creek has changed. We now see the world beyond us, the divine beyond us. There is a flow back and forth from the outside to the inside and out again. Each of us as individuals can find a path of service to see through the transparency and see the divine in everything we do. The life we share here deserves the best we have to give joyfully. Find the joy this time. Pray–

Beloved Presence,
To Thee I raise my whole being, a vessel emptied of self.
Accept, Lord, This my emptiness, and so fill me with
Thyself – Thy Light, Thy Love, Thy Life –
That these Thy precious gifts may radiate through me
And overflow the chalice of my heart
Into the hearts of all with whom I come in contact this day,
Revealing unto them the beauty of Thy joy and Wholeness
And the serenity of Thy Peace
Which nothing can destroy.

March 6, 2011 – The Path of Letting Go

3/6/11   Reverend David McArthur

How do we let go of what no longer serves us? –of judgments and of judging ourselves? What do we really let go of?

There are 2 processes. 1) affirmation– which we are pretty good at, and 2) denial, which is taking power away from what no longer serves. It is “letting go” of hurt and pain. And also it is letting go of the wonderful things when it is time to move on!

When we try to let go with the head we suppress the feelings, which show up again because there has been no completion. In Unity we have a different way. It is through the power of the heart. We complete what is there. Sometimes it is easy; sometimes we have a lot of drama and pain. Doing it with the heart completes it and it no longer has power over us. When you walk away with peace, you really get to walk away. How?

1. Be honest with yourself. Admit the anger, hurt, or loss that you feel. Look honestly and connect with yourself in a deeper way.

2. Have compassion for yourself when you feel hurt, pain, and loss, and even when you have a wonderful experience that comes to completion. Compassion heals. Understand the pain, but feel the love, the compassion, that sense of care. Feel that touch of the divine which heals. Hold the feelings in your compassion, where the healing takes place. Compassion is love– God’s healing love in you.

3. Feel appreciation. Feel gratitude for what you have gained– the compassion, the wisdom which you can now use in this journey. You are a wise, spiritual being. Say, “Look what I did!– at what I have gained! Look at what I gave myself!”

4. Be neutral. Hold the situation, the feelings in your heart. They are not good, not bad. They don’t have to end, they don’t have to continue. Stay in your heart. Know, “Spirit is taking care of things beyond my understanding.” Let it be. Let it be and be ready for the next step.

5. Ask. The Infinite Intelligence will let it go or change it, but follow the direction you get! When you do your letting go in honesty, in compassion– it completes. The letting go is not about what you let go. It’s about what you are stepping into in Spirit. Let Spirit do Its amazing work in you!
Honesty. Compassion. Appreciation. Neutral. Ask.

Let Spirit do Its amazing work in you, and enjoy!