December 23, 2012 – The Other Christmas Story

12/23/12 Rev. David McArthur

The Other Christmas Story

300 years before Jesus, the prophet Elijah knew a greater experience and consciousness of the divine was coming, and it could only come by living it. We don’t know exactly what happened. The readings of Edgar Cayce say his group became the Essenes, who said the new consciousness would come in the form of a messiah. So they began attunement. One of the young women would be the instrument to bring forth that being.  In her time, Mary, at age 4 began attunement. One purple-and-gold hued dawn, as Mary, by then 13, reached the top step of the Essene temple, there was thunder and a halo descended around her. Within the light the Archangel Gabriel was seen to take her hand. In 3 years she did conceive. This was an intelligent, well educated, well supported, spiritually disciplined young woman. She accepted her purpose and was well supported and well cared for by her community, even the innkeeper and the shepherds.

The Law of Equality teaches that your wishes, dreams, hopes, and wants are as important as those of any other soul in existence, including Jesus, Mary, and Joseph!  And the support will show up for you too. You know your purpose, which is in your heart, even if you have hidden it well. Whether it is a state of being or of creating, the support is there. Look around. You too are in a community.

At 10 years, Julie had already lost her mother, and her father had lost the farm, taking work with long hours and low pay. It was the 30’s. The old farm house was leaky and very cold in the winter. Julie got a fever and her brothers and sisters gave her their blankets. That made them even colder. She was very concerned for them and her father. It was the only thing on her heart. She prayed, asking for blankets and some money for her father. Although the door had been locked when her siblings left for school, a man came in the house with his arms full of blankets. He spoke calmly and Julie noticed he wasn’t dressed for winter, but in a T-shirt and jeans, and that his hair was much longer than the men wore in that day. He even left money for her father. 10 years old. Sick. Alone. In a very cold house. You can’t get much more powerless than that. But she asked! She asked for what was on her heart, her purpose. Your desires, dreams, and purpose are as important as any other soul’s in existence, and will come true if you ask! Are you willing to ask? Say, “I am willing!” I am willing to ask!   

If all the support was there for Jesus—and it was—and it was there for Julie, get ready, ’cause IT’S THERE FOR YOU!

December 16, 2012 – Mary, Joseph, and You – On Purpose

12/16/12 Rev. David McArthur

Mary, Joseph, and You—On Purpose

This is a season of giving, loving, joy and celebration, and, yes, spending too much. Go for it! It is all about God, and our awareness of this is strong. This is a “Wow!” time. We have never before been empowered at this level. It is an incredible gift being given to all of us.

The Christmas story is our story of how we are, of truth. Our connection with the flow of higher consciousness is symbolized by the angels. The angel appearing to Mary is about how we receive that higher understanding of purpose into our lives. This might sometimes be rough. In Mary’s time, it could have meant stoning and death to accept, as an unmarried woman, her purpose of bearing the child Jesus. But acceptance of purpose brings together the pieces necessary for fulfillment of your purpose. Joseph dreamt of an angel (his connection to higher consciousness) which told him of Mary’s situation and his purpose. He said yes, and the things necessary came through.
Bonnie Shimp came to Unity when she was unemployed. She asked, “How do I put my life together?” She committed to her path. Things were slow, and didn’t seem to change much. Sometimes it’s hard for the universe to support us when we’re headed in the opposite direction. She looked deeply at “why am I here?” and experienced a connection with her purpose. She got it. She was radiant, but had no idea how it was to come about.
The first Christmas night the shepherds were called in to support the unfolding story. When we are on purpose the universe calls in what is needed. Bonnie’s intuition moved her to answer an old ad at a feedstore. Her head told her the job was already filled. But she asked! It was an intuitive knowing that this was a step to an old dream she had long suppressed. Resolution came to things of the past, and she stepped into her purpose. She now has her dream career.

Most of our purpose is “inner”. What we do, we do now with greater love so we are a greater force of love. The UN has said there is less conflict in the world now than there has been in the last 100 years! We go forward in a way that creates harmony in our world. It is our time to make it real. It is only God. It is only good. It is only divine purpose! Say, I am open to divine purpose unfolding through me.

What a beautiful birth of divine purpose is taking place now because of you!

December 16, 2012 – Mary, Joseph, and You – On Purpose

12/16/12 Rev. David McArthur

Mary, Joseph, and You—On Purpose

This is a season of giving, loving, joy and celebration, and, yes, spending too much. Go for it! It is all about God, and our awareness of this is strong. This is a “Wow!” time. We have never before been empowered at this level. It is an incredible gift being given to all of us.

The Christmas story is our story of how we are, of truth. Our connection with the flow of higher consciousness is symbolized by the angels. The angel appearing to Mary is about how we receive that higher understanding of purpose into our lives. This might sometimes be rough. In Mary’s time, it could have meant stoning and death to accept, as an unmarried woman, her purpose of bearing the child Jesus. But acceptance of purpose brings together the pieces necessary for fulfillment of your purpose. Joseph dreamt of an angel (his connection to higher consciousness) which told him of Mary’s situation and his purpose. He said yes, and the things necessary came through.
Bonnie Shimp came to Unity when she was unemployed. She asked, “How do I put my life together?” She committed to her path. Things were slow, and didn’t seem to change much. Sometimes it’s hard for the universe to support us when we’re headed in the opposite direction. She looked deeply at “why am I here?” and experienced a connection with her purpose. She got it. She was radiant, but had no idea how it was to come about.
The first Christmas night the shepherds were called in to support the unfolding story. When we are on purpose the universe calls in what is needed. Bonnie’s intuition moved her to answer an old ad at a feedstore. Her head told her the job was already filled. But she asked! It was an intuitive knowing that this was a step to an old dream she had long suppressed. Resolution came to things of the past, and she stepped into her purpose. She now has her dream career.

Most of our purpose is “inner”. What we do, we do now with greater love so we are a greater force of love. The UN has said there is less conflict in the world now than there has been in the last 100 years! We go forward in a way that creates harmony in our world. It is our time to make it real. It is only God. It is only good. It is only divine purpose! Say, I am open to divine purpose unfolding through me.

What a beautiful birth of divine purpose is taking place now because of you!


December 9, 2012 – Angels – Real and Symbolic. Feel the Beauty

12/9/12 Rev. David McArthur

Angels—Real and Symbolic. Feel the Beauty

We are about to enter into a Christmas like no other we have experienced. We are already into the new paradigm, and are witnessing a heightened spiritual energy humankind has not had before. It deepens our attune-ment. Now we are able to bring in harmony by living it.

And we have so much help from the beings in the angelic realm. A little four year old girl, running across the lawn, suddenly stopped. At that same time, with a loud crack, a heavy limb fell from a tree directly onto the spot where the girl would have been had she continued running. Her mother swept her up, and later asked what made her stop so suddenly. The child replied that “the tall beautiful lady told her to wait”. Another young mother, not knowing she would die that day, began the day by remarking that the house was “full of angels”.

The angels support each of us in the purpose for which we have come. They have very specific work to do. It is powerful. Their purpose is to hold a consciousness and energy which really touches our lives. The level of support for you in every way is absolutely amazing.

The symbolic angel is what you have within yourself to receive all the wisdom, power, and strength you need to go on about the business you came here for. It’s the ability and understanding to say yes, knowing you’ll have the strength to go forward to accomplish what you need to. It is a capacity within yourself. It is always a part of you.
In the Christmas story, Mary was a young unmarried, pregnant woman in a time when such women were normally stoned to death. We don’t know if Mary really saw an angel with wings or whether it was that place within which brought forth the support, peace, and strength she needed to accomplish what she came to do.

Whether or not you know what it is doesn’t matter. How do you open to it? You feel it within. You feel the beauty. Open your heart. Feel the beauty, the power, the clarity. Ask for the presence of the angelic realm. Let it touch you. Say, “I feel the beauty! I feel the beauty! I feel the beauty!” It is easy to do, because you are the beauty!


December 9, 2012 – Angels – Real and Symbolic. Feel the Beauty

12/9/12 Rev. David McArthur

Angels—Real and Symbolic. Feel the Beauty

We are about to enter into a Christmas like no other we have experienced. We are already into the new paradigm, and are witnessing a heightened spiritual energy humankind has not had before. It deepens our attune-ment. Now we are able to bring in harmony by living it.

And we have so much help from the beings in the angelic realm. A little four year old girl, running across the lawn, suddenly stopped. At that same time, with a loud crack, a heavy limb fell from a tree directly onto the spot where the girl would have been had she continued running. Her mother swept her up, and later asked what made her stop so suddenly. The child replied that “the tall beautiful lady told her to wait”. Another young mother, not knowing she would die that day, began the day by remarking that the house was “full of angels”.

The angels support each of us in the purpose for which we have come. They have very specific work to do. It is powerful. Their purpose is to hold a consciousness and energy which really touches our lives. The level of support for you in every way is absolutely amazing.

The symbolic angel is what you have within yourself to receive all the wisdom, power, and strength you need to go on about the business you came here for. It’s the ability and understanding to say yes, knowing you’ll have the strength to go forward to accomplish what you need to. It is a capacity within yourself. It is always a part of you.
In the Christmas story, Mary was a young unmarried, pregnant woman in a time when such women were normally stoned to death. We don’t know if Mary really saw an angel with wings or whether it was that place within which brought forth the support, peace, and strength she needed to accomplish what she came to do.

Whether or not you know what it is doesn’t matter. How do you open to it? You feel it within. You feel the beauty. Open your heart. Feel the beauty, the power, the clarity. Ask for the presence of the angelic realm. Let it touch you. Say, “I feel the beauty! I feel the beauty! I feel the beauty!” It is easy to do, because you are the beauty!

December 2, 2012 – The Power of 3

12/2/12 Rev. Sheila Gautreaux

The Power of 3

Do you want to step up your game? Do you see your previous hopes and aspirations unfulfilled? Do you ask yourself, “If I am truly God expressing, why can’t I make these changes?” Core negative beliefs rise up to stop us. We need to do something different.  Use the Power of 3. Align yourself on every level—Mind, Body, Spirit—to manifest your greatest desires.

There are various concepts of the Trinity. Traditionally it is the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.  1.Father: the infinite possibility, the all-knowing, the perfect all-ness. Everything. Divine I Am. It. (God without gender. The Bible was written by men in a very patriarchal time.)  2.Son: offspring of the all-ness, of infinite presence, made in the image and likeness, with all of the attributes, of It. We are the suns.  3.Holy Spirit: It in expression in our lives. The activity of It. The Holy Spirit is our personal gps.

When you are trying to manifest something, the Father has every desire to do it. 1. Align yourself with Divine Mind which is perfect, without doubts or what-ifs. Be in union with the Mind that created the universe and can create anything. 2. Then go to your intuition. Ask yourself, “What is my dreamchild? How do I give it life?” Remember you are a sun of It. 3. Connect with the power to act. 1, Align your intellect with 2, your intuition and 3, bring forth your dreamchild. What do you want to bring forth, to heal, to manifest? Align with the billions on this Earth at this time of year who are aligned with the idea of bringing forth the offspring of God. The energy now in the Earth is primed for it.

You have the Power of 3. As a beloved child of the Divine you have the power. When aligned with the Power of 3, a spark will shine a brilliant sun, and you will have all that you desire.

1. See it! Connect with Divine Mind. Visualize with clarity. See it as you would have it be.
2. Feel it! Align with the feeling of having it.
3. Be it! Live it! As if you already have it, because you do!

December 2, 2012 – The Power of 3

12/2/12 Rev. Sheila Gautreaux

The Power of 3

Do you want to step up your game? Do you see your previous hopes and aspirations unfulfilled? Do you ask yourself, “If I am truly God expressing, why can’t I make these changes?” Core negative beliefs rise up to stop us. We need to do something different.  Use the Power of 3. Align yourself on every level—Mind, Body, Spirit—to manifest your greatest desires.

There are various concepts of the Trinity. Traditionally it is the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.  1.Father: the infinite possibility, the all-knowing, the perfect all-ness. Everything. Divine I Am. It. (God without gender. The Bible was written by men in a very patriarchal time.)  2.Son: offspring of the all-ness, of infinite presence, made in the image and likeness, with all of the attributes, of It. We are the suns.  3.Holy Spirit: It in expression in our lives. The activity of It. The Holy Spirit is our personal gps.

When you are trying to manifest something, the Father has every desire to do it. 1. Align yourself with Divine Mind which is perfect, without doubts or what-ifs. Be in union with the Mind that created the universe and can create anything. 2. Then go to your intuition. Ask yourself, “What is my dreamchild? How do I give it life?” Remember you are a sun of It. 3. Connect with the power to act. 1, Align your intellect with 2, your intuition and 3, bring forth your dreamchild. What do you want to bring forth, to heal, to manifest? Align with the billions on this Earth at this time of year who are aligned with the idea of bringing forth the offspring of God. The energy now in the Earth is primed for it.

You have the Power of 3. As a beloved child of the Divine you have the power. When aligned with the Power of 3, a spark will shine a brilliant sun, and you will have all that you desire.

1. See it! Connect with Divine Mind. Visualize with clarity. See it as you would have it be.
2. Feel it! Align with the feeling of having it.
3. Be it! Live it! As if you already have it, because you do!
