April 6, 2014 – The Heart’s Path to Freedom: 5. Heart Soak

4/6/14 Rev. David McArthur
The Heart’s Path to Freedom: 5. Love Soak

We have been getting ready to enter a place with great creative power and energy where Spirit frees. The steps we’ve taken are 1) Embrace the feelings we have. They are the emotional markers which point to where we need to heal. Then connect with our power by 2) Breathing Love. It lifts us to where we see the patterns in our lives that we have been tripping over. This is divine objectivity, or 3) Spiritual Understanding. In step 4) Heart Neutral, we hold our feelings in our hearts in neutral. They’re not good, not bad. It is not the time for us to to do anything with them but step back and let Spirit be active in us.
The real fun is step, 5) Love Soak. Give yourself a hug! It feels good. Let it fill you until there is no pain, until Spirit within calls it into wholeness.

Victoria was a classmate of mine in ministerial school. Upon graduation, the committee that grants ordination told her no, that she was “too childish” to be a minister. Afterward there were tears and blame, but she knew it was due to something inside her, a block that she had pursued for years, that caused her to respond with childishness whenever she felt threatened. So she followed the 5 steps, and let that love in. It lifted her to where she could see the pattern in her life of using her “pretty little girl” whenever she felt fear. She saw the need in her that the “little girl” stood for. She poured her love on it. It didn’t matter what “Little Vickie” had done, what mattered was that Vickie loved her. That which carried the pain began to heal. What came through was the true peace of the being she was. She went back to the committee, and has been a successful minister now for over 30 years.

Thich Nhat Hahn says, “It’s like a mother, when the baby is crying, she picks up the baby and she holds the baby tenderly in her arms. Your pain, your anxiety is your baby.” You must care for it. We have become trapped in emotional constraints that keep us from functioning, that keep us weighed down. Let’s heal that baby till it doesn’t hurt at all. It takes a while to let it soak in, but this is how you heal yourself, how you take the plank out of your own eye. Let that amazing power of spirit heal. We can heal everything. Take just 10 minutes when that certain feeling comes up. Soak it in love.

What we find at the end is that it’s really true—Love is what it’s all about!


March 30, 2014 – The Heart’s Path to Freedom: 4. Heart Neutral

3/30/14 Rev. David McArthur
The Heart’s Path to Freedom: 4. Heart Neutral

We can create a state of consciousness for which some people have searched a long, long time. We are aware that we are in the world but not of it. We touch experiences and enjoy their richness but they do not control us. It takes focus and special energy in the heart, and the way to bring it forth is seen in HeartMath Cut-Thru. HeartMath is a secular way, but it shows the spiritual potential and maturity within us. The steps are 1, embrace your feelings, 2, activate the power by breathing love, 3, call forth the amazing wisdom within through spiritual understanding, divine objectivity.

Today is 4, Heart Neutral. Feelings come up, and that is wonderful, but they can control us. Heart Neutral is different. We can hold the feelings in our hearts but we don’t have to be controlled by them. The power of Spirit is always there to act on them. Heart Neutral can release levels in us we have no idea are there.

Lao Tsu: “The Tao is like a bellows: it is empty yet infinitely capable. The more you use it, the more it produces…” So too the heart. There is room to hold whatever you are feeling in your heart because in there there is infinite ability. “We join spokes together in a wheel, but it is the center hole that makes the wagon move… We work with being, but non-being is what we use.” Then we hold it in non-being, in neutral—the part we don’t see, we don’t understand, that flows through us.

How do you get to neutral when the feelings come up? There is head neutral and heart neutral. When the mind tries to choose it suppresses feelings. Our teens have a wonderful expression for this—“whatever!”—it’s head neutral, “I don’t care.” But Heart Neutral embraces the experience, it cares, yet it is unattached. Embrace the feelings. Affirm, “I hold the feelings in my heart in neutral.” They’re ok. I don’t need to give them power; I don’t need to withhold power. But they are part of my experience.
In India, Joanna was in neutral about a fly in her cup of tea, so did nothing. Then her awareness was lifted to another level when a monk carefully lifted it from her cup and told her the fly would be all right; she was opened to an entirely new appreciation for all life. What she had been missing!
A few days before Valentine’s day, Walt was driving Patricia over here. He ran a red light and got pulled over. When the officer walked up, he might write the ticket; he might not. After a short friendly talk, he let Walt off. In neutral there is a beautiful caring. Spirit works through it. With affirmation and encouragement, not suppressing or putting down, hold the feelings in that beautiful embrace of care, of neutral. “I hold the feelings in my heart in neutral.”
It’s like with a piece of chocolate—you enter a moment when your heart is full. When you taste it, there’s appreciation! Let it flow!

March 30, 2014 – The Heart’s Path to Freedom: 4. Heart Neutral

3/30/14 Rev. David McArthur
The Heart’s Path to Freedom: 4. Heart Neutral

We can create a state of consciousness for which some people have searched a long, long time. We are aware that we are in the world but not of it. We touch experiences and enjoy their richness but they do not control us. It takes focus and special energy in the heart, and the way to bring it forth is seen in HeartMath Cut-Thru. HeartMath is a secular way, but it shows the spiritual potential and maturity within us. The steps are 1, embrace your feelings, 2, activate the power by breathing love, 3, call forth the amazing wisdom within through spiritual understanding, divine objectivity.

Today is 4, Heart Neutral. Feelings come up, and that is wonderful, but they can control us. Heart Neutral is different. We can hold the feelings in our hearts but we don’t have to be controlled by them. The power of Spirit is always there to act on them. Heart Neutral can release levels in us we have no idea are there.

Lao Tzu: “The Tao is like a bellows: it is empty yet infinitely capable. The more you use it, the more it produces…” So too the heart. There is room to hold whatever you are feeling in your heart because in there there is infinite ability. “We join spokes together in a wheel, but it is the center hole that makes the wagon move… We work with being, but non-being is what we use.” Then we hold it in non-being, in neutral—the part we don’t see, we don’t understand, that flows through us.

How do you get to neutral when the feelings come up? There is head neutral and heart neutral. When the mind tries to choose it suppresses feelings. Our teens have a wonderful expression for this—“whatever!”—it’s head neutral, “I don’t care.” But Heart Neutral embraces the experience, it cares, yet it is unattached. Embrace the feelings. Affirm, “I hold the feelings in my heart in neutral.” They’re ok. I don’t need to give them power; I don’t need to withhold power. But they are part of my experience.

In India, Joanna was in neutral about a fly in her cup of tea, so did nothing. Then her awareness was lifted to another level when a monk carefully lifted it from her cup and told her the fly would be all right; she was opened to an entirely new appreciation for all life. What she had been missing!

A few days before Valentine’s day, Walt was driving Patricia over here. He ran a red light and got pulled over. When the officer walked up, he might write the ticket; he might not. After a short friendly talk, he let Walt off. In neutral there is a beautiful caring. Spirit works through it. With affirmation and encouragement, not suppressing or putting down, hold the feelings in that beautiful embrace of care, of neutral. “I hold the feelings in my heart in neutral.”

It’s like with a piece of chocolate—you enter a moment when your heart is full. When you taste it, there’s appreciation! Let it flow!


March 23, 2014 – The Heart’s Path to Freedom: 3. Understanding

Tsu3/23/14 Rev. David McArthur
The Heart’s Path to Freedom: 3. Understanding

On our journey to be free the first step is Embrace your feelings, especially the ones not in harmony, identified by that reactive pain. When they come up, there is healing to do. Then turn on the power of the heart by Breathing Love. Today step three, Spiritual Understanding. It’s divine objectivity. It’s in the heart because love is there, God is there, and there is intelligence and light.

I found myself filled with anxiety and a very strong feeling to get away from a conference that I really wanted to attend. Feelings are something we experience, but are not our nature. It was time I healed my feelings. So I took time to be alone. I turned on the power of my heart and spent five beautiful minutes breathing love. Then I asked for understanding. Within that love is the wisdom to truly see. When we look at ourselves through the head it is judgmental. The brain loves right and wrong. We feel guilt, fear, blame. That’s why we don’t like to look at ourselves. But I was in my heart, breathing love, opening to Spirit, to the heart’s deep understanding. It is enlightening, compassionate. Wholeness is it’s nature because Divine Presence is wholeness.

We know a secret: God is good all the time —even when it doesn’t feel like it. There are those who are healed just by the spiritual power when they open to compassion. A young missionary found she was increasingly unhappy, even depressed. She didn’t know she could just go in and turn on the power by breathing love. But she prayed, asking for help, a beautiful expression of self love. She opened to that until she could the feel love. She asked for understanding. She then understood it wasn’t her dream, but her parents’. She needed to go home and attend to her own needs. She was freed of her unhappiness.

The medicine wheel is a wonderful part of the Native American teaching. One of its four directions is Eagle. This young lady had the experience of Eagle, seeing from above. Emily Cady put it this way: “Understanding is a spiritual birth, a revelation of God within the heart of man.” It’s a greater vision from God through the power of the heart. The Taoist, Lao Tzu, said, “The master observes the world but trusts his inner vision…His heart is open as the sky.”

Affirm Breathing love, I open to understanding. In a quiet moment in your day, ask, “Were there recent times when pain or emotions not in harmony came up?” Then Breathe Love. That openness is the opening to the beautiful, powerful individual you are. It brings understanding to everything in our lives!


March 23, 2014 – The Heart’s Path to Freedom: 3. Understanding

3/23/14 Rev. David McArthur
The Heart’s Path to Freedom: 3. Understanding

On our journey to be free the first step is Embrace your feelings, especially the ones not in harmony, identified by that reactive pain. When they come up, there is healing to do. Then turn on the power of the heart by Breathing Love. Today step three, Spiritual Understanding. It’s divine objectivity. It’s in the heart because love is there, God is there, and there is intelligence and light.

I found myself filled with anxiety and a very strong feeling to get away from a conference that I really wanted to attend. Feelings are something we experience, but are not our nature. It was time I healed my feelings. So I took time to be alone. I turned on the power of my heart and spent five beautiful minutes breathing love. Then I asked for understanding. Within that love is the wisdom to truly see. When we look at ourselves through the head it is judgmental. The brain loves right and wrong. We feel guilt, fear, blame. That’s why we don’t like to look at ourselves. But I was in my heart, breathing love, opening to Spirit, to the heart’s deep understanding. It is enlightening, compassionate. Wholeness is it’s nature because Divine Presence is wholeness.

We know a secret: God is good all the time —even when it doesn’t feel like it. There are those who are healed just by the spiritual power when they open to compassion. A young missionary found she was increasingly unhappy, even depressed. She didn’t know she could just go in and turn on the power by breathing love. But she prayed, asking for help, a beautiful expression of self love. She opened to that until she could the feel love. She asked for understanding. She then understood it wasn’t her dream, but her parents’. She needed to go home and attend to her own needs. She was freed of her unhappiness.

The medicine wheel is a wonderful part of the Native American teaching. One of its four directions is Eagle. This young lady had the experience of Eagle, seeing from above. Emily Cady put it this way: “Understanding is a spiritual birth, a revelation of God within the heart of man.” It’s a greater vision from God through the power of the heart. The Taoist, Lau Tsu, said, “The master observes the world but trusts his inner vision…His heart is open as the sky.”

Affirm Breathing love, I open to understanding. In a quiet moment in your day, ask, “Were there recent times when pain or emotions not in harmony came up?” Then Breathe Love. That openness is the opening to the beautiful, powerful individual you are. It brings understanding to everything in our lives!

March 16, 2014 – The Most Powerful Partnership

3/16/14 Rev. Rita Marie Johnson
The Most Powerful Partnership

Have you ever gotten stuck on your spiritual path? Did some old stuff come up, or maybe you just got bored? Me too. I wanted inspiration and growth! So I started searching. I found a partnership within, a two-step process.

The first part is Empathy. It is respectful understanding of what others are feeling. When we name our feelings and needs, we empathize with ourselves. When we guess what others are feeling, we are empathizing with them.

The second part of the equation is Insight, which comes from being in Coherence. A few years ago I could not breathe through the left side of my nose. It was quite uncomfortable. The doctors only gave me slight, temporary relief. Then I remembered my two steps. I named my feelings and needs in this regard, and I went into coherence in my heart and asked. I got a surprising insight—that I should stand on my head! But I acted on my insight, and went to the corner of the room and stood on my head for as long as I could. I actually could breathe a bit better. I did it again, and then again, and I got total relief! It is answered prayer. It is Spirit speaking through your heart.

Insight needs empathy to keep it humble. Otherwise, we could get really arrogant. And empathy needs insight to lift us out of misery, or we would be overloaded with the feelings of others. When the two are put together, the synergy propels our spiritual growth forward. It’s growth with joy.

Myrtle Fillmore got stuck at one point in healing herself. She used this process in her way, and got an insight: “Look among your virtues.” She had felt it was a virtue keeping her feelings to herself. With this insight, however, she determined to deal with a feeling “before I swallowed it and it made me ill.” She used this method that has now been proven by science, and her healing was complete.

That’s how life gets better. Jesus also taught this two step process. In Mark 20, verse 30, Jesus said, “Love the Lord your God with all your heart…” Feel the deep connection in your heart with God. Coherence leads to insight. In verse 31, He said, “The second is this: ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.” This is guessing the feelings and needs of your neighbor, empathy. “There is no commandment greater than these.” There is no greater way to live than this. It accelerates our spiritual growth joyfully because we have our two partners within us all the time.

Before directing the lightening in the sky we must first harness the storms in our own hearts. We can bring ourselves out of unnecessary suffering. We can make it so! Amen.

March 16, 2014 – The Most Powerful Partnership

3/16/14 Rev. Rita Marie Johnson
The Most Powerful Partnership

Have you ever gotten stuck on your spiritual path? Did some old stuff come up, or maybe you just got bored? Me too. I wanted inspiration and growth! So I started searching. I found a partnership within, a two-step process.

The first part is Empathy. It is respectful understanding of what others are feeling. When we name our feelings and needs, we empathize with ourselves. When we guess what others are feeling, we are empathizing with them.

The second part of the equation is Insight, which comes from being in Coherence. A few years ago I could not breathe through the left side of my nose. It was quite uncomfortable. The doctors only gave me slight, temporary relief. Then I remembered my two steps. I named my feelings and needs in this regard, and I went into coherence in my heart and asked. I got a surprising insight—that I should stand on my head! But I acted on my insight, and went to the corner of the room and stood on my head for as long as I could. I actually could breathe a bit better. I did it again, and then again, and I got total relief! It is answered prayer. It is Spirit speaking through your heart.

Insight needs empathy to keep it humble. Otherwise, we could get really arrogant. And empathy needs insight to lift us out of misery, or we would be overloaded with the feelings of others. When the two are put together, the synergy propels our spiritual growth forward. It’s growth with joy.

Myrtle Fillmore got stuck at one point in healing herself. She used this process in her way, and got an insight: “Look among your virtues.” She had felt it was a virtue keeping her feelings to herself. With this insight, however, she determined to deal with a feeling “before I swallowed it and it made me ill.” She used this method that has now been proven by science, and her healing was complete.

That’s how life gets better. Jesus also taught this two step process. In Mark 20, verse 30, Jesus said, “Love the Lord your God with all your heart…” Feel the deep connection in your heart with God. Coherence leads to insight. In verse 31, He said, “The second is this: ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.” This is guessing the feelings and needs of your neighbor, empathy. “There is no commandment greater than these.” There is no greater way to live than this. It accelerates our spiritual growth joyfully because we have our two partners within us all the time.

Before directing the lightening in the sky we must first harness the storms in our own hearts. We can bring ourselves out of unnecessary suffering. We can make it so! Amen.


March 9, 2014 – The Heart’s Path to Freedom: 2. Breathe Love

3/9/14 Rev. David McArthur
The Heart’s Path to Freedom: 2. Breathing Love

We are walking a journey to the true freedom found in the soul. We took our first step last week, 1. Embrace Our Feelings, to move into wholeness, healing. To step into who we are. And we know at any moment, Divine Presence is good, which let’s us touch that part of ourselves,the feelings, with tenderness and love. This week we 2. Turn on the Power! There is a simple way which is so powerful it will bring some of the greatest experiences in life. It is to Breathe Love. But the mind will try to take over, and say, “What is love?” It will try to put love in a box. Love can’t be put in a box, but you know what it is because you’ve been there again and again. From John, 4:16-18, “God is love.[not a being “out there” loving us, but what moves through us] Whoever lives in love lives in God, and God in them. There is no fear in love… love drives out fear.”

We say we “breathe through our hearts” to bring our attention to the area around the heart. Then to activate the feeling of love, you can use the power of intention. Breathe in and out intending to feel love. Be aware of how you are feeling. In entering into a feeling it is often more helpful to focus on something specific, which is clearer, such as appreciation. You can think of someone you really appreciate. Now let it grow into love. Breathe love. Or you can remember one of those beautiful moments when your heart was full of love. The memory is “past”, the feeling is “right now”. Remember that feeling of love. Breathe love. What a marvelous way to spend some time!

Intention. Appreciation. Memory. Which way was strongest for you this time? At different times and in different situations you can use different ways. At any time, affirm, “I breathe love. Love is what I am.” “I breathe love. Love is what I am.” “I breathe love. Love is what I am.”

This week, in one of “those” business meetings, breathe love. Or in any situation that comes up this week, breathe love. What a magnificent way to be in the world! In the words of Mother Teresa, “I have found the paradox, that if you love until it hurts, there can be no more hurt, only more love.

“I breathe love. Love is what I am.” You are right; you are love!

March 9, 2014 – The Heart’s Path to Freedom: 2. Breathe Love

3/9/14 Rev. David McArthur
The Heart’s Path to Freedom: 2. Breathing Love

We are walking a journey to the true freedom found in the soul. We took our first step last week, 1. Embrace Our Feelings, to move into wholeness, healing. To step into who we are. And we know at any moment, Divine Presence is good, which let’s us touch that part of ourselves,the feelings, with tenderness and love. This week we 2. Turn on the Power! There is a simple way which is so powerful it will bring some of the greatest experiences in life. It is to Breathe Love. But the mind will try to take over, and say, “What is love?” It will try to put love in a box. Love can’t be put in a box, but you know what it is because you’ve been there again and again. From John, 4:16-18, “God is love.[not a being “out there” loving us, but what moves through us] Whoever lives in love lives in God, and God in them. There is no fear in love… love drives out fear.”

We say we “breathe through our hearts” to bring our attention to the area around the heart. Then to activate the feeling of love, you can use the power of intention. Breathe in and out intending to feel love. Be aware of how you are feeling. In entering into a feeling it is often more helpful to focus on something specific, which is clearer, such as appreciation. You can think of someone you really appreciate. Now let it grow into love. Breathe love. Or you can remember one of those beautiful moments when your heart was full of love. The memory is “past”, the feeling is “right now”. Remember that feeling of love. Breathe love. What a marvelous way to spend some time!

Intention. Appreciation. Memory. Which way was strongest for you this time? At different times and in different situations you can use different ways. At any time, affirm, “I breathe love. Love is what I am.” “I breathe love. Love is what I am.” “I breathe love. Love is what I am.”

This week, in one of “those” business meetings, breathe love. Or in any situation that comes up this week, breathe love. What a magnificent way to be in the world! In the words of Mother Teresa, “I have found the paradox, that if you love until it hurts, there can be no more hurt, only more love.

“I breathe love. Love is what I am.” You are right; you are love!


March 2, 2014 – The Heart’s Path to Freedom: 1. Embrace

3/2/14 Rev. David McArthur
The Heart’s Path to Freedom: 1. Embrace

Going further on our journey into the heart means admitting there are things within us we have to heal. To exist without feelings of limitation brings freedom. It’s “being in the world but not of it.” Feelings come up to protect us from pain, but there is this divine presence that will heal us. “He will heal the breasts of folk who are believers. And He will remove the anger of their hearts.” —the Qur’an 9:14-15. “God is love. Whoever lives in love lives in God, and God in him… There is no fear in love. But perfect love drives out fear…” —John, 4:16,18.

Scripture tells us what to do, but seldom how to do it. In “alternative wisdom writings” like “Winnie the Pooh”, Pooh is the part of us that wants to journey out and see what is there. Piglet is the part of us that gets frightened as we journey further into the soul, and wants to run back home. Christopher Robin is the Christ Self that, with knowledge and love, makes our Hundred Acre Woods safe. One day Pooh and Piglet are following a growing number of tracks in the snow and become afraid that there are fearsome beasts gathering. Piglet wants to run home, but then Christopher Robin calls from up above. Pooh looks up into the branches of an old oak tree. From up there Christopher Robin had seen they were following their own tracks! He admonishes Pooh for trying then to apologize for his silliness, telling Pooh he “is the best bear in all the world!”

Both scripture and Pooh are telling us that there is a presence and power within us; we can explore the tracks before us without fear. We can overcome the pain of loss, great hurt, abuse, and rejection.

I have experienced violent, sudden loss, and many of you have told me you have too. In those times nothing can distract you from your pain. Some sleepless nights I wanted to scream, but was afraid if I gave in, I might not return to sanity. At some point I asked for help and I found an understanding. I then knew the pain was great because the love was great. The pain was part of the loving, and was sacred because it brought the gift of understanding. That understanding did not feel painful, but let me see. That greater wisdom in you helps you see. I invite you to embrace your feelings. You might not give up the deepest feelings, but they will pass when the time is right. Embrace every feeling. If you suffered a great or small physical wound, you would use the tools available to you to heal. So there is an obligation to embrace all feelings. Embrace them with God’s tender love.

I embrace my feelings with God’s tender love! I embrace my feelings with God’s tender love! I embrace my feelings with God’s tender love!

That power in your heart is love. Look up into that great oak tree of God’s tender love!
