December 28, 2014 – The Journey

12/28/14 Sheila Gautreaux, L.U.T.
The Journey

This year I spoke about the parable of the Prodigal Son. It’s about the long journey from the head to the heart, and the journey to forgiveness. Our heavenly father has never held anything against us. I spoke of the parable of the Sower. It’s about the words of truth we hear. Some words of truth we hear and apply in our lives, and then the old stuff no longer has power over us. The third parable was about the Weeds that grew in the crop of wheat. Negative beliefs will come up, but don’t fight them. When your truth is strong you will be able to ignore the “weeds”. These parables clear away the darkness so our light can shine.

Then we talked about Transitions, tragic changes like the loss of a spouse, a home, a job. It’s like a death. It’s Endings. You’re disengaged. You are no longer the person who has what is now lost. You’re angry and disoriented. Then, in the Void, you’re just lost. It is painful, and you take this journey alone. And you’re not out until the message from all this is received—like who am I or what am I to do? Pray, “Come Holy Spirit.” (Holy Spirit is the movement of God.) Finally, you get to the New Beginning—you see a glimmer of light, of hope. You recognize you’re in transition. Then all resources of God show up for you. It’s like the journey of the Israelites in the wilderness, still thinking as slaves. But when you’re in bondage to something you still have the ability to say “Let my people go.”

Then a few weeks ago I spoke of the ADVENTture beginning. During Advent millions of people are excitedly awaiting an arrival. The “soil” is fertile for planting whatever we want to come into our lives. Reflect on the previous year without judgment. What worked, what didn’t. Ask, how did or didn’t I show up? As God? Or not? Then paint the picture of how you want the new year to look. List goals for getting there. Then add “by when” dates, which spur you into action. If you miss a date, simply set another. Be good to yourself. Eat the elephant one bite at a time. Set smaller goals which together make a big one. Then fully imagine this new life—all the way into each of your 150 trillion cells. They will be energized and draw these things to you. Expect it to happen. I expect it to happen! I expect it to happen! I expect it to happen! The universe will bring it! Go forward enthusiastically! Pray Yes! Go ahead, feel the doubt and fear but affirm your good. Clear away those things which no longer serve. That which we are attached to keeps our attention and there is no room for the new. Say, I move forward enthusiastically toward unlimited possibilities. I move forward enthusiastically toward unlimited possibilities. I move forward enthusiastically toward unlimited possibilities. Go get ’em!


December 21, 2014 – The Christmas Awakening

12/14/14 Rev. David McArthur
The Christmas Awakening

This year my granddaughter explained our nativity scene to me. It was made in Montana with figures based on ranchers, native Americans and oilmen. I learned that they wore heavy clothing because the baby Jesus was born at the North Pole! Christmas is a little different each year as our awareness grows. As a child it’s the first time there is something beyond our parents we could ask directly and it would respond to us. What a wonderful beginning of the God thought for a child!

11 year old Susie’s letter to Santa spoke of her younger siblings and that her father had died that year and how her mother was sick. But all she asked was could Santa bring a blanket for her mother who was very cold at night. It was not what you’d expect. A member here told how she had moved to a new town and didn’t know anyone. She had 2 daughters but no money for Christmas or even for food. No one to go to. Nobody even knew her plight. Yet there was a knock on the door. A big box had come. There was food. There were toys, and clothes. Whenever you think no one knows, there is always an awareness. A change of awareness is all it’s about. An awakening of consciousness.

The Christmas story in the gospel of John speaks of the light of each one of us, the very life in us, which brings forth the consciousness in each one of us. In our 3-D state we have to grow in awareness. John speaks of belief, but it is not “I think so” or “I’m convinced” belief. It is the embodiment of what you are, the reality you live. And “name” here isn’t what you are called, it is the nature of your being. So “to those who believed in his name, he gave the right to become children of God”. It is the awakening to the awareness that we are children of God. It is not a religious thing, it is our nature.

As a Jewish boy, Jay Frankston, didn’t get to do Christmas. But when he had kids of his own, he did it big! One day he watched a mother help her little girl mail a letter to Santa. He wondered where those letters went. At the central post office he was given many, most of which were just lists of toys wanted. But he found Susie’s! And 7 others like hers from children who were afraid, or lonely, or felt forgotten. On Christmas Day he dressed as Santa and took Susie’s mom a blanket, and toys for Susie and her brothers and sister. He went to each of the 8 homes with presents for all. How the Santa experience changes when you become a parent! The next year he went to 20 homes, the year after that it was 120 homes. He did this for 12 years, the embodiment of love. It wasn’t religious.

It’s what it’s all about and it is not difficult. It is who we are. It is our nature. We’re the embodiment of love. I invite you to love the season and to give love this season. The gifts are just an excuse to give love. Give love without gifts. To people you don’t know give love. This special week the whole world is in the consciousness of love. I give love this Christmas. Say it again, I give love this Christmas. I give love this Christmas. And stop and be aware of all the love given you. Bless you!

December 21, 2014 – The Christmas Awakening

12/14/14  Rev. David McArthur

The Christmas Awakening

This year my granddaughter explained our nativity scene to me. It was made in Montana with figures based on ranchers, native Americans and oilmen. I learned that they wore heavy clothing because the baby Jesus was born at the North Pole! Christmas is a little different each year as our awareness grows. As a child it’s the first time there is something beyond our parents we could ask directly and it would respond to us. What a wonderful beginning of the God thought for a child!

11 year old Susie’s letter to Santa spoke of her younger siblings and that her father had died that year and how her mother was sick. But all she asked was could Santa bring a blanket for her mother who was very cold at night. It was not what you’d expect.

A member here told how she had moved to a new town and didn’t know anyone. She had 2 daughters but no money for Christmas or even for food. No one to go to. Nobody even knew her plight. Yet there was a knock on the door. A big box had come. There was food. There were toys, and clothes. Whenever you think no one knows, there is always an awareness. A change of awareness is all it’s about. An awakening of consciousness.

The Christmas story in the gospel of John speaks of the light of each one of us, the very life in us, which brings forth the consciousness in each one of us. In our 3-D state we have to grow in awareness. John speaks of belief, but it is not “I think so” or “I’m convinced” belief. It is the embodiment of what you are, the reality you live. And “name” here isn’t what you are called, it is the nature of your being. So “to those who believed in his name, he gave the right to become children of God”. It is the awakening to the awareness that we are children of God. It is not a religious thing, it is our nature.

As a Jewish boy, Jay Frankston, didn’t get to do Christmas. But when he had kids of his own, he did it big! One day he watched a mother help her little girl mail a letter to Santa. He wondered where those letters went. At the central post office he was given many, most of which were just lists of toys wanted. But he found Susie’s! And 7 others like hers from children who were afraid, or lonely, or felt forgotten. On Christmas Day he dressed as Santa and took Susie’s mom a blanket, and toys for Susie and her brothers and sister. He went to each of the 8 homes with presents for all. How the Santa experience changes when you become a parent! The next year he went to 20 homes, the year after that it was 120 homes. He did this for 12 years, the embodiment of love. It wasn’t religious.

It’s what it’s all about and it is not difficult. It is who we are. It is our nature. We’re the embodiment of love. I invite you to love the season and to give love this season. The gifts are just an excuse to give love. Give love without gifts. To people you don’t know give love. This special week the whole world is in the consciousness of love. I give love this Christmas. Say it again, I give love this Christmas. I give love this Christmas. And stop and be aware of all the love given you. Bless you!


December 14, 2014 – How To Talk With An Angel

12/14/14 Rev. David McArthur
How To Talk With An Angel

When you really want something it can take quite a bit of work and it’s hard to wait. With all that’s happening right now in life, what I wanted this Christmas was clarity on what I’m to do. It’s embarrassing to teach seeking guidance for answers when I still have questions myself. I wanted what Mary got—an angel that came to her with clarity, in detail, as to what she was to do. I wanted my own angel experience. I’ve gotten a whole lot of guidance through many things, why not for this? When something’s this important, I set aside some time for it.

So I reserved a cabin off in the woods, California style (with majestic redwoods and all the amenities including a hot tub), for just me. For a greater understanding of life I would need a new consciousness. I needed to let go of things I still carried within that limited my going forward. The only one who puts limits on me is me. So I found those places within that weren’t ok and brought my love to them. That is what heals. It was beautiful.

Then it was time to ask, “If I could have that angel, what would I ask?” Often we ask the wrong question. I knew my heart’s desire could be fulfilled if I were in alignment with the nature of the divine, which is giving. If I were to be aligned I saw the question as “what is mine to give?”

I don’t know how it really was for Mary, but in the work of Edgar Cayce, Mary was an Essene. Women were valued and educated, and leaders in this group. Her life had been the formulation of “what was hers to give.” And her angel answered that in detail.

A beautiful spiritual law, “As You Give You Gain In Understanding”, helped. So I sat down and I knew to ask in my heart. That’s where we connect with Divine Presence, where infinite wisdom flows through us. I felt it. I breathed it. I opened to it. “What is mine to give?”

I had honored the importance of that question. The answer came. Clear. Direct. Specific. How, when, and why. It’s not like an idea, another thing to think about, but when Spirit moves, it brings understanding. I am sharing this because I know you too are asking. This is a time for change. You are here by divine appointment, an instrument of the divine in this world. Ask. “What is mine to give?” “What is mine to give?” “What is mine to give?”

Take the time creating the opportunity. Value the importance of who you are. Go to those places which are not healed and bring the love to them. Open to the reply.
“What is mine to give?” In my experience, there are angels just lined up waiting for us to ask!

December 14, 2014 – How To Talk With An Angel

12/14/14 Rev. David McArthur
How To Talk With An Angel

When you really want something it can take quite a bit of work and it’s hard to wait. With all that’s happening right now in life, what I wanted this Christmas was clarity on what I’m to do. It’s embarrassing to teach seeking guidance for answers when I still have questions myself. I wanted what Mary got—an angel that came to her with clarity, in detail, as to what she was to do. I wanted my own angel experience. I’ve gotten a whole lot of guidance through many things, why not for this? When something’s this important, I set aside some time for it.

So I reserved a cabin off in the woods, California style (with majestic redwoods and all the amenities including a hot tub), for just me. For a greater understanding of life I would need a new consciousness. I needed to let go of things I still carried within that limited my going forward. The only one who puts limits on me is me. So I found those places within that weren’t ok and brought my love to them. That is what heals. It was beautiful.

Then it was time to ask, “If I could have that angel, what would I ask?” Often we ask the wrong question. I knew my heart’s desire could be fulfilled if I were in alignment with the nature of the divine, which is giving. If I were to be aligned I saw the question as “what is mine to give?”

I don’t know how it really was for Mary, but in the work of Edgar Cayce, Mary was an Essene. Women were valued and educated, and leaders in this group. Her life had been the formulation of “what was hers to give.” And her angel answered that in detail.

A beautiful spiritual law, “As You Give You Gain In Understanding”, helped. So I sat down and I knew to ask in my heart. That’s where we connect with Divine Presence, where infinite wisdom flows through us. I felt it. I breathed it. I opened to it. “What is mine to give?”

I had honored the importance of that question. The answer came. Clear. Direct. Specific. How, when, and why. It’s not like an idea, another thing to think about, but when Spirit moves, it brings understanding. I am sharing this because I know you too are asking. This is a time for change. You are here by divine appointment, an instrument of the divine in this world. Ask. “What is mine to give?” “What is mine to give?” “What is mine to give?”

Take the time creating the opportunity. Value the importance of who you are. Go to those places which are not healed and bring the love to them. Open to the reply.
“What is mine to give?” In my experience, there are angels just lined up waiting for us to ask!


December 7, 2014 – The ADVENTure Begins

12/07/14 Sheila Gautreaux, L.U.T.
The ADVENTure Begins

Advent is the expectation, the excitement around an arrival. This Advent season, energy around the world is focused on the coming, the rebirth, of the Christ. Why not put into this energy the seeds of that which you want to arrive in your life? Use all this energy as support. Holy Spirit guides us by universal laws like the Law of Mind Action (thoughts in mind produce after their kind) or the Law of Compensation (whatever you give out will come back to you). The universal laws are absolute, no shakey, not some-timey. They can’t be coerced. They simply act. When we are aligned with them, they support us, we have the force working for us. When we go against them we get “the full force of the law”.

I was coaching a lady who wanted to get away from her boss and start a new job when I got from Spirit that she was not supposed to have a job. As we worked with the universal laws, her situation at work began to shift. The company opened a position for a consultant to travel to their sites around the country (away from her boss). She got it. Not much later she was offered part ownership in a thriving company in Sacramento. Now she no longer has a “job”, she has a business.

In “expectation” of what you wish to “arrive” in your life, begin by asking yourself how you could have played at a higher level with the things that showed up this year. Then focus on living in alignment with what you want to bring into your life, like perfect health. Then list what things you can do to support that; list what goals will lead to those things. Now put a by-when date on your calendar or tell Siri. Putting a by-when date on a goal spurs you to action. Then be sure to visualize what your life will look like when you have these things. Really feel it. It is a scientific fact that what we are most excited about we draw to us. What you are giving out there must come back!

Now don’t “hope” or “wish”—expect. You are an off-shoot of the Creator. Just like you inherited characteristics from you parents, you inherited the ability to create from your Creator. Only when you doubt this do you lose your excitement, your expectation. Affirm, I expect the very best in my life and I am excited! I expect the very best in my life and I am excited! I expect the very best in my life and I am excited! And I am excited for you!


December 7, 2014 – The ADVENTure Begins

12/07/14 Sheila Gautreaux, L.U.T.
The ADVENTure Begins

Advent is the expectation, the excitement around an arrival. This Advent season, energy around the world is focused on the coming, the rebirth, of the Christ. Why not put into this energy the seeds of that which you want to arrive in your life? Use all this energy as support. Holy Spirit guides us by universal laws like the Law of Mind Action (thoughts in mind produce after their kind) or the Law of Compensation (whatever you give out will come back to you). The universal laws are absolute, no shakey, not some-timey. They can’t be coerced. They simply act. When we are aligned with them, they support us, we have the force working for us. When we go against them we get “the full force of the law”.

I was coaching a lady who wanted to get away from her boss and start a new job when I got from Spirit that she was not supposed to have a job. As we worked with the universal laws, her situation at work began to shift. The company opened a position for a consultant to travel to their sites around the country (away from her boss). She got it. Not much later she was offered part ownership in a thriving company in Sacramento. Now she no longer has a “job”, she has a business.

In “expectation” of what you wish to “arrive” in your life, begin by asking yourself how you could have played at a higher level with the things that showed up this year. Then focus on living in alignment with what you want to bring into your life, like perfect health. Then list what things you can do to support that; list what goals will lead to those things. Now put a by-when date on your calendar or tell Siri. Putting a by-when date on a goal spurs you to action. Then be sure to visualize what your life will look like when you have these things. Really feel it. It is a scientific fact that what we are most excited about we draw to us. What you are giving out there must come back!

Now don’t “hope” or “wish”—expect. You are an off-shoot of the Creator. Just like you inherited characteristics from you parents, you inherited the ability to create from your Creator. Only when you doubt this do you lose your excitement, your expectation. Affirm, I expect the very best in my life and I am excited! I expect the very best in my life and I am excited! I expect the very best in my life and I am excited! And I am excited for you!

November 30, 2014 – Gratitude

11/30/14 Rev. David McArthur with Rob Seidenspinner

Native Americans walk with gratitude all the time. With them it is deeper than simply thankfulness. Feel gratitude for someone is a blessing to and for that person. Let’s join with others in feeling gratitude for someone special to them. Together, the power of that gratitude is increased. It is much more. Meister Eckhart, the great mystic of the thirteenth century, said, “If the only prayer you ever say in your entire life is thank you, it will be enough.”
Among the many expressions of gratitude from the congregation: I am grateful

–for people in my life who, channeling Spirit, poke me when there’s something I need to heal
–for my wife bringing my life from black and white into Technicolor
–for my wife who prods me on, makes me grow, and is the light of my life
–for my Unity family and friends
–for the inspiration from this community
–for this attitude of gratitude
–for the prayers on this healing journey
–for my mother’s good health and for wisdom and love from my partner
–for the smiles and hugs I get here
–for everyone of you who touch my heart
–for HeartMath
–for my family and coming here to join them and find this community as I make my transition and for good books about this to study and for the spirituality coming from quantum physics
–for David and Kathryn
–for the experience of sharing someone’s last year as they make their passing
–for finding here that I was not alone, I am never alone, and I never would be alone
–for coming back after months of traveling and still having your love as if I’d not ever gone
–for kundalini meditation and the insight it taught me to use in so many ways: “I wish to grow.”
–for the Heart Ministry here that helped me through the darkest night of my soul
–for the happy trees today that made me cry

Feel this deep beautiful gratitude in your heart throughout the week. Say, “I am grateful!” When traffic comes to a stop ahead of you, look at all the cars and say, “I am grateful!” Look at that person in the mirror and say “I am grateful for getting to be that person!” And for those magnificent people in your life, “I am grateful!”


November 30, 2014 – Gratitude

11/30/14 Rev. David McArthur with Rob Seidenspinner

Native Americans walk with gratitude all the time. With them it is deeper than simply thankfulness. Feel gratitude for someone is a blessing to and for that person. Let’s join with others in feeling gratitude for someone special to them. Together, the power of that gratitude is increased. It is much more. Meister Eckhart, the great mystic of the thirteenth century, said, “If the only prayer you ever say in your entire life is thank you, it will be enough.”

Among the many expressions of gratitude from the congregation: I am grateful

–for people in my life who, channeling Spirit, poke me when there’s something I need to heal
–for my wife bringing my life from black and white into Technicolor
–for my wife who prods me on, makes me grow, and is the light of my life
–for my Unity family and friends
–for the inspiration from this community
–for this attitude of gratitude
–for the prayers on this healing journey
–for my mother’s good health and for wisdom and love from my partner
–for the smiles and hugs I get here
–for everyone of you who touch my heart
–for HeartMath
–for my family and coming here to join them and find this community as I make my transition and for good books about this to study and for the spirituality coming from quantum physics
–for David and Kathryn
–for the experience of sharing someone’s last year as they make their passing
–for finding here that I was not alone, I am never alone, and I never would be alone
–for coming back after months of traveling and still having your love as if I’d not ever gone
–for kundalini meditation and the insight it taught me to use in so many ways: “I wish to grow.”
–for the Heart Ministry here that helped me through the darkest night of my soul
–for the happy trees today that made me cry

Feel this deep beautiful gratitude in your heart throughout the week. Say, “I am grateful!” When traffic comes to a stop ahead of you, look at all the cars and say, “I am grateful!” Look at that person in the mirror and say “I am grateful for getting to be that person!” And for those magnificent people in your life, “I am grateful!”

November 23, 2014 – Something Wonderful Is Happening Right Now

11/23/14 Rev. Mary Omwake
Something Wonderful Is Happening Right Now

Aloha! When you say “aloha” don’t you just feel happy? Your whole body opens up. “A” means “from the very first light from the beginning” and “lo” means “eternal”. “Ha”—we share the breath of God. “A-lo-ha”—from the very beginning, forever, we share the breath of God. “Aloha” lifts your vibration.

We live in vibration; that’s really all there is. We all want to live in a vibration where the highest and best comes. But a shock, a disappointment, takes the vibration way down. Then we don’t understand what’s going on. We’re not living in alignment with Spirit and our dream inside. We are less able to handle our troubles. Drama is created, and your vibration can be seen in everything that comes out of your mouth. But the universe must match your vibration. It’s all there is. If that is what you want, it gives you more. It says, “repeat!”

Jesus said that when you wake (when you know you created your troubles), you will be disturbed. But when you know, “you will be with me forever.” So when trouble comes, go down there, find out how you created it and clear the stuff out and come back. Seek and don’t stop until you find. Its the best worst thing that ever happens. And so when trouble comes, you know something wonderful is happening right now! The word for it is “apocatastisis.

If someone takes your parking space, say apocatastisis! Something wonderful is happening right now! It is the constant awareness of ever unfolding good. It keeps your vibration up to know this.

A CEO in Detroit dreamed of raising big horn cattle. He sold everything he had and left a high salary, power and prestige behind. He bought land in Oklahoma, but there was no water on it. He went to his spiritual mentor, who told him, “Apocatastisis. (Something wonderful is happening right now.)” He started drilling for water and soon had spent all his money without finding it. His mentor again told him, “Apocatastisis.” He spent all he could borrow from the bank, and from family and friends. No water. He was desperate. Again his adviser told him, “Apocatastisis.” With only enough money left for one or two more drills, he hit oil! The largest strike in Oklahoma ever. He never did find water, but now he can truck in all he wants for his herd. Apocatastisis.

Years ago I was on the beach in Maui listening to an interview with Warren Buffet. When asked when he might retire, he said, “Retire?! Everyday I get to do work I love with people I cherish.” It is the constant awareness of ever unfolding good. Apocatastisis! Something good is happening right now! God bless you!
